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Saturday, July 27, 2024

News Weakly - 7/27/2024

A Different Flight of Stairs
Of course, the big news early this week was that Biden dropped out of the race ... 107 days before the election. A new record. He has endorsed Kamala (no surprise) who assures us she intends to "earn and win" the Democratic nomination. She might win it, but she hasn't earned it in office (think "Border Czar," for instance, and her penchant for confused, meaningless speeches), so I don't know how she thinks she'll "earn" it in a matter of weeks. She would not be an improvement on Biden. We'll keep an eye out and a prayer going. (Especially since Gavin Newsom is a name at the top of the list of other possibilities.)

The Double Standard
One of the big things that Dems hate about Trump was his engaging in false conspiracy theories, say, about how he lost the 2020 election. Of course, when the shoe is on the other foot, Dems dabble in conspiracy theories about the Trump assassination attempt -- "It was staged" -- regardless of evidence or facts. Because, of course, double standards are rampant.

Defending Democracy
Following the Biden exit, Kamala Harris has apparently secured enough delegates to get the Democratic nomination. Mind you, the drumbeat of this presidential season has been, "Trump will destroy democracy." Mind you, no vote has been taken of the Democrats to actually approve of Harris. Mind you, she appears to have "secured enough delegates" simply by being endorsed by her California delegation, the largest in the country. So, take that, democracy. We really have no need of you when we're fighting ... to protect democracy. (The Babylon Bee saw it too with their story, "'Donald Trump Will Destroy Democracy,' Says Party Nominating Candidate No One Voted For.") (More irony in the demand from the BLM (Black Lives Matter) for a "virtual primary" in order to protect democracy ... which the BLM has complained about since their inception.)

Another Conspiracy Shot Down
Biden quelled premature rumors of his demise by speaking this week. Apparently there were lots of concerns that he might have withdrawn from the race by actually dying, as in the Bee story of suspicions being raised when his latest press conference appeared to be shot in Minecraft.

Mixed Messages
On the same day, there was the "breaking news" that the economy grew a "robust 2.8%" in the 2nd quarter and that Nasdaq and S&P registered the worst day since 2022. Are things getting better or aren't they? The world may never know.

Who Would Have Thought?
When places (like California) moved to mandate higher and higher minimum wages to accomplish a "living wage," lots of voices warned it would increase consumer prices, decrease hours, and cause layoffs and store closures. Guess what this recent study found? You guessed it.
Note: For those of you looking for Bee stuff, you should note that I sifted it in with the stories above. If you missed it, look again.


Craig said...

The problem with their claims about the economy and their inflation numbers is that they've recalculated what indicators they use to calculate inflation by removing things that push the numbers higher. They also pretend that the comparison from month to month isn't hiding the vast increase since 2021. When inflation is up significantly since '21, it hardly matters that it's only a small change since last month,.

Finally, they'll tout the preliminary numbers and ignore the corrected numbers when they come out worse.

David said...

It feels like nobody actually has any faith that the Left can win this election and they are simply throwing in a throw away candidate to make way for the next election. Almost like they don't actually believe their own line that Trump will end democracy and become a dictator for life.

Stan said...

And, Craig, one of the most annoying to me, they completely ignore "shrinkflation" which is perhaps the worst inflation we've seen in a long, long time.

It feels like that, doesn't it, David? But it does concern me when Trump tells his approving voters, "You have to get out and vote this November, but you won't ever have to do that again." W-w-w-what?

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Not having it to do again, in context, was voting for him.

Craig said...

Stan, excellent point. The efforts that the Biden administration are going to in order to mask the true inflation rate, and the accurate employment situation seem extreme. It also seems like masking the problems won't help in solving the problems.

I agree that the portion of Trump's comments that got all the press sound incredibly weird. I'd be interested to hear the context before making a judgement. This is one of the things that frustrates me about Trump is is repeatedly doing or saying things that seem counter productive or give his opponents ammunition. I suspect it happens when he goes off script.

David, I agree that the DFL seems to have conceded this election and by pushing Harris as the candidate they clear the deck for "better" candidates in '28. It feels like they believe that if Harris loses, that they can relegate her to the ash heap of history and move on. Strangely enough, I feel similarly about Trump. Win or lose, I'm ready for him to be done and to allow some of the younger, intelligent candidates the chance. However, if he wains, he'll probably do a better job than Harris, so his winning would at least serve two positive purposes. Stopping the policies of Biden, and getting Trump out of the way.

Stan said...

Thanks, Glenn. I've heard multiple explanations from "He's planning to take over the world!!" (perhaps an exaggeration, but you get the idea) to "He just means he plans to make things better" to "I won't be running again in 4 years." He didn't make it clear, and, regardless of what his backers suggest, it was a tone-deaf thing to say with his particular set of enemies listening.

Craig said...

Glenn, I'm with Stan on this one. It's entirely likely that the point he was making was benign as you suggest. But the way he said it gave his opponents ammunition against him. Of course it was out of context, that's what we expect of the DFL and MSM. Trump has a great opportunity, yet these kinds of statements detract from his success, not improve it. He needs every possible vote, and doing/saying things that might cost him votes seems to defeat the purpose of running.