For as long as there has been the Church, there has been a counterfeit. Most of the New Testament was written to address counterfeits, false teachings, error. So it's not a new thing that we have counterfeit Christianity today. And it shouldn't be a surprise. Today's world doesn't know what to think when they hear the word, "Christian." Most Christians don't know what to think. Is it a moral code? Is it a political movement? Is it a social justice structure? Maybe it's just "What I was born into." If you look at our entertainment media, you'll see Christianity portrayed in all sorts of ways ... that aren't Christianity. It's a group of pinched-faced people out to snuff out fun. It's a gathering of slack-jawed idiots that have created a belief system for themselves that is false, but makes them feel better. It's a namby-pamby group who roll with the tides of common culture as if there's some reality to it ... but proving by their rolling that there isn't.
Christianity is one thing. It's faith in Christ's death and resurrection (1 Cor 15:3-8) by which He paid for sin (Matt 20:28; Gal 3:13) and saved those who repent and believe. It is fundamentally a changed heart (2 Cor 5:17), a new birth (John 3:3-15). It isn't a moral system; that's a product of this new birth. It isn't a political movement or a social welfare system. That's an outcome, but not the definition. It isn't something we do (Eph 2:8-9), but it does include works as a result (Eph 2:10). It isn't actions, although the faith that makes it so is demonstrated in deeds (James 2:14-20).
In the end, Christianity is a new person living a new life by a new Spirit, a product of Christ's work and God's ongoing efforts. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col 1:27). Let's not get lost in counterfeits. What we need -- what the world needs -- is changed hearts, not better rules, behavior, or movements. We need to do the things commanded by God, but in such a way that God gets the glory (Matt 5:16). We don't act as Christians. We are Christians ... by new birth.
It's difficult for us to separate the actions of Christians from Christianity. Because changed hearts produce changed lives, and all other religions teach good works salvation, Christianity gets buried under legalism. But as long as God retains His remnant, the truth of Christianity will be maintained, even if by only a few.
“Counterfeit Christianity” must be Satan’s most successful ruse. There is sufficient beneficial influence made on society by the lookalike entity to fool many onlookers and to lull the participants into that complacency you mentioned yesterday. Unfortunately, though, without the Holy Spirit’s transformative work in the human heart, those “tares” will see destruction (Matt. 13:30).
“…Christianity is a new person living a new life by a new Spirit.” -- A gem of a summation that describes exactly “what the world needs”! (And it’s the perfect message for the “Advent” season.)
Yes, it is exactly the confusion of cause and effect that is the problem. Changed hearts make changed lives. Acting differently doesn't make a changed heart.
He started that one back in the Garden. "Did God say..."
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