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Saturday, June 15, 2024

News Weakly - 6/15/2024

Striking A Deal
The U.S. suggested a ceasefire resolution for the Israeli/Hamas conflict to the UN Security Council, which they accepted. Now Hamas says they're ready to accept it (as in "negotiate over the details"). Essentially the deal would be that Israel would withdraw and Hamas would swap the remaining hostages for some detainees in Israel. Essentially, the deal would be that Israel backs off, giving Hamas what they want, and the few remaining hostages who weren't already killed could be released. It gives "striking a deal" a whole new meaning. Seems like a bargain ... for Hamas. Sadly, you know the world of pro-Palestine protesters won't be pleased until Israel is erased.

Words Matter
Question. If a "pastor" is someone who takes care of the "sheep" that belong to Christ, can someone who fleeces them -- steals from them -- still be called a "pastor"? I don't think so. Words matter.

Anyone Need an Out-of-Work Bishop?
Recently the pope issued an apology for using what constitutes an Italian "homophobic slur.". Now two sources are complaining that he did it again ... in a closed-door meeting. So, two bishops in a closed-door meeting with the pope opted to violate the intent of "closed-door" and turn a private comment into a public offense. Exactly how the pope could offend people who never heard what he said is beyond me. I'm no fan of the pope, but if I was in charge, there would be a couple of bishops who would be looking for work right about now.

Another Win for Reason
A transgender swimmer who goes by the name of Lia Thomas has lost his bid to compete with biological females in the Olympics (or any "Elite Events"). He argued that their rule banning biological males from competing against biological females is discriminatory. Just to be clear, it is. All rules discriminate. That's not at issue. What's at issue is whether or not it's right. The question is whether or not a biological male (with the biological advantages that go with it) should be allowed to compete against those with lesser biological abilities simply because he "identifies" as one with lesser biological abilities. Let's not lose sight of the truth here.

A Narrow Lens
The Southern Baptist Convention narrowly rejected a ban on all female pastors in all instances. (They required 66% and only got 61%.) The headline I saw read, "Baptists Uphold Equality," which is so far from the truth that it hurts. Yes, Scripture bars women from "teaching or having authority over" men (1 Tim 2:11-14). Does that mean that the Bible opposes equality? Absolutely not (Gal 3:28)! It does not bar women from ministering to women. Indeed, it commands it (Titus 2:3-5). So women pastors who are in children's ministry or women's ministry wouldn't violate Scripture. It's not about equality! But, of course, the narrow lens of the world won't see that.

No Justice, No Peace
The House has decided to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over recordings from Biden's classified documents case. Garland said, "It is deeply disappointing that this House of Representatives has turned a serious congressional authority into a partisan weapon." Right. As opposed to Garland and the Dems who have repeatedly used the justice system as a political weapon against the likes of Trump and his followers. Got it.

Mad, Mad, Mad World
Cheyenne, Wyoming, has a new mayoral candidate in the mix. It's an AI chatbot named "VIC" created by a library worker. If Cheyenne would actually vote in an AI with no conscience, no accountability, and no humanity, they've lost their minds. If an AI can be designated a "real person" and a human being in the womb cannot, we have lost our collective minds. Okay, well, maybe that's already a given ...

Don't Worry; Bee Happy
One story says that Democrats are hoping that Senator Fetterman's car crash (actual story) caused sufficient brain damage that he might become a Democrat again. In another story, CNN (the Bee's leading competition for fake news) is claiming that Hunter Biden's conviction is Russian disinformation. And some wily college pro-Palestians have escaped prosecution by defacing a pride mural (actual story) with "Free Gaza."


David said...

I like how so many other countries are involved in trying to force a ceasefire when neither of the "countries" are asking for help in arbitration. But the idea that Hamas gets to kill thousands on October 7 and hold hundreds hostage, and then hand over the remaining hostages, receive back hundreds of their "soldiers" and remain in power in Gaza is insane.

It will be worse for him when judgement comes.

I wonder what those bishops' plan was. What was the purpose of them exposing that?

We are finally starting to see some pushback against this ideology.

Seems odd that it failed to pass since they seem to still being doing it in practice.

The only people that should get any sort of punishment for contempt of Congress is Republicans.

You mean you're not ready for your AI overlords?

It is funny to see how more centrist Fetterman has become as he's recovered from his brain damage.

Marshal Art said...

Striking A Deal

The only deal Hamas should be offered is how quickly and painlessly they want to die. They will never stop trying to murder Jews until none are left on earth, so I see no reason to pretend negotiating is worth the slightest effort. I know some will regard this position as less than Christian, but I don't see risking the lives of innocent civilians as Christian in the least. We heard ad nauseum about "exit strategies" when Bush 43 dealt with Hussein and Afghanistan. Now, between the Gazan murderers and the ongoing expenditures of my money to Ukraine, the phrase is never mentioned. If we're going to fight what we regard as it Hamas or Russia...there always...only one "exit strategy": total annihilation or complete and unconditional surrender. As regards Hamas, Hezb'allah, ISIS or any other islamic group of murderers, there is no surrender one can reasonably expect from them.

Words Matter

How hard was it for this guy to convince anyone to ordain him? He sounds like a real prize. Given Scripture's criteria for a church leader, I'd say this guy falls a bit short.

Anyone Need an Out-of-Work Bishop?"

Two things:

1. I really hate that reports like this don't provide the "slur" so we, the consumer of news, can make our own decisions regarding the behavior of the person alleged to have uttered the "slur" and whether or not we find the "slur" to be truly and honestly objectionable.

2. Given that I find homosexuality the abomination God said it is, and given that I have no particular care if an openly homosexual person is offended by any "slur" (which in this case is no more than another word which is no more or less vile than "homosexual" when applied to one who is openly homosexual, to use the phrase "homosexual 'slur'" is a redundancy and not a particularly bad thing as compared to "homosexual" itself. I reserve my compassion for those who struggle with the nagging attraction to those of the same sex while understanding its abominable nature.

As to those who talk out of turn when it comes to "closed door" sessions, I'm more concerned that anyone would see fit to call out this poor excuse for a pope over this particular "infraction". But maybe they're among those who saw this guy as the especially bad pick he was for the job. Hard to disparage such people despite the breech of confidentiality.

Another Win for Reason

For goodness' sake, Stan...what's wrong with you??? It's Pride Month, dude!!!

A Narrow Lens

Note how similar this story is to the previous, especially as regards the bad argument for "equality".

No Justice, No Peace

I'm confused. Is hypocrisy a Democrat defect or feature? Seems like the latter.

Mad, Mad, Mad World

Oh. My. Gosh!

Don't Worry; Bee Happy

Regarding the last story, it's the first I've seen a pic of the "defacing" of the Perv Pride street mural. I expected a more satisfying manifestation. Given the ubiquitous defacing of trains, buildings, overpasses and other public and private structures by vandals whose graffiti is regarded as "works of art", this defacing is far less offensive than the Perv Pride defacing of the street itself.

Stan said...

Marshal, regarding the last story about defacing a "mural," I am astounded that "tire marks" on a roadway (crosswalk) would be classified as "defacing," as if tire marks on a roadway are otherwise unknown. I mean, if you're painting anything on a road, you have to expect tire marks. But in our current world of "easily offended," I guess I have to expect nonsense.

David said...

Marshal, the Pope used the Italian word for fags. And like the N-word, the only people allowed to us it are the ones that are the things they're saying.

Speaking of easily offended, there were cheers in the San Francisco gay community over the removal of some street signs (like a "no u-turn") that were anti-homosexual.

Stan said...

On the pope's "homophobic slur," the news article I read on the original story actually gave the Italian word he used and explained how it was a "slur." As in most cases, it's a "slur" because they've decided it's a slur, but, like the "N" word, everyone that knows it today considers it such because it has been declared such.

David said...

I really don't understand why taxpayers need to be funding the celebration of sexual identity.

Marshal Art said...

There's a guy I like to watch on YouTube who calls himself "Metatron". He's a British due of Italian ancestry and speaks Italian (as well as other languages). His thing is history mostly and he spoke on the issue of the Pope using that term. Being Italian and understanding the language, he found it especially amusing the Pope used it...not that he approves, but hearing the Pope (not Italian) using that particular word made him laugh.

I agree that words are considered "verboten" because they've been declared just the most awful thing in the world...worse than killing the person so labeled...and the horse on which they rode in. There are a host of names...a veritable cornucopia...a plethora of names I've been called and could be called, and while I don't particularly like being called any of them, they don't nearly bother me so much as the person using the words feeling compelled to do so. My concern is why they felt it was appropriate, not the word they used. As a truck driver, one gets used to the crudest of epithets. It's the vibe that concerns me.