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Saturday, May 18, 2024

News Weakly - 5/18/24

The Myth of Higher Learning
Jerry Seinfeld received an honorary degree from Duke University and gave a speech ... which caused a walkout because he believed Israel had the right to defend herself. The news item called it "the latest manifestation of protests that have roiled U.S. campuses" because, although it's called "higher learning," these students appear to no longer be able to think clearly or even discuss rationally, justifying the genocide of a nation (Israel) with false accusations of ... genocide of Gaza. (False accusations as illustrated by the Bee story about Israel warning civilians to leave Rafah "in the most incompetent gencide ever.") Don't call it "higher learning." It is brain washing, not higher learning.

The Headline Says It All
The AP headline read, "Small, well-built Chinese EV called the Seagull poses a big threat to the US auto industry." Get it? The U.S. auto industry is threatened by a small, well-built, reasonably-priced electric car ... because we do not make such a product. Well, maybe we can make "small," but not so much the rest. I think that's very telling. Maybe the threat isn't the existence of such a car, but the failure/refusal/inability of the U.S. industry to do so.

What Could Go Wrong?
Two years ago California passed a law under pressure from the White House that helps farmworkers unionize, and at least one agricultural company is suing the state over it. I mean, unionizing farmworkers ... which always increases pay ... which always increases prices ... what could go wrong, right? A 2024 study on living wage says that for a single adult to live comfortably in Massachusetts (the highest state) they would have to make $116,000 a year and in West Virginia (the lowest listed) it would be about $79,000. (Funny thing ... I'm not making that much.) At some point, the imaginary "living wage" will be a moving target moving so fast that it will be out of reach for most Americans, it seems.

Surrendering Rights
It was confirmed last year that the Chinese company that owns TikTok uses it to gather user data on a broad scale for political purposes. So, reasonably, the government would like to stop that leak. They passed a law that would either turn off TikTok for the safety of all or have it sold off. Of course, TikTok users are suing the government because they say it takes away their free speech. Does it threaten the security of users? Yes. Does it threaten the security of the U.S.? Yes. But they don't care; they just want to be heard. And TikTok is "the only way." (Which, of course, is not true.) It's just another example of "I want what I want and I will not make any sacrifices for anyone but myself."

Wait ... What??
Apparently the UN has cut the estimates from Hamas's Ministry of Health of the deaths of women and children in Gaza in half. Wait ... are you suggesting that Hamas has been less than honest? You mean they lied?? Are you suggesting those who have stated their intent to eliminate Israel might have exaggerated for propaganda purposes ... and the loudest voices around the world were gullible enough to believe them? No, that can't be!

Tolerance and Inclusion It's Not
A Kansas City Chiefs kicker, Roman Catholic by religion, gave a commencement speech at a Roman Catholic college from the perspective of Roman Catholic values (LGBT as sin, traditional family values, etc.), but because it didn't align with anti-Roman-Catholic values , a petition has been filed calling for him to be fired from the Chiefs. That's only because America believes in free speech and robust discussion everywhere, but especially on college campuses. Or not. "If you aren't going to knuckle under to our values and perspectives, you should not be employed or have any means to survive." Nice.

Child Unsafety Mandate
As Maryland competes with California for having the most advanced liberal policies, they've now cut parents out of the loop in their education. Parents cannot opt their children out of LGBTQ-inclusive material. Your kids must be told that this stuff is good stuff and you will not be allowed your religious freedoms in preventing it. Why more Christians aren't opting for homeschooling for the sake of their children is beyond me. Public schools these days are not safe spaces anymore.

Internet Funnies
Not the Bee, but I saw a political cartoon the other day that showed a (fictitious) newspaper headline that read, "Iran to halt arms supply to Hamas; Cites humanitarian concerns." The caption was, "A headline you will never see." Too true, too true. Again, not the Bee, but the Genesius Times story was about pro-Hamas college feminists excited to become second class citizens under Sharia law. Seriously, I've never understood the pro-palestine support from folks like LGBT or feminists who wouldn't be tolerated in Palestine. And then, the unfortunate one from the Bee is the story about how the latest polls suggest Biden will need twice as many fake ballots to win the election this year. I mean, I get it, but we all know all that election fraud is fake news ... right? I mean, the media and the government told us so, right?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


David said...

There is a growing voice of conservatives warning that for the most part, college is a scam.

I agree that the US has a problem with no longer doing well-built products. But with how new that car is, how does anyone know how well built it is?

It calls into question their definition of living wage. When I think living wage, it conjures up the idea of keeping yourself fed, clothed, and housed. Anything beyond that is luxury.

You kidding, they won't even make sacrifices for themselves.

Even if those numbers were accurate, they don't have an actual military, so they could consider every death a civilian casualty. And it doesn't say anything about how all those deaths were caused, because guess what, they frequently volunteered to be human shields.

I'm surprised doesn't have a list a mile long of petitions to fire every true pastor in the world. He said nothing any Christian pastor wouldn't have said.

It is welcome news that since the pandemic, the number of homeschooling houses has skyrocketed. It should be higher, no Christian should have their children in public school.

I really don't understand how short-sighted these pro-Hamas types are. Do they not realize that the Palestinians would gladly and gleefully be the oppressors if they had the chance? Do they not know that the goal of those Muslims is a global caliphate? You know, convert or die. How you can root for someone that is currently "oppressed" when their proudly stated goal is oppression is beyond me.

Stan said...

No, David, I didn't assume that EV from China was good; I just took their claim at face value as it reflected on American-made cars.

Exactly my point on "a living wage." A study done in 2004 said that 46% of "poor households" owned their own home, 62% had cable or satellite, 55% had two or more TVs, and so on. (I have always been baffled by homeless people with smartphones and cigarettes. Did you know that cigarettes go for about $8 a pack these days?) "Poverty" once meant the absence of essentials, but no longer. It just means, "I can't get what I want."

On the Gaza casualties, you are correct. Since the residents of Gaza routinely respond to a call for human shields for their fighters and since the people of Gaza voted in and support the "death to Israel" government, it's really hard to classify "civilian casualties." In war, if a "civilian" acts to support the military and dies for it, they aren't classified as "civilian casualties."

Marshal Art said...

The Myth of Higher Learning

More nonsensical is the focus on those who walked out, compared to the vast majority who remained. Let's ramp up the mockery of the willfully ignorant.

The Headline Says It All

But is it truly well built, or is that what pro-CCP reports insist is true? I've no doubt ours are not as well built as they ought to be...too many reports of problems...but how can anyone believe what the Chinese say about their products? Let's ramp up the mockery of the willfully ignorant.

What Could Go Wrong?

Its amazing how some never learn, despite decades or more of evidence. Let's ramp up, etc.

Surrendering Rights

In principle at the very least, I support cutting off all ties with China, particularly economic. We should be working constantly with extreme diligence to divest ourselves and find or develop other means for providing for our needs. Not only will this strengthen us, but weaken them at the same time.

What's particularly ironic is this puts those who also support this administration at odds with it over this issue. We're beginning to see these kinds of conflicts more often as this administration can't possibly please everyone. See the strife between Biden and pro-Hamas/Gazan protesters. It's entertaining and gratifying to see. Let's ramp up....

Wait ... What??

Clearly the UN has joined FoxNews, OANN, Newsmax, etc., as unreliable reportage. Let's r...

Tolerance and Inclusion It's Not

Who does he think he is pointing out the obvious truth?

Child Unsafety Mandate

We need more domestic terrorists crowding school board meetings. Let's ramp it up!

I don't know what's involved with home schooling or finding a homeschooling group of quality. But every effort should be made while those domestic terrorists chase out child abusing school board members and replacing them with people concerned about education.

Internet Funnies

"Seriously, I've never understood the pro-palestine support from folks like LGBT or feminists who wouldn't be tolerated in Palestine."

Seriously, I don't understand ANY pro-"palestinian" support from ANYbody! They're wholly undeserving of support of any kind. Let them wallow in their self-inflicted suffering. They seem to want it.

Craig said...

The number of protesters who can't identify which river or which see is appalling, yet they continue to chant.

It's heartening to finally see more support for Butker's entirely uncontroversial (in context) graduation address. The fact that the entire response to it is based on things he didn't say is telling indeed. He made a second graduation address last week which had the same basic message, that was also excellent. The notion that a Roman Catholic, speaking at a conservative Roman Catholic University graduation would get this much heat for making comments well within Roman Catholic teaching is beyond ridiculous.

How well built the Chinese EV is seems irrelevant. Isn't that the kind of thing the free market should decide? Don't people have the ability to buy cheap POS new cars from communist countries as basic transportation? ( I see you Yugo) This is one more political payoff to the auto companies/unions.

Craig said...

How impressive is it that Mossad was able to insert a huge mountain right in the flight path of the Iranian presidents helo, hide it so well, and time it perfectly to knock the copter from the air.

Craig said...

I just saw that the Mossad has been penetrated by the Palestinian intelligence service and has discovered the name of the agent responsible for the foul attack on the peaceful, loving president of Iran. The name of the evil Jewish spy is, Eli Copter. No word of whether or not this is a cover name or his real name.

Film at 11.