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Saturday, June 22, 2024

News Weakly - 6/22/2024

Unclear on the Concept
The American Civil Liberties Union exists to defend the rights of Americans. So, clearly, you could have guessed that they'd be suing the Biden administration for blocking asylum seekers entering the country illegally. Oh ... wait ... I missed something. What are the American civil liberties they are fighting for here?

What's In A Name?
The Newsweek story says that almost 15,000 people have signed the petition by a "Christian organization," Faithful America, demanding the resignation of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito because he flew a flag upside down. As we all know, flying upside-down flags or believing there might have been voting irregularities violates biblical Christian values. Oh ... wait. First, he denies it all. Second, there is nothing "Christian" (in terms of actual, biblical Christianity) about forcing out a Supreme Court Justice with whom you disagree. What they're really concerned about is the U.S. returning to "a place of godliness" (their phrase) because nothing violates biblical Christianity more than a nation that turns to God, but lying about being followers of Christ doesn't bode well for "Faithful" America. Where's the petition to get them to stop using the term, "Christian"?

No Win Situation
The U.S. government acknowledged the harmful role building dams in the Pacific Northwest caused for Native American tribes while providing electricity, irrigation, and jobs. Now, hang on a second. Isn't hydroelectric power "clean energy"? And isn't that our highest goal these days? Are you suggesting we were "saving the planet" by harming its occupants?? Or what?

(Yes, I made that word up. While "migrancy" refers to the fact that people migrate, I made up this one in reference to the people who do.) Christian Inga ticked off all the right boxes. Illegally entered the U.S. from Ecuador ... check. Entered with a 3-year-old child ... check. Arrested (in 2021) and released pending court appearance ... check. So why are people upset that he kidnapped two 13-year-old girls, threatened them with a machete, and raped one? Doesn't his "migrant" status absolve him? Hey, he had a kid! Shouldn't that give him a "get out of jail and ... why not ... American citizenship" card? (I'm asking you, ACLU.) We can't call them illegal immigrants, but I don't know why.

Who Would Have Thunk It?
The UN, clearly and continually showing fairness and favor toward Israel, is suggesting that Israel "violated the laws of war" by using bombs in civilian areas. Mind you, there is no place in Gaza that is not a "civilian area." And Hamas has openly declared that all Palestinians are combatants, either as fighters or shields. And the government of Gaza has as part of its governing mandate the elimination of Israel. And, of course, every war from the beginning of time has included the use of weapons in "civilian areas." But if Israel has the audacity to try to protect itself from attacks (launched from "civilian areas") with anything more than one hand tied behind their backs and pointy sticks, then, by golly, they're in trouble now!

Celebrating Murder
We had Memorial Day to remember those who gave their lives fighting for our freedom and just had "Juneteenth" to commemorate the final culmination of the Emancipation Proclamation and we have Independence Day coming up to celebrate our independence as a nation, so should we be surprised that Kamala Harris is planning to go to Phoenix to celebrate the anniversary of Roe v Wade to remind us that 65 million children have been killed and she considers that a good thing? As a Phoenician, I'm begging her not to show up here to celebrate mass murder on that scale. As a voter, I want to know why anyone would vote for such a ticket. While I'm pretty sure she doesn't care what I wish, I am shocked at the numbers of people who agree with her. "65 million is not enough!"

If You Don't Have Somewhere to Bee
The Bee reports that scientists are torn on whether to blame this latest heat wave on climate change, Trump, or white supremacy. First world problems. (Note: They're blaming climate change and not, say, "summer".) On the upcoming Biden/Trump debate, new rules will include the right of moderators to zap Trump with cattle prods whenever they want. I can see that. And, referring to Biden's plan to meet with the pope, the headline was "President Pretending To Be Catholic Meets Pope Pretending To Be Catholic," which seems less like satire and more like real ... on this fake news site.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


David said...

Unclear on the concept

Since they see that anyone standing on American soil as an American, or anyone that wants to be in America to be an American, then that adds up. It's not rationally defensible in any way, but since only "their truth" matters, they'll do at they please.

What's in a name

I'll admit that I don't really know much about the hiring and firing process of the Supreme Court, but I'm pretty sure they're not voted in or out. But, since only the laws they want enforced matter, it's not surprising. They remind me of the Jews that are pro-Hamas, they actually hate everything about their namesake.

No win situation

"No good deed." That's there view. Anything humans do is bad in some way eventually. Not sure what the option is now though, destroy the dams, flood the areas below them, harm the environment and economies, and people, just to support the "spiritual" lives of the natives? Yet I thought the government wasn't supposed to be concerned about religion, or is that only one religion they can't be concerned about.


The problem is, even if they deport him, he'll just come back and do it again. People really need to get over their squeamishness and bring back the death penalty for more offences for people that have proved they have no regard for laws or for people.

Who would have thunk it

When the people out for your extinction make civilian areas warzones, what are the options? Are the UN going to retroactively condemn every military ever? Honestly, where isn't a civilian area? We don't have designated war zones that we set aside to let armies duke it out. War happens where the combatants are, and when the combatants openly choose to hide behind civilians who also choose to be shields, what are the choices?

Celebrating murder

I just heard a girl say that she's not pro-choice, but pro-certain-people-shouldn't-have-children. She said she was confused by a friend that chose to have a child and had forgotten that choice was a two way street. To her, pro-choice meant only the choice to abort. Bill Maher, someone that some in the right sometimes like to think he's coming over to their side, said he knows it's murder and he's okay with it because there are too many people anyway. They're simply not going to be around when the ramifications of non-replacement birth rates ruin the economies of the world.

If you don't have somewhere to Bee

That one's too late since they've already blamed MAGA Republicans for climate change. Not sure how, since "climate change" has been around since the 70s. Unless climate is omniscient and knew that there were going to be MAGA folks and started it's thing in response to the future knowledge.

Marshal Art said...

I dunno. This particular "News Weakly" seems to me terribly depressing. David's responses pretty much reflect what mine would have been, but with far greater restraint. Something I'm considering giving up.

What the left has become has more than ever come to feel like a direct and actual assault on all our nation was meant to be, and on all who seek to abide God's Will. It all could have and should have been prevented.

David said...

"It all could have and should have been prevented." This is why I can show such restraint. I believe that the country is right where God wants it to be, so there is no "could have prevented." If it could have been, and God wanted it to, it would have been. Plus, I'm not dependant on any government official to turn this ship around. The only hope we have is a revival in the Church that leads to an awakening in the culture. Without that, we are witnessing the end of this nation.

Marshal Art said...


Your position is self-fulfilling prophesy. It's defeatest. And like others who rest on the "it's in God's Hands" mantra, lazy as hell. It also, sadly, leaves one the liberty to stupidly reject an imperfect man who had done a good job, who's reelection would have indeed prevented much of the suffering we now experience and could very well have set the stage for a successor who would build on the foundation set by him and all on the nonsensical premise that it somehow pleases God. There was no doubt things would decay, but only as far as how rapidly. Our job as voters is to put into place the best, or the lesser of two (or more) evils for the benefit of our fellow man as well as ourselves. This cannot help but please God and while He is always "in charge", that doesn't mean our action or inaction should be absolved of personal responsibility because "if He wanted it to, it would have been".

I do not reject the notion that all works for God's Will and according to His Master Plan. I do reject the notion that we have no part in "turning this ship around". Intelligent action politically is part and parcel of the larger push to encourage revival. By your logic, if God wanted a revival in the church that leads to an awakening in the culture, it would have happened.

We are the means by which God works in the world. Those of us who believe in Him act as if we do in all things we do.