Michelle Obama is taking the low ground and will not attend Trump's inauguration ... with her husband who will. After all, honoring democracy is only valid when it worked in her favor, and there is no room for "respect the office, not the man" in her line of thinking. Well, that may not be fair. She didn't attend Carter's funeral either. I don't know. She's washing her hair? Nancy Pelosi won't attend either. Now ... who is the anti-democratic side?
Your Trusty Public Source
We're all used to the Internet. We have Google and Wikipedia and endless resources. But ... without regulation, we have endless lies, as well. According to the Wall Street Journal, 20% of jobs on job hunting sites are fake. Nice. We laugh at the Bee as our "trusted source for fake news." The rest of the Internet is our distrusted source.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
We don't know what caused the California fires yet, but it doesn't matter. In today's world we embrace "guilty until proven innocent," as lawsuits are filed against Southern California Edison for causing the wildfires. Hey, let's skip the investigation. The claims tell us all we need to know. Burn 'em to the ground. Oh ... wait ... I think it's too late.
Eyes on the Prize
In the midst of power struggles and daunting national crises, our government is hard at work, making sure that the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" hockey team gets Congressional gold medals. Now that's important. That could solve the Middle East crisis, save the economy, and produce world peace. Genius, people, just genius.
The massive headline reads "Israel and Hamas Reach Ceasefire Deal," but ... not quite. The White House assures us "Biden got it done" while the IDF credits Trump's election with the success. And, as of the writing of this entry, they're still voting on the deal. Not to mention that previous deals have exploded in their faces ... every time. But, let's all cross our fingers, as if that helps, or "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!" (Psa 122:6), which is apparently a more biblical approach.
Your Best Source for Fake News
The Bee reported on an activist liberal judge who released a convicted felon onto the streets of New York City. I laughed at the story of Biden looking forward to retiring at the same farm where Jill sent the family dog. And California Governor Newsom has assured Los Angeles fire victims that he'll be prepared next time now that he knows that water is useful for fighting fires.
Must be true; I read it on the Internet.
It's not exactly surprising though. She apparently wasn't ever proud of this country until they put her husband in the White House. Since we didn't keep him there, what does she have to be proud of now? She can go back to be disgruntled about this hell hole of a country that let's the most diverse range of people have the most money and power this world had ever seen in all of human history.
Your Trusty Public Source
Not that I'd want government regulation of what is true or isn't, online. Prosecute wrongdoing, sure. But we've seen what happens when those in power begin to determine what is true and what is false.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Since there is no objective justice, it makes sense that the founding principle of our justice system would be overwritten. We determine what is right and wrong, so why not leave it to the public to determine guilt or innocence?
Eyes On The Prize
A) Why didn't this happen 40 years ago when it was relevant? B) Didn't they already get their gold medals for winning in the first place? C) The country is falling apart, wars being fought all over, California burns, President Trump's nominees need to be vetted. Why is this even in anyone's radar? Most people alive today weren't even aware of the event, let alone it's significance to a Cold War era America.
The only benefit I can possibly see to a ceasefire is the IDF can regroup and rest for a week. Everything else about this deal is insane. 30 women, children, and elderly, who may or may not be alive, in exchange for 1000 terrorists and 200 murders. How does giving Hamas reinforcements help Israel? Or the remaining roughly 100 hostages?
Your Best Source For Fake News
Makes sense, Democrats are known for releasing convicted felons into society. Even ones they would consider to be Hitler, until they have to sit next to him at a memorial where they can joke like high school boys. "Your dad will be in a better place where he can nap to his heart's content," Jill says to a coked up Hunter. Newsom may now know that water fights fire, but saving the fishes is more important than saving humans, so nothing will change, but now he's wiser for the knowledge.
On Democrats and convicted felons, we just came through Blythe, California. Their primary source of income was a state prison. Newsom closed it this last November. All indications are the town will cease to exist. Why did they close it? To save money. Because the inmate population has dropped. Because they stopped prosecuting crime as much. Because they've released felons into the communities. Because, they say, that's the best way to reform them. Insane.
Because the main purpose of prison is to reform criminals, not punish them or protect society from them. Mindless nonsense.
One has to wonder if all is not well in the P-BO camp. It's sounding like there might be an announcement in the near future.
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