What a bizarre story! So, Trump starts deporting illegal immigrants back to their home countries ("repatriation"). You know, "NIMBY" -- Not In My Back Yard. Columbia refuses to accept them. So Trump retaliates with a 25% tariff increase on Columbian goods. And Columbia says, "Oh, wait, we have a failure to communicate. We thought NIMBY meant 'Now In My Back Yard.' By all means, bring them. In fact, we'll fly them ourselves." Or ... something like that.
A Different Authority
Quakers are suing the government because the latest ICE policy won't let them shelter illegal aliens in their churches. Now, I find this odd, given Rom 13:1 and 1 Peter 2:13-14. But, I suppose, these Quakers may not care what God says on the matter. Maybe they are their own authority. "Bible? We don't need no stinkin' Bible."
It Figures
After the catastrophic fire losses in southern California, they're considering letting people sue the oil and gas companies for damages. It was, after all, climate change that caused it ... right? Climate change is only caused by oil and gas companies ... right? And, of course, California's bad management had nothing to do with it ... right? California has always been a trendsetter ... especially in our burgeoning national insanity.
You Keep Using That Word
In the infinite wisdom of the nation of New Zealand, they have granted personhood ... to a mountain. So, a human being in the womb is not a person, but a piece of rock is. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Your Best Source for Fake News
I really enjoy the picture of Adam in the Garden of Eden wearing a t-shirt that says, "There is only one gender." That one went quite well with the report that the number of genders has hit a 10 year low. I'm afraid the Bee is too close to accurate when it tells of the preliminary report that the latest airline crash was the fault of the political party you don't like.
Must be true; I read it on the Internet.
It's funny, the Columbia turn around felt faster than the TikTok reinstatement.
A Different Authority
I was hoping they'd at least make some sort of appeal on humanitarian grounds, but "illegals would be afraid to go to church" is an awful reason. I thought the Quakers were better than that, but I guess the woke mind virus has struck them too. I agree, what ICE is doing doesn't violate God's Word, so there's no biblical grounds for disobedience.
It Figures
What, you expect Democrats to let people blame anyone that is actually responsible for anything? Or to take responsibility for anything?
You Keep Using That Word
How in the laws of physics does a mountain have human responsibilities? They couldn't just make it some sort of protected land like most nations do? And it was a unanimous vote?! People have lost their minds. I wonder if a single one of those politicians read that bill and wondered what those words even meant, but were simply so afraid of the Maori politicians doing another threatening song and dance. Recognizing Maori culture is one thing, but letting them redefine reality is just insane.
A Different Authority
From just the cursory knowledge I have of Quaker beliefs and practices--including understanding God’s Word through their private “Inner Light” rather than solid hermeneutics--I would say that you are right that they think they “don’t need no stinkin’ Bible.” Instead, “trust your heart”--just the way Satan likes it.
You Keep Using That Word
Granting “personhood” to a mountain is so ludicrous, especially in light of the true travesties committed against real people created in God’s image, as you say. I did wonder, when I saw the photo in the article to which you linked: Did that woman get permission from the mountain (no doubt now a Bonafide Rock Star) before taking its photo? Perhaps that thoughtless act on her part invaded its sense of privacy (I’m sure it has one now, as any immense and looming “mountain/person” would). And I guess all future “tourism, hiking and snow sports”--obviously exploitations of this “person’s” private assets--must cease.
Your Best Source for Fake News
The Bee’s t-shirt story cracked me up, but I do find it odd that Adam would hold a belief in “only one gender” after having observed and named all the male/female pairs of animals in the Garden of Eden (and finding himself the only mateless creature). Surely there was only one gender for a very short time--i.e. until Eve was created--but perhaps it was long enough that he thinks of it as “the good old days.” :)
Your humor on the "personhood" of the mountain made me wonder a serious question. Exactly what rights does "personhood" bestow ... on a mountain? The world may never know.
I agree--that is the serious question for sure. The article stated that the mountain’s “legal personality” now possesses “all the rights, powers, duties, responsibilities and liabilities of a person.” That is quite the loaded description! (I bet it won’t pull its weight in society, though--i.e. pay taxes, etc. :) It’s interesting that this “person” actually will have human guardians to ensure “its health and well-being,” so it’s essentially completely dependent. The article also stated that previously in New Zealand, it was “ruled that a river and a stretch of sacred land are people”--so there’s a whole little family of natural features in Kiwi.
In any case, you sure found us a whopper of a News Weakly story!
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