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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Math Dilemma

Enough seriousness for the moment. This one is just for fun.

Okay, there is an error in here (obviously), but see if you can find it. (Note: The "^" symbol means "to the power of", so that "a^2" means "a to the power of 2" or "a squared".)

Let a=b

Thus: a^2=ab

Add a^2 to both sides: a^2 + a^2 = a^2 + ab

Or: 2a^2 = a^2 + ab

Subtract 2ab from both sides: 2a^2 – 2ab = a^2 + ab – 2ab

Or: 2a^2 – 2ab = a^2 – ab

This can be factored to: 2(a^2 – ab) = 1(a^2 – ab)

If you divide both sides by a^2 – ab, you get: 2 = 1


Anonymous said...

“If you divide both sides by a^2 – ab…”

Then you are dividing by zero. Forbidden.

I had an excellent teacher for analysis and for calculus in high school. I remember him doing this on the chalkboard as a warning to us to be careful in proving things.

One of his favorite expressions was, “Don’t put Descartes before de horse.” In 2009 I heard from a former classmate that the teacher is still alive, at around age 85.

Danny Wright said...

You would want to solve the parenthetical problems before dividing at the end I would think. I'm not very good at this. But 2 * 0 = 1* 0.

David said...

My contention has always been that the opening equation is false since A cannot equal B because both A and B are different variables within the same equation. In different equations A might equal B, ie equation 1 A=1 B=2, and equation 2 A=2 B=3, then A=B, but it doesn't work that way. But then, my math skills have never been all that great.

Stan said...

Sorry, David, but a "variable" in math is defined as a "variable". It can be the same numeric value. "Variable" simply means "currently unknown".

Stan said...

Danny was close on that, but Anonymous had the right answer. If a=b, then a^2 - ab = 0. End of the effort.