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Saturday, March 08, 2025

News Weakly - 3/8/2025

(Sorry about the brevity. I've been traveling this week.)

Say No to Moms
In case you hadn't heard, Wisconsin is pushing to eliminate mothers. Well, to redefine them as "inseminated persons." In order to be "more inclusive." Thus, "father" and "husband" and "wife" are also out. Gotta be "inclusive." So, remember, "Mother's Day" is out this May 11. Happy Inseminated Person's Day. And say goodbye to rational biology.

Values Clarification
Michael Moore is upset because deporting illegal immigrant children might be deporting someone who could have cured cancer. Given his strident stand on abortion, apparently none of the children killed in the womb could be as important.

Women's Rights
Because of our inability to separate "sex" and "gender" and can no longer define "woman," our government keeps working hard to strip women (actual women) of their just rights and protections. Science leaves no question that biological males and biological females are biologically different, but the Senate blocked protections for female athletes by insuring biological males (sex) who identify as females (gender) can continue to eliminate women's sports. "Thinking themselves to be wise, they became fools" (Rom 1:22).

Your Best Source for Fake News
Recent writings discover that Paul had so many shipwrecks because he failed to pray for traveling mercies. That explains a lot. In international news, Germany is committing to 100% electric vehicle terror attacks by 2035. And in medical news, a doctor says he'll be able to make a better diagnosis after he reviews a scan ... of your insurance benefits.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


David said...

Say No to Moms
That is just so cringy. And cold. It boils them down to just their biology and makes the whole thing unfeeling and clinical. I hope this one fails faster than pregnant people did.

Values Clarification
Why bother with any sort of consistency when you can simply be upset by whatever hobby horse you want to follow?

Women's Rights
And you know that it is a losing issue when even Gavin Newsom agrees that pitting boys and men against girls and women is unfair. But we are no longer in a time where both parties want similar goals by different means. So even common sense, 90/10 positions will be fought against simply because the other side wants it.

Your Best Source For Fake News
I wouldn't have guessed that from Paul. Maybe that was his thorn in the flesh, a weak prayer life. Good on Germany, saving the environment from fossil fuels is much more important than German lives. Besides, what do they care since they'll all be Arabs by then and there won't be many Germans left. It would be unethical for a doctor to give you a diagnosis that you can't afford to treat.

Lorna said...

Say No to Moms
Replacing “mother” with “inseminated person” overlooks two groups of women becoming mothers while not necessarily having been inseminated: those using IVF to conceive and those becoming mothers through adoption (or even foster care). In addition, “inseminated person” is not an accurate replacement for “mother” because a woman can be inseminated (innumerable times, in fact) but not conceive and/or deliver a baby (i.e. become a mother) from any of it. So, “inseminated person” and “mother” are not interchangeable. Once again, someone is not thinking things through completely.

Values Clarification
Michael Moore makes a stupid argument indeed. Can’t those deported illegal immigrant children go on to cure cancer (his hypothetical example) from their own homeland? (Do only U.S. citizens do good things like that??) And yes, don’t even think about the snuffed-out lives of aborted babies.