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Saturday, March 01, 2025

News Weakly - 3/1/2025

Gender Confusion
Nikki Hiltz made the news by winning five consecutive 1,500-meter titles in women's track. We're first introduced to Nikki as "transgender" and "non-binary," so it may raise some hackles that "they" (her pronoun of choice) were ("were"? "was"? How do we manage English plural verb tenses when we're using plural pronouns for single people?) even allowed to compete. But ... it turns out that Nikki Hiltz was born female and is competing in women's sports and there's no harm and no foul. Except ... this biological female identifies as "trans" and "non-binary" while competing as a biological female, and now we're all ... gender confused.

Paying for Extras
Denny's has joined the Waffle House in charging extra ... if you order just about anything on their breakfast menu. You can go for breakfast, but if you want eggs it's gonna cost you. "Come for breakfast. Stay for indebtedness." Eggs aren't good for you ... financially.

The Price of Pain
An Arizona woman has been awarded $7.25 million for a spine injury received while exiting a ride at Universal Studios Hollywood. I've always wondered how they arrive at these numbers. The sum included $250,000 for medical expenses and $7 million for pain and suffering. How is that calculated? It's not for lost wages or any other definable metric. (One website I looked at said with treatment the pain could last 3 to 5 months.) What it really seems to be is, "Universal has money, so we should take it."

For All Those Scared People
I know. Trump is scaring a lot of people. it's the end of the world as we know it. All that. But ... a federal judge blocked Trump's plan to fire probationary federal employees. So? The system is still working. The badly broken justice system and the nearly disabled legislative system are still balancing the very scary executive branch. Besides, you know Who is really in control, right?

Your Most Trusted Source for Fake News
Trump and Zelensky met in Washington (true story), prompting the Bee to report on Zelensky's bold new strategy of insulting the people he's begging for money. Elsewhere, Trump met with the UK's PM (actual story), and the Bee wrote how Trump assured him that England is still his favorite Muslim country. In unrelated news, biblical scholars are now saying that Paul's thorn in the side was likely his neighbor's leaf blower. I think we might all be able to sympathize.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


David said...

Gender Confusion
It used to be that words were meant to make communication easier, but now it seems their purpose is to make things more confusing.

Paying For Extras
Should have been Paying For Eggsrtas. It's amazing they've waited this long. Though I wish they'd do it the other way too. If I want something removed from my order, i.e. onions, I should have to pay less.

The Price of Pain
I've never understood how you put a price on pain. How is one person's pain worth more than another's? If something criminal happened, then make it some sort of punitive fine if that's what you want. But is paying for subjective "pain and suffering" justice?

For All Those Scared People
They were fine with it when Biden was ignoring the judges. They were happy to consolidate more power into the executive as long as our side promised not to use that power. Now that Trump is using it, they're calling foul. I can't understand why so many of us are willing to applaud our guy and denounce the other guy when he does the same thing. Cognitive dissonance is such a confusing thing to me.

Lorna Bernard said...

Gender Confusion
Yes, it sounds like Nikki Hiltz is as confused as we all are about her, as she claims to be both “trans” and “nonbinary” yet competes in women’s sports (doesn’t “trans” imply she is not a woman??). She has a female romantic partner, who identifies as “gay” and not “trans” or “nonbinary,” which means that the partner considers Nikki to be a woman (i.e. a fellow lesbian), but Nikki doesn’t. Wow, what a deep hole has been dug.

Paying for Extras
Everyone is complaining about the price of eggs, but to me they are still a dietary bargain (and always have been). Many people I know don’t even cook themselves eggs very much anyway but prefer to have DoorDash bring them cold fast food (now there’s a good value! ;).

The Price of Pain
I’m surprised the medical expenses in this case were only $250,000; I would expect that the $7 million was awarded to cover that!

For All Those Scared People
Yeah, Trump is scaring me right now, as his aggressive “off with their heads” executive orders have gotten too close to home for my tastes (i.e. IRS employees and national parks staff, just off the top of my head).

Your Most Trusted Source for Fake News
As usual, the Bee is my most trusted source for real laughs!

Stan said...

David, after all that "Trump is an existential threat to democracy" talk before the election, I recently heard the obvious outcome. Someone was telling me that, now that Trump was democratically elected, perhaps democracy is a bad system of government. Apparently lthe only good system of government is the one that does whatever I think it should.
(And I liked the "Paying for the Eggstras.")

Lorna said...

David, I should have thought of "eggstras"--even if Stan didn't! Good one (I mean egg-celent :)!

Craig said...

Gender confusion, or not.

Happy to see young women standing up.