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Saturday, July 06, 2024

News Weakly - 7/6/2024

I apologize up front. We've been traveling this week and keeping up with the news while on the road and visiting people has been "iffy" at best. Besides that, how much real news has happened this week?

A judge ruled against a Biden administration rule that forbids discrimination on the basis of gender identity in healthcare. Not gender; gender identity. May I just say, "Duh!" If you cannot discriminate in healthcare on the basis of gender identity, then the transgender "woman" with a penis would be right for suing a doctor for refusing to do a pap smear (actually happened). When "I want" overrules reality, there is no end to the insanity that can ensue.

Never Say Die
The news has been all over the Trump/Biden debate all week. The primary story has remained, "Will he stay or will he go?" Democrats are saying that Joe should go while Joe vows to keep running despite eroding support. Democrat Representative Jared Golden has affirmed Trump will win and he's okay with it. Speculation puts Kamala Harris as Biden's replacement (Can they do that? Just assign whomever they wish?) complete with attack ads targeting a possible Harris run while news surfaces about Harris's election team considering a "white man" for her VP. So far, no good.

What a cute little BeeBee!
A little too close this time. The Bee's story is about how Democrats are leaning toward keeping Biden in the race because reprinting all those pre-filled ballots would be too much work. Ouch! More on politics, the headline reads, "'Trump will imprison his political opponents!' says the guy trying to imprison his political opponent." Is it satire when it's true?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

David said...


I saw a clip of South Park making fun of this very idea. A trans character is asking for a pregnancy test and getting angry and offended when the doctor won't do it because he can't get pregnant. The things media made fun of 10 years ago has become reality.

Never Say Die

I think they're pushing for Harris to run simply because of all the campaign funding that has been donated to Biden. If he steps down, that money can't go to anyone else but Harris. And the way their convention works, they don't seem to have a mechanism for changing their internal votes this close to the end. They have to bite the bullet and hope Harris does better as President than she has as VP.