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Thursday, July 06, 2023

Refiner's Fire

According to God's Word, humans are dead in sin (Eph 2:1). Now, obviously, that doesn't mean physically dead; it's spiritual. So we have a problem that needs to be addressed. It needs to be addressed outside of our own capabilities ... since we're dead. That work is accomplished by the Holy Spirit, and His primary tool is the Word. When that moment of new life comes, we begin a journey from dead to living, from hostile to God (Rom 8:7) to loving God, from blind (2 Cor 4:4) to seeing. And our best tool is the Word.

We have this tendency, however. Once we're in, we have a sense that we've arrived. The longer we're in the more we're sure we've arrived. Think about it. You're an unbeliever, ladened with all the world's ideas and values. You come to Scripture and read about a wholly different version of life. "Wait," you might say, "we are 'saved by grace through faith' (Eph 2:8)? We're saved 'not of works' (Eph 2:9)? I always believed that you get what you earn, that good people go to heaven. This is different." And your thinking (if the Spirit moves) is refined. "So, now I need to ... what ... repent and believe." So you do, and your thinking adjusts. But you haven't arrived. You read again, now with new light, and see that we were "created in Christ Jesus for good works" (Eph 2:10). "Oh, now, that's different. I thought we were free from works, but apparently the necessary result of 'repent and believe' is good works." And your thinking, again, is refined. You read that God may grant repentance (2 Tim 2:25) and that the only way we believe is if God grants it (John 6:64-65). "Hang on! I thought repentance and faith were things I brought to the table. Apparently I was just exercising gifts God gave me." And your thinking, again, is refined. And on and on.

We have this tendency to think we've arrived when we haven't. We are constantly under God's refining fire, always having error burned off. It is a lifelong process, not a one-time event. So when you come across a Scripture that says something that disagrees with your thinking, you have a few options. You can disregard it ... which would be your worst option. You can twist it until it fits in your current thinking ... which isn't a lot better. Or you can accept it from the hand of God and fit it in with the rest of Scripture to further refine your thinking (Rom 12:2). You can cling to potentially false ideas and ignore God's Spirit speaking through God's Word, or you can allow God to refine you more and more. Of course, if you choose the former rather than the latter, it just means a hotter fire will be required.


David said...

Unfortunately, I imagine most people that are twisting passages to fit their beliefs, believe they are accepting the passage along with the rest of Scripture. They're the type that will say that an opposing view that arises from Scripture is actually unbiblical, not merely a bad understanding of the passage.

Craig said...

Now I've got the cheesy song stuck in my head, thanks.

I do think that the notion of being refined by fire, scares most of us. The notion of being melted down so that our impurities can be removed sounds pretty extreme and painful. It might even sound like having a part of our life that we really like, removed. I know that the process turns out making us better, but that doesn't mean it isn't a little frightening.

Stan said...

Exactly, David.

Of course, Craig, it is frightening. It wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't, right? So this fear can be a means to direct us to the safest place to be -- in the arms of our Savior -- rather than a less-than-safe "running from God's work" ... which would be more frightening, right?

Craig said...


I agree that our fear should drive us to Jesus, but much like Jonah, I'm not sure that's how we always react.

Anonymous said...

Stan, That was so well stated! Thank you for the good reminder—and warning—in your final sentence!

Speaking of heat—is it hot enough for you in AZ right now?! Honestly, the temperatures in the 10-day forecast for Phoenix should be illegal! ;)


Stan said...

Yes, Craig, something to work on.

Lorna, it's just right in AZ right now ... for my wife and I. I find it odd that people who live in the desert complain because it's hot in the desert. My wife and I actually enjoy it in the 100's. You know ... it's a dry heat. Like in your oven. :)