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Saturday, May 25, 2024

News Weakly - 5/25/24

Anti-Christ Christians
More on that story of the Roman Catholic football player who gave a Roman Catholic speech at a private Roman Catholic college. Now a "Christian organization" has petitioned for him to apologize because, while his comments did not reflect their version of "Christian values," they certainly did reflect biblical values, and if there's anything we know, it's that modern "Christians" will not abide biblical values. I'm wondering if we can sign a petition to have those who reject biblical values removed from the term "Christian." To be clear, just because the story refers to it as a "Christian petition" does not make it actually Christian. They're defining "Christian" much the same as they define "marriage" -- not really anything, but they're going to use the term anyway.

Reverse Cancel Culture?
Secretary of State Blinken was chided by China for congratulating Taiwan's Lai Ching-te for being elected President. China demands "the U.S. immediately correct their mistakes." And former Congressman Mike Gallagher was sanctioned by China for visiting Taiwan. I don't know. Is that a bad thing? Because I'd tend to view it as an endorsement of Blinken and Gallagher. But, maybe that's just one of the reasons my blog is banned in China.

Side By Side
These stories came out on the same day. First, a new study reports that daily marijuana use is outpacing daily drinking in the U.S. Of course, we must question that since people are generally known to be careful drug users, whether it's alcohol or narcotics. Almost the very next story on my newsfeed reported that cannabis use causes the risk of psychosis to skyrocket among teens. Recreational use of marijuana is now legal in 24 states and for medical purposes in 38. I mean, seriously, what could go wrong?

Too Many Questions
In February, 2024, NBC reported that Mexican drug cartels had "flooded" Montana with fentanyl and meth, including "operations on Indian reservations." That's a red flag, but when South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem made a similar statement about South Dakota, she was banned from all Sioux tribal lands. Is that, "No, we have no Mexican drug cartels here" or is that, "No, we don't want anyone to know"? Or is it, "We won't allow people here who kill dangerous dogs"?

Now We Understand
For several years now people have been complaining about police departments. Perhaps we've discovered the underlying problem. Recent research has reported that ultra-processed foods can increase the risk of cognitive problems. Foods like packaged snacks, donuts, and carbonated drinks. Foods like police are known to consume. And college students! Processed foods and cannabis! Aha! Now we're getting somewhere!!

Tyranny of the Minority
Eight Alaskans, ages 11 to 22, are suing Alaska for planning a natural gas project. They claim the project infringes on their constitutional protections because the greenhouse gases will harm their health and livelihood. If this suit succeeds, I see two obvious ramifications. First (and this is already true), it will only take an extremely small number to do this. Here it's eight -- eight young Alaskans that will decide for Alaska and the downstream recipients whether or not they'll get the natural gas. Second, the logic requires that simple lawsuits from very small (and apparently terrorized) numbers should be able to successfully stop all fossil fuels in America because, hey, it infringes on their constitutional protections. Welcome to anarchy. Oh, and a verifiable threat to democracy.

The Right Spin
The news tells us that new unemployment claims are down ("That's good!") while the U.S. Treasure Secretary voices concerns that the cost of living is getting too high ("That's bad!"). The government wants to eliminate fossil fuel vehicles in favor of electric vehicles ("That's good!"), but EV sales are slowing and EV manufacturer, Lucid, is cutting their workforce by 6% ("That's bad!"). So where are the spin doctors who will take the 3 hostages found dead in Gaza and turn it to "Hamas continues to return hostages as a show of good faith"?

Bee Satirical or Bee Quiet
Just too true this time, Bee. The story is about how a Trump/Biden debate again is a clear sign of God's judgment on America. Can't argue with that. In another story, after the death of Iran's president, Israel accidently let it slip that they had developed a terraforming machine that could, for instance, quickly build a mountain in front of, say, a flying helicopter. Not connected to any current events, I'm sure. And, not the Bee, but the Genesius Times is carrying the story of how the January 6 protesters have all been released because they claimed they were just protesting for Palestine. I can see that.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


David said...

Clearly they didn't actually hear the speech he gave or the fact that when he said those "most offensive" things, the crowd racously cheered. The only way they can say that what he said was against Christian values is that they hold no Christian values. He stated traditional Catholic values to a traditional Catholic school. There should be no controversy. But since we have people that want to tear Christianity down in the name of Christianity, it's not surprising. Confounding, but not surprising.

Sad thing is, we all know China is going to get their apology because our government has no guts.

I wonder if there's any data showing whether all the mass school shooters have been habitual marijuana users. Everybody knows that today's marijuana is magnitudes more potent than it was 40 years ago. How they can see this data of more marijuana use than alcohol and still claim it's not addictive is beyond me.

My guess is the perceived blame in the two statements. NBC laid the blame at Mexican cartels, where Noem laid no blame but stated a fact, which they took as blame.

So, we have cognitively impaired police with a cognitively impaired population. What could go wrong?

I'm curious, where in the Constitution do we have a right to health and livelihood? We've come so far that we've accepted all our privileges as constitutional rights, without a single look at the Constitution.

I do seem to recall one of the ceasefire negotiations including the bodies of the hostages. And Hamas recently accepted a ceasefire deal from Egypt and Jordan, so maybe they got confused and were simply abiding by the two non-agreed-to ceasefires. Or, just hear me out, they're an evil group of hateful, world domination, terrorists.

Have you seen the clip of Biden saying he can't be re-elected, shouldn't be re-elected, and we should re-elected Trump? And people want this man to continue as President? I can only hope that nobody wants Biden as President, but only say they do because they hate Trump more.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

That “Christian organization” apparently has no idea what a Christian is. No surprise, since they are a LEFTIST organization, which a quick look at their site proves.

China. We never should have EVER opened diplomatic relations with them. Almost like opening diplomatic relations with the Nazis in WWII. China is the enemy and have been since WWII.

When I was in the Army in the early 1970s, a lot of troops smoked “Mary Jane” and it was almost like they were drunk with the way they behaved—AND it was illegal for them to have it (those caught could suffer severe punishment). Legalizing it is one of the stupidest things a government can do.

So the Sioux are just as hypocritical as the rest of the world!

When you indoctrinate children into the “greenhouse gas” lie, you suffer the consequences.

“The Right Spin”===That’s LEFTIST politics for ya.

Jack Morrow said...

The tyranny of minorities has been the case in Canada since the Charter or Rights and Freedoms was added to the Constitution in 1982. There were a few--very few--of us voices in the wilderness who predicted that the only people with any rights would be criminals, perverts, deadbeats, and malcontents, and that's exactly what's happened. I now add foreigners to that list.

For those who've forgotten, a court ruled in 2000 that police work is not for intelligent people: