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Monday, January 27, 2025

Too Comfortable

We are humans. We are designed to seek happiness. We don't always know where to find it, but it is built into our system. We like comfort. We enjoy "pleasant." We want things to be okay. So if God doesn't make things okay, we're miffed ... or worse. And the very existence of the uncomfortable, the painful, the unpleasant gives skeptics a reason to doubt the existence of God. I'm not sure that's wise. I'm not sure that even makes sense. Think about it. We all know "No pain, no gain." We know that broken bones heal stronger. We know that tough times make tough people. We know, whether it's actually true or not, "There are no atheists in foxholes." Face it. We love comfort, but it seems as if we need discomfort.

I think comfort can be a problem, especially for believers. We're looking for a condition in which there is only peace, prosperity, easy living. What does that do for us? Well ... it makes us complacent. We tend to become lethargic. We might, in essence, tell God, "Don't worry; I got this." We are beings built for a different existence. We are sojourners and exiles (1 Peter 2:11), strangers on earth (Heb 11:13). Peter says because this world is not our home, we must "abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul" (1 Peter 2:11). Because getting comfortable in this world places us in jeopardy. We actually fare better under fire (James 1:2-4; Rom 5:3-5). In the midst of "tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword," we are "more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Rom 8:35-37).

This world really is not our home. But ... if it's comfortable, well, we can wait. We're fine right here, thanks. It's not necessarily wrong to want pleasant circumstances. It's essential, though, that we are grateful for them, that we glorify God in them, and that we don't demand them. We are actually better off in trials because there we are forced to rely on God ... which is our best place to be. Comfort makes us happy where we are. The unpleasant makes us look toward heaven. Sometimes "comfortable" isn't a good thing. We need to be careful not to make it a demand, a god.


David said...

It's this view that makes me think that we won't be lazing around on clouds playing harps for eternity. I think we will still be working, but it will be pleasant work, not toil with a planet fighting against us.

Stan said...

Maybe. I believe, as God works, He has designed us to work. I'm absolutely certain we won't be misguided in heaven looking for the god of comfort over the God who is.

Lorna said...

My response to your post today is colored a bit by a nasty bout of bronchitis on my part (exacerbated by exuberant cheering for The Birds yesterday :), but my illness is a perfect reminder to me that our desire for comfort no doubt stems partly from an idealistic internal longing to be at peace with God and our environment--to enjoy that blessed existence He had in mind for Adam & Eve…and for me. Even with the Fall, God is using our current suffering as part of our sanctification process--making us more Christlike until we are glorified. So, as you say, the suffering we experience in this life can give us great hope--for Paradise restored (Rom. 8:18)--but only for those whose hope is the Lord.

Stan said...

Perfect example. Our difficulties make us long for heaven.

Stan said...

I hope the bronchitis is on its way out.