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Saturday, September 07, 2024

News Weakly - 9/7/2024

Anti-Market Forces
Kamala's plan is to control prices to make your life better. Not business's lives -- yours. I guess Gavin Newsom would have been a good VP choice for her. He's calling a special session to get California lawmakers to figure out how to reduce gas prices. Mind you, gas prices are largely based on cost, and California gas prices are often higher because California requires extra processing ... more cost. So Newsom, like Harris, would like to regulate the market. Regulation can prevent malfeasance (price gouging, monopolies, etc.), but it can also damage supply and demand, drop quality, and diminish research and development. I think it's a scary place to go.

Medical Alert!!
UNICEF has issued an emergency tender calling for mpox vaccines. There's a crisis! Mind you, WHO says the primary risk is from sexual contact, particularly same-sex sexual contact. You know, if we had a vaccine for that, it might be a good thing.

About Face
Back in 2020, Oregon legalized drugs. All kinds. Oh, small amounts, but legal. Now they're recriminalizing them. (Is that even a word?) Because how could decriminalizing heroin or other hard drugs be a bad thing? I suppose the question is how could it have been a good idea?

Where "Kill 'Em All" is Not Hate Speech
Meta is the company originally called Facebook. Meta has determined that "from the river to the sea" -- a call to remove the nation of Israel entirely -- is not hate speech. No, no, it's a friendly handshake and a pat on the back -- "Here's your hat; what's your hurry?" They say it's a call for Palestine to be free, but a "free Palestine" requiring the elimination of the entire Jewish nation is more like genocide than "freedom." Which demonstrates clearly where Meta stands on genocide.

Reasons to Question AI
When asked, Amazon's AI assistant, Alexa, said she couldn't give advice on how to vote or say something bad about a person ... unless it was Kamala Harris. Then she had all sorts of reasons to vote for her ("She's so wonderful") and warnings about the bad character of Trump. Which led the Babylon Bee to report one case where she said, "If you vote for Trump, I will kill you in your sleep." Amazon says errors caused it.

In Another Twist
I've seen cases where individuals sue to get their name on a ballot, but this one is different. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is suing Wisconsin to get his name off their presidential ballot. It is likely, of course, that leaving his name on the ballot will divide votes in Wisconsin, considered a battleground state, so I'm sure it's in the best interests of the Democrats to keep his name there, and not out of fairness or a keen concern for democracy.

Guns in the Crosshairs
We've all heard about the tragic school shooting in Georgia. We're not supposed to say it, but our prayers are with those families. The Bee reported that the FBI said they were just about to arrest the Georgia student who killed four this week, but they had to take care of a few dangerous pro-life protesters first.

In Place of the Bee
Honestly, I wasn't very impressed with the Bee this week (I stuck a couple in the stories above), so I'll give you a few dad jokes to try out at home. I apologize in advance.
Charles Babbage is considered to be the father of the computer. PCs refer to him as "data."

Where do pirates get their hooks? At second hand stores, of course.

The Democrats like to sell themselves as "green," but clearly the greenest presidents we ever had were the Bushes.

If you make a beehive with no holes and put bees in it, would that be unbelievable?

I met a girl at the gym and asked to see her again. She didn't show. I guess we aren't going to work out.

Shouldn't we call "mugshots" something more like "cellfies"?
And, again, I apologize. Have a nice day.


Lorna said...

Hey, Stan, don’t apologize for the Dad Jokes. It’s always good to begin one’s weekend with a good laugh.

Here’s a few I came across recently. The first is a line from an elderly stand-up comic’s act:

I’ve been a widower for a while now, and I think I’m ready to begin dating again. Fortunately, there is a dating site just for people my age; it’s called “Carbon Dating.”

Two silk worms were in a race. It ended in a tie.

My neighbor rang my door bell at 3:00 a.m. Can you believe it?! Luckily, I was up playing my drums.

David said...

Anti-Market Forces
If you come from a worldview that says that a government of good, smart people can fix all our woes, then of course you want the government to control everything. Of course, the only way to hold to that idea is to ignore the fact that there are no good, smart people in government.

Medical Alert!
I agree, I wouldn't mind seeing a vaccine for preventing homosexuality.

About Face
Sure, if you decriminalize something, less people will be in trouble with the law, but then more people are going to participate in something that was illegal for a reason, namely because it's bad for you and society.

Where "Kill 'Em All" Is Not Hate Speech
I can't imagine the mental gymnastics people have to go through to not understand the goal of "from the river to the sea".

Reasons To Question AI
It's almost like AI is limited to what the programmer teaches it. It is sad though because of Zuckerberg's recent regret for Meta's actions in the last election. Guess they haven't learned their lesson.

In Another Twist
And it's so confusing why only battleground states are keeping his name on the ballot (end sarcasm). So much for "democracy".

Guns In The Crosshairs
It seems suspect to me that the anti-gun folks only get their loudest when schools get shot by non-transgender people. Let's go ahead and ignore the fact that more people died by gun violence in major cities every day. It's almost like guns aren't the culprit, just all England. And I wouldn't be surprised if he gets less of a sentence than some recent pro-life demonstrators.

In Place Of The Bee
No need to apologize for being funny.