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Saturday, July 13, 2024

News Weakly - 7/13/2024

File Under "Crazy California"
California's ballot is ... interesting. Californians banned same-sex marriage in their constitution in 2008, but the court banned Californians from doing so, so now they want to change the current amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman to read "The right to marry is a fundamental right" where "marry" goes undefined and should, if logic was to be followed, soon include marrying your dog, your pillow, or 13 other people. They are voting on borrowing $10 billion on climate programs ... because they're already broke. They are voting on banning "forced labor in any form" ... which would (no kidding) include prisoners. I guess they'll have to be paid minimum wage and not required to work. They want to make repeat shoplifting a felony ... but won't arrest them if it's less than $1000. Makes perfect sense ... to someone somewhere. What we've come to expect from California, I suppose.

Journalistic Softball
A talk radio station in Pennsylvania landed an interview with Joe Biden last week. The host, as it turned out, agreed (without the station's knowledge) to ask only the questions provided by the Biden campaign. They fired her. No notion of holding the candidate accountable. No idea of asking what listeners might want to hear. No concern about trust. She just went with the softballs offered by the campaign. Oh, and, no, she had no bias ... obviously. The separation was "mutual." Because "We both know that was the wrong thing to do."

The Next Step in Lawfare
The Supreme Court granted that a president performing official acts is immune from criminal prosecution. So Chuck Schumer and the Democrats are working on legislation to strip the court's ruling and Trump's immunity. Because the goal of all legal and legislative action these days is to cut Donald Trump off at the knees. "We're going to make our opinions law to suit our preferences. Sure, maybe we'll have to rescind it when we do the same thing, but ..." Thanks, Mr. Schumer, for your service. If the Justice Department can't take down their opponents, perhaps they can make new laws that will.

Nothing To See Here
After successfully shutting down Elon Musk's exorbitant pay package from Tesla in court (effectively undercutting the concept of capitalism), lawyers asked for an exorbitant pay package. The case will be heard in court Monday. A single Tesla stockholder (with 9 shares of stock) filed suit against Musk's pay package and won. The lawyers demanded a $7 billion compensation in Tesla stock. "No, your pay is too much," they successfully argued in court, "but we should be allowed whatever we ask. You can't have the money Tesla wanted to pay you, but we should." Nope! No double standard here!

The Irony Is Strong With This One
New York is putting a constitutional amendment on their ballot for November. Termed an "equal rights" amendment, the aim is to secure abortion rights (read "no equal rights for unborn children") and protect "gender identity" and "gender expression" (read, "We don't care what your religious views are; you will follow our views on this" and "You will have to let your children choose their gender and you will pay for it."). It falls right in line with "Some are more equal than others."

Truth in Reporting
The headlines say that the House has passed a bill to ban noncitizens from voting in federal elections. The headlines are a lie. Noncitizens have not been able to legally vote in federal elections since 1996. Just to be clear. This law from the House is to require ID's that prove citizenship, not a ban on noncitizen voting (which was already in place). Don't be fooled by the hype ... from either side. We have a highly questionable source of information these days. It's called "the media" -- news, social, or otherwise.

From Bee to Shining Bee
Democrats, scrambling to bolster Biden's chances of election, are warning of a terrifying fascist state where government shrinks and people can afford groceries. "An unspeakable, horrifying hellscape," said Chuck Schumer. Meanwhile Obama is reassuring the nation that he's still running the country. In other news, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is blaming the spike in violent crimes on 19th century monks who invented gunpowder. Ah! It's so clear, now. And one observation from Genesius Times on the possible replacement of Biden with Kamala Harris story. The headline is "In order to save democracy we must replace the democratically-nominated candidate with someone no one voted for." Ah, those pesky Dems, eh?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


David said...

File Under "Crazy Californians"

In what way is marriage a right? What is the hope of this accomplishing? Gay "marriage" is already legal, California was doing it before it became federal. It sounds like a hope to allow the expansion of marriage to all sorts of insane things, including children. And thanks for the token gesture on working against crime. They already don't prosecute or even arrest for shoplifting, how will interesting the penalty of a non-enforced crime going to change anything?

Journalistic Softball

I don't know if it was the same radio station, but I also heard that the White House contacted a radio station to have them redact one of their interviews with Biden to remove his gaffs.

The Next Step In Lawfare

Politicians become extremely short-sighted during election season, even more so than they are the rest of the time. They only want to do things that will help their side and hurt the other side without asking how this or that rule can be used against them later.

Nothing To See Here

I'm lost, how was the shareholder hurt by Musk getting paid a ton of money? Or is he asking for that money to be divided amongst all the shareholders? I think not. As soon as people realize they can vote (or sue) to take money from others and give it to themselves, our country has failed.

The Irony Is Strong With This One

Ah, New York, just as insane as California.

Truth In Reporting

The claim is that noncitizens already can't vote, except their are already states trying to put in laws that will allow noncitizens to vote in federal elections but not state elections. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." It's unbelievable that the thought of making this rule as being even close to necessary is insane.

Stan said...

Just for clarity, no state constitution allows noncitizens to vote in state or local elections. Seven states prohibit it outright. DC and some cities allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. But it is against federal law for noncitizens to vote in federal elections (president, senate, house, etc.).

Craig said...

Am I crazy, or is the notion of passing a law in 2024 to make something Trump did years ago illegal, something that makes sense? Can they really make something retroactively illegal?

Stan said...

Sure ... if they write it that way. "And always has been illegal." We're not concerned about logic, truth, or justice here.

Craig said...

Got it. We're just throwing out those things in pursuit of a political vendetta.