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Saturday, May 04, 2024

News Weakly - 5/4/24

Failure to Educate
Students at Brown University have decided they want to be antisemitic as a matter of policy, so the university is voting on divesting from Israel as their student masters have demanded. I don't know ... there is just something wrong here. I can't ... quite ... put my finger on it. Oh, I know ...

Filed Under "What Could Go Wrong?"
Eight U.S. newspapers are suing Microsoft and their ChatGPT OpenAI for copyright infringement. It appears as if neither the developers of OpenAI nor OpenAI itself have any real sort of ethics. I can't imagine what could go wrong with an AI overlord without any moral code ...

(Note: that "moral code" crack was a play on the software term, "coding," referring to the programming of anything. Just in case you missed it.)

After the violence at UCLA between antisemitic and pro-Israel forces, the Bee reports on their replacement of student IDs with new identifying armbands ... inspired by Hitler. Tell me it doesn't make sense in today's increasingly , radically anti-Israel world.

Not the Best Response
Actor and comedian Russell Brand says he had an "incredible and profound experience" after being recently baptized after he "surrendered in Christ." Now, I know a lot of us are skeptical about folks like Brand who claim to turn their lives over to Christ only to see the process end ... like the soil in Jesus's parable of the sower, but I would recommend a different response. Let's try praying for the man. Like it says in Hebrews (Heb 10:23-25). No joke.

Not Like It's a Surprise
Less than a month after making the news that Arizona was really close to being an actual pro-life state, the Arizona Senate repealed the protection for the most vulnerable. Whew! Dodged that bullet. Nope, Arizona will happily kill them in the womb like the rest. Not really a surprise in this current society of ours.

More on That
In Texas a school superintendent resigned after a transgender student was removed from a school production of Oklahoma that caused a "nationwide outcry." I think we are sadly lacking in clear instructions. Everyone knows that actors play parts that are not real, not "them." Still, if we get a heterosexual to play a homosexual's role, that's not okay. If we get a white person to play the role of a ... not-white person, that's not okay. The world is upset if an actor doesn't match the role they are playing ... except, of course, if they are in the protected groups (race, orientation, etc.) ... even though actors generally are not the people they are playing. It's all very unclear, and removing a "transgender" because they don't match the role they're playing seems reasonable ... until it's not. Makes no sense at all.

Bee Minor
Just a couple of items from the Bee for amusement. One story has missionaries traveling from Africa to the U.S. to bring the gospel to the United Methodist Church. Ouch! Another story suggests that King Solomon died of old age while waiting for his 700 wives to decide on a restaurant. Sad.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


David said...

When you have a generation that was taught that the young are really wise and good hearted, then it makes sense that when those self-importance egoists get an idea in their head, then they must be right, and the faculty didn't grow up knowing how to assert themselves, so of course their only choice is to bow down to their benevolent student overlords. Though it isn't quite clear to me why they care, they get those students tuition either way.

I don't know, is it copyright if it's not an officially published work? If I write an email to someone that quotes something online without citation, is that copyright infringement? ChatGPT gathers it's data from the internet and spouts it back. Is that copyright infringement? On the other hand, with how Materialistic our culture is, do they really not fear the singularity that sci-fi warns us about?

You know they've lost their minds when they start calling Jews Nazis.

I'm for healthy scepticism, but shouldn't we be welcoming of every person that believes in Christ? Recently a viral OnlyFans girl came out as saved and dropped her whole livelihood and people weren't willing to accept it because of what she had been doing and saying. But we should glorify God in these exact types of situations, that even in the hardest of hearts He can work.

That whole Arizona thing seemed like a publicity stunt from the beginning to me. There are all sorts of old laws in the books that nobody knows about or enforces. Why this obscure one from the 1800s even got found and ruled upon by the state supreme court is odd to me, unless someone wanted to make a show of how pro-death they were. So many people reacted to this initial ruling as if it actually was anything other than a performative political move and wasn't going to get voted down ASAP in a purple state like Arizona.

This whole transgender thing is absolute nonsense. I was at a choir concert and in it there was a smaller all women's choir that had this woman in it wearing a tux and doing her best to look like a twelve-year-old boy. If you truly think you're male, what are you doing in a women's only choir? Either this whole delusion is true or it's just an insanity that we are willing to accept.

Marshal Art said...

Failure to Educate

I cannot find the words to express my sorrow at the rank stupidity and ignorance (hard to determine when it's one or the other) in those who are involved in any way with these pro-Gaza protests. But when it comes to those running the institutions who abide, enable and support such protests against an Israel fighting for its own survival, my sorrow becomes something far less Christian. Adults who dare suggest there's no clear good guy/bad guy distinction in the conflict between Israel and Jew-hated muslims should not expose themselves as such in my presence.

Filed Under "What Could Go Wrong?"

I just wish those who develop these tech advances would pump the brakes just a bit before their tech is used for nefarious or ignorant purposes. I would think that part of developing something with potential to do great service to mankind would first have considered all the ways it might be abused and protections against that be put in place.


Can't help myself. I don't like Israel-haters. It'll take some blatant, unnecessary cruelty on the part of Israel before I give a flying rat's patoot about the Gaza/West Bankers. I simply don't care about them. I care less about those who support them and I don't need to ignore possible criminal acts by Israel to know who the bad guys are.

Not the Best Response

I pray Russell Brand proves to be a far better Christian than I am. A low bar indeed.

Not Like It's a Surprise

I really struggle with this issue and how it's played out since the Dobbs decision. I would have been ecstatic had AZ showed some real spine and carried on with it's 1800s prohibition against infanticide. So many think we need a federal ban against abortion, too. But the climate just won't serve to get us to that and expect that Dems won't be in control for many decades. No. The states' rights angle is the best one to play now, and each of us must push the truth about the unnecessary aspect of push the truth that the conceived are endowed by their Creator with the same unalienable right to life their murderers claim for themselves. Clearly, if they are conceived, they are created and as such have a Creator. Unfortunately, there are too many given over to their carnal nature to dare think a federal ban could happen. It MUST be a matter of those like us changing hearts and minds to an extent that a federal, nationwide ban would seem natural. At my age, I don't expect to see that happen, and worse, there will always be those who refuse to acknowledge the truth. All we need is a significant majority who reject the lies.

More on That

Transsexuals are sick people. If anyone in a position of authority in a school or school district resigns over this issue, they shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. Adults don't enable bad or disordered behavior. It's just that simple.

Bee Minor

Almost spit out my port upon reading the King Solomon bit! Hilarious!

David said...

On the resignation of the superintendent, Marshal, I don't think he volunteered to resign, but was voluntold. He didn't see the error of his ways and realize he was bad for doing it, but likely given a choice to resign or get fired. I'm not sure what moral high ground he would maintain by forcing them to fire him instead.

Craig said...

I agree that there is some reason to be skeptical of high profile converts. Yet I agree with Stan that our response should be to pray for them. Pray that they will be taught good doctrine, by good teachers. That they will find people who will encourage them and hold them accountable. That they will grow in their faith. It seems like we're a little too enamored of celebrity converts and how they can help the faith, and not concerned enough about the individuals and their faith.

Marshal Art said...


You may be right. But then that leaves the rest of the institution which, rather than confronting the Jew-haters, was complicit in enabling Jew-hatred in one way or another.