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Saturday, July 22, 2023

News Weakly - 7-22-23

Unequal Treatment
When George Bush touted "Mission Accomplished" after the fall of Baghdad, the media laughed. I mean, look, we were at war until ... what ... 2022? What a joke! So why isn't the media laughing at Biden's "Russia has already lost the war in Ukraine" remarks? Oh, yeah, I forgot. The media is tied to the Left. (Does anyone actually believe in an unbiased media anymore?)

Say Goodbye
The story is out that Disney has decided to go politically correct on their live-action retelling of Snow White. It's not a big deal that they cast a Latina for the starring role, but now they've decided to eliminate the seven dwarfs. They will be 7 ... creatures of mixed genders and ethnicities. They'll be humanish, but not actually human. Disney tells its audience, "We will tell you how to think and you will pay us well for doing so." I say "Goodbye" to Disney.

What Could Go Wrong?
Illinois has become the first state to eliminate cash bail. Instead, if a judge feels they pose a threat, the judge can simply require them to avoid a person or place, because, as we all know, people will certainly not violate the rules. The reason, they say, is that it is unfair to low-income people. So I'm pretty sure if we can make it easier for people with less money to walk free then they will be fine, upstanding citizens causing no further harm because they are no longer held accountable. Makes sense.

Unusual Civil Liberties
The Secret Service concluded its investigation into the cocaine found at the White House without a resolution because they didn't conduct interviews. They couldn't interview everyone because it was too much work and "might infringe upon civil liberties" ... which, apparently, includes taking coke into the White House without consequences.

A Hot Town
Phoenix, AZ, is making news with their record heat. They've broken a couple of record highs, but the real story is straight days above 110°F. Saturday will be Day 23. The forecast is for 29 straight days. Mind you, it is a desert and it is summer, but what is most heartbreaking is the fact that so many people who hate this kind of heat are forced against their wills to stay here and endure it. So sad.

Pointing Fingers
Three women in Texas testified against the Texas abortion ban. They testified that doctor's delayed care because they were unclear on the law. Texas argues that the doctors are the problem, not the law. In Texas, doctors can perform "medically necessary abortions." These women blame "the people who support these bans." Life, you see, is just really not that precious.

Hard to Beelieve
Hollywood's writers strike has entered its 3rd month, proving that the world doesn't need more Hollywood. In Washington, President Biden blamed the White House cocaine on the black guy who lived there before. Given the success of the Sound of Freedom movie about an agent who went rogue to save some kids who had been abducted for sex and the outrage from the Left against such things, this story from the Bee was nearly not funny. It was about how journalists were calling Amber Alerts for abducted children a "QAnon-adjacent conspiracy." I might have laughed if it wasn't so close to true, so sad, and so evil (and not on the part of the Bee).

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


Doug said...

Say goodbye - I said goodbye to Disney along time ago. As far as I’m concerned, they are a demonically controlled juggernaut that is an enemy of a moral society. A highly paid a powerful corrupter of our children in the name of fun and family.

I’m pretty sure if Walt was alive and still had the ability, he would euthanize his namesake creation for the shame that it has become.

This egregious snow white thing shows that they are no longer even trying to hide their agenda.

Doug said...

My apologies, I misunderstood, mixed genders to mean individuals having he/him/her/she/they/it/whatever, multisexual individuals,. My prejudice against Disney expected that sort of thing from them.

I would move my response down a notch. At least remove egregious from my last paragraph.

It appears they have not quite come out of the closet for their intentions, yet.

Craig said...

I've also said goodbye to Disney. With the exception of the original Jungle Book, my favorite movie of all time.

What is interesting about the whole Dwarf things is that in these kinds of fantasy stories, Dwarfs are not merely short humans, but an entirely different race. It actually seems worse (it'd be demeaning if Dwarfs were real), to portray them as humans of different "normal" heights and races if Dwarfs were a real thing. I get that these are fairy tales and that they aren't real beings so it doesn't really matter who plays them, but seriously take a hint from Peter Jackson about how to do Dwarfs well.

I almost laughed out loud the other day at Al Roker freaking out that the southern part of the US was hot during the summer. At least y'all have a dry heat.

Anonymous said...

Regarding "A Hot Town": You are right; no one is forced to live in Phoenix and endure that heat, I guess. Only crazy people would choose to live there voluntarily! ;)


Stan said...

Doug, the story said "mixed genders." I think it would be naive to think it wasn't just "male" or "female" given the current intellectual crisis of "gender fluidity."

Yes, Lorna, we are the crazy ones here ... which is partly what spawned that "Stay Weird" post. :)

David said...

From what I understand, Disney decided to do away with the dwarfs because of Peter Dinklage. He went on some rant about the portrayal of dwarfs, so now, because of their great king, little people aren't really allowed to play in fantasy movies anymore.

I realized recently why prison and bail have become such a huge crisis point. We no longer see prison as justice, but as a means of reform. And since repeat offenders can't stop offending, prison must not be working, so it should be done away with. We've given up on the idea of justice, on both sides, and are trying to argue over a system that was never meant to do what they want it to do now.

Marshal Art said...

I gotta start with this:

"In Washington, President Biden blamed the White House cocaine on the black guy who lived there before."

That's hilarious!!! I about spit out my tawny port when I read this!!

Unequal Treatment

I just today read an essay by Victor Davis Hanson at "" in which he reminds us of just how Russia has historically waged war. This ain't over and it ain't likely their gonna lose. This will be going on forever, or until we run out of money and arms to send to the Putin wannabe in Ukraine.

Say Goodbye

My daughter will be 28 in November. She was still in the womb when my father-in-law, in a scooter due to ALS, popped for the whole family to spend a week at Disney World. What a great time and for the longest time I had lamented my inability to return with my daughter after her birth. But I would never go now, and not simply because it's so stupidly expensive. How I wish I could've taken her, that I could take our four granddaughters who are the perfect age for going there were it as it used to be.

If Disney had a channel on cable or a streaming service which showed everything the company did prior to twenty years ago or so, I would subscribe for the sake of my grandchildren and nostalgia. So much exceptional content back in the day.

Now, I can barely bring myself to utter the name...and Walt's not to blame!

What Could Go Wrong?

It's been fifteen months now and Illinois continues to hammer me with reasons validating my flight from there. It's incredibly horrible that anyone would assess punishment based on race or degree of wealth. I don't care how poor a person of any race is. Break the law, go to jail or put of bail if you think you're unjustly arrested. It's that simple. If you can't put up the bail, that's unfortunate. But if you did the crime, you deserve all the time you get, even pre-trial.

But this is what comes from voting Democrat. Danger to self. Perhaps y'all have seen this:

Unusual Civil Liberties

Civil liberties aren't suspended because law enforcement needs to interview witnesses or suspects. Dan Bongino laments what would never be a problem for the Secret Service when he was a member protecting Barely Obumble. How did it come to this with that agency?

A Hot Town

It wasn't that long ago...maybe last year...I heard Glenn Beck reporting on record temps throughout modern American history. Areas like AZ are simply experiencing AZ.

Pointing Fingers

They should get fixed. They don't ever deserve the blessing of a child.

Marshal Art said...

David and Craig,

I believe I heard that Dinklage is in the film. I'll have to re-watch the Critical Drinker's review of the film. He hates it, but in blasting it, he's in fine form and the review is highly entertaining. Not for everyone, but he is good at his job.

Craig said...


Given that I don't think the film hasn't been finished yet, I'm surprised it's been reviewed yet.

David said...

Dinklage may be in the film now, but only after he lambasted Disney for doing the movie in the first place and then capitulating to his demands to remove little people from the movie. How heroic and noble if him to accept a role in such a filthy movie for the sake of "his people".

Craig said...

I think Dinklage has done this kind of thing before. It's almost like he wants to be the only "little" actor who gets all of those kinds of roles. He's a good actor, and was perfect for his role in GOT, but he definitely appears opportunistic.

Marshal Art said...


I haven't re-watched the review, but I don't think he's so much reviewing the movie per se, but the concept of creating a "woke" remake for "modern audiences!!" One needn't see the finished product to comment on the publicized plans for butchering a classic story in the manner intended.