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Saturday, April 27, 2024

News Weakly - 4/27/24

Pursuing Matters of Importance
Biden made a trip to Florida to chastize the state for trying to protect the most defenseless humans down to 6 weeks old. "We should be allowed to kill them much older than that," is the basic message. Apparently killing babies is a fundamental plank of the Democratic platform. How they determine at what age they must stop killing them isn't clear yet, given the pushes in multiple states for post-partum abortion.

In Florida, Biden said, "For 50 years the Supreme Court held that we have a constitutional right to privacy. That right was taken away. There was one person who was responsible for this nightmare, and he's acknowledged it and he brags about it — Donald Trump." According to Britannica, the Supreme Court in 1973 ruled that criminalizing abortion violated the constitutional right to privacy. (They note that it's not actually in the Constitution, but is implicit.) Thus, as long as the murder of the unborn is conducted in private, it cannot be a criminal act. I'm trying to figure this out. Does it not follow, then, that if I kill another person in private, it cannot be a criminal act? (Note: I didn't change a thing in that question except, perhaps, the age of the person killed.) What other crimes, committed in private, become non-crimes? How is it not true that all crimes committed in private cannot be classified as crimes? And I have to ask, did Donald Trump remove our "right to privacy"? That would be an absolute lie. Does privacy give us the right to commit crimes in private? That would be absolute nonsense. And "this nightmare" (Biden's phrase) is not Trump's responsibility. In 2021 the rate of legal abortions per live births in the U.S. was 20.4 per 100 live births — 1 out of 5. Since 1973 more than 60 million pre-born children have been murdered under the protection of law. And it is the liberals, especially the Democrats, who have been responsible for "this nightmare." Let's keep our facts straight, Mr. President.

What Could Go Wrong?
Apparently AI does have its uses. Like creating child pornography for sick perverts. Open-source generative AI can produce millions of images of the sexual abuse of children and has no capacity for moral decision-making. What could go wrong? I'm pretty sure AI is not our coming savior.

Matters of Importance
The Supreme Court seems ready to reject Trump's claim of immunity on charges of trying to subvert the 2020 elections. They don't believe the immunity of the office extends beyond the office. But don't expect a trial soon. We'll have to wait ... you know, until it becomes critically significant. Maybe Trump voters should keep a close eye on who he will select for VP ...

Bee Lines
The Bee has been at it again. Like the headline about the protests from college students: "‘Israel Must End Its Illegal Occupation!’ Cry People Staging Illegal Occupation." Like the one how Columbia University has switched to online classes so Jewish students can participate from the attics where they are hiding. Like the story on the false electors in Arizona ... Trump allies who are being questioned for questioning election results while being Republican. You know, stuff like that.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.
P.S. I shortened this week's entry because of that rather long piece on Biden's visit to Florida. You're welcome.


David said...

That is a problem with all of the options given by pro-abortionists, whatever point they give for when life begins, other than conception, can be applied to various people at various points in life. Conception is the only limiting, singular, logical, consistent, and scientific point of when life begins. And as you point out, a right to privacy (which isn't even a right and is one violated by the state everyday of it were) doesn't give us the right to do whatever we want to whomever we want on private.

It also just came out that a school principal was a victim of AI slander. Someone made a "recording" of him saying offensive and racist things. It took two months for investigators to figure out is was fake, in which time the man's life was ruined regardless. AI may be a neutral party in all this, after all it's just a tool, and just as any tool can and will be used for both good and nefarious ends. I'd argue that the evils that will be perpetrated through AI will far outweigh the benefits.

I'm lost, how did he try to "subvert" the election after he left office? He questioned the results, asked governors to look into fraud, and left office without needing to be dragged out. What even is he being charged of as actions committed after being President? Unless he's arguing that he has immunity over any classified documents he held after office, doesn't the law protect the President from prosecution after office for actions conducted in service as the President? Otherwise, what President could ever do his job, now that the threat of legal action after office is in the table?

The Bee certainly has a delightful way of pointing out the hypocrisies of the Left.

Craig said...

AI also is very useful to create false examples of "racism" so that a black guy can try to take a white guy's job. Apparently "racism" isn't common enough, so folx have to invent examples that don;t really exist.

Marshal Art said...

Pursuing Matters of Importance

Leave it to a leftist to pretend, when it suits them, that the Supremes are infallible and beyond reversing. That's why we still have "separate but equal".

Is there any time at which Biden will not prove he's the most incompetent and unintelligent president we've ever had? We've had some bad ones. Woodrow Wilson, for example. But few were anywhere near as plug stupid as Joe Biden. It seems the only thing he's good at is padding his bank account. In this case, given there's no "right to privacy" in the Constitution, and certainly none which protects one's ability to murder another person, only that he's a liar could explain his stupid statement. In order for facts to matter to this weasel, he'd have to know what the facts are, first.

What Could Go Wrong?

This is a great example of how even technological advances, which should result in better life, can and is being used to make things worse. I've got an idea for post responding to a challenge from one who rejects the Bible as our source for learning what is moral by showing just how bad things have gotten in the world and our nation. It would include noting how tech, which is intended to make life better, is often used for ill intent. The same carnal creatures with better toys, using those toys to prove how sinful is mankind's nature.

Matters of Importance

I have to look more closely at this issue with regard the SCOTUS intent. I thought I heard that they're more likely to rule in Trump's favor. I must be confusing it with one of the other unjust trials he's being forced to endure for political reasons.

Regardless, I'm eager to hear who he taps for the VP. I have no particular choice, though a couple names strike me as good ones. But if he's again denied by virtue of Democrat criminality...which his current legal woes won't matter. All that will matter then is who can the GOP get to step up and take his place with the same likelihood of success against this vile America hating Democrat party.

P.S. Length of any story has no impact on my enjoyment of your weekly roundup. Just sayin'.

David said...

I don't even know if there is a system set in place for selecting a nominee after the primary is closed.