Okay ... confused again. Why is the
Midwest Emergent Gathering having the
eBay Atheist speak at their conference on "how to create a missional faith community"? And why would a self-proclaimed Christian organization wonder why the rest of us are seriously concerned when they draw some of their direction from an anti-Christian?
I would be ... but it's not funny.
This just proves conclusively what the emergent church is really all about.
You've written on the dangers of allowing post-modern culture to creep into how we interpret the Bible and how we conduct our worship - some very valid concerns from those of us who believe God is truth.
All they've done here is to take the "stealth" approach out of the mix - and just declare outright that they are unapologetically continuing to bow to today's culture. We really shouldn't be all that surprised, it's the inevitable next step in the surrender process.
Oh, more stuff to shake my head about. Earlier it was a nice long essay about how Christian men should spank their wives. The joys of being lumped in together with nuts because they choose to hijack the name of Christ.
OK, that is perhaps off topic, but I'm weary of the nuts. And of defending my faith from people who use these nuts as examples of what I supposedly believe.
Exactly my complaint in this post. I'm tired of defending myself against beliefs I don't have because of the nuts who classify themselves as my ally.
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