The civilized world has all but accepted Evolution as the answer. It is the starting place for most. It is a given. You have to work from there. If, for instance, you hold, "I'm a Christian and I believe the Bible", then you'll need to defend Genesis. "How does that correlate with Evolution?" It's often the first question you'll get. You see, Evolution is true and we work from there.
On the other hand, polls of American views seem to disagree. One such survey
in 2005 said that some 51% of Americans still believed that God created humans, while 30% held that God controlled Evolution to make us what we are today. Only 15% held that God had nothing to do with it. A
more recent study says that the 15% is now up to 61%, apparently as a backlash against the insurgence of the "Intelligent Design" movement. Astonishingly, nearly 40% still hold to a Young-Earth Creation view.
We could account for that by sheer stupidity, I suppose. If we were more charitable, we'd likely say that it's the product of the unfair sway of Christianity in America. Richard Dawkins considers faith a "
virus of the mind". It's a sickness, a malfunction, something that ought to be treated and eliminated because, well, it's bad. And while stupidity (people that don't actually think about it) and upbringing may account for some of it, I have to wonder if there aren't actual reasons to question Darwinian Evolution as fact. I'd like to suggest a couple of possibilities.
The first reason to question the prevailing scientific position is that the prevailing scientific position questions itself. No, I'm not talking about the word "Theory" that is included in "the Theory of Evolution." I get that the materialists of our day don't see this as a "theory" as in a possible idea, but rather a "scientific theory" as in a given premise from which to operate. No, I'm talking about science. If science is based on what can be tested and proven, then science is having a problem with Evolution. First, there was that whole "
Darwin's finches" thing. Darwin observed what he considered to be proof that finches on the Galapagos Islands demonstrated Survival of the Fittest by observing the changes in beaks as environment changed. What science later discovered (and Darwin missed) was that the beaks changed
back as environment changed back. Thus, it
was evidence of adaptability (so-called "microevolution") but not a shift to new species (some call it "macroevolution"). Anyone can see microevolution, but that whole macroevolution thing (the core of Darwinian Evolution) isn't really working. (Of course, the fact that Evolutionists still point to the finches as proof suggests a problem, doesn't it? I mean, if the experimental evidence disproves the premise, don't you discard it? No, apparently not.) Another famous proof was
Haeckel's drawings of embryos. You see, it proved that human embryos looked just like every other embryo. Of course, even in his day it was known that Haeckel fudged his drawings. Even Stephen Jay Gould, an evolutionary biologist, agreed that the drawings were false and misleading. What proof, then, do we have of Evolution? Well, there is the whole fossil record, you know. Oh, wait, that's a problem, isn't it? While Darwin argued for a gradual transition, paleontologists shot that down. The fossil record, instead, argues for long periods of no change with sudden, radical shifts. Thus, the so-called "
Cambrian Explosion", where most of the major groups of complex animals seemed to suddenly appear. It
is odd, however, that, as in the case of Darwin's finches and Haeckel's embryos, most textbooks (and Evolutionists) seem to ignore the fact that the data disagrees with the conclusions. And there are other problems. Science has tried for decades to reproduce Evolution in the lab. Can they create life in a test tube? Can they demonstrate Evolution in fruit flies? Well, no, apparently. All the efforts have failed. Despite early success in creating amino acids in the laboratory, they haven't been able to get to actual proteins. And, although they can alter the genetics of fruit flies to produce variations, none of the variations were
good variations. It would seem
scientifically that if the data disagrees with the hypothesis (in this case, Evolution), then the hypothesis should be questioned (if not discarded). Face it. Evolution cannot be tested and proven.
The second reason to question the prevailing scientific position is that the ramifications are terrifying. Given "All that is occurred by physical means" (eliminating the God hypothesis out of hand) and "Survival of the Fittest", we come to some horrendous but unavoidable conclusions. First, we human beings are simply a step in Evolution. We are biochemical bags, our brains simply computers of meat. What we do, choose, think, feel -- all is a program installed over time by Evolution. Your ideas of "human value" and "free will", of "higher consciousness", "creativity", "emotion", they're all false perceptions. We're just machines. The things that exist in our minds and perceptions today are products of Evolution, themselves part of that collection known as "the fittest" because, well, they have survived. Your values and even that quaint concept of "morality" are not real; they are convenient lies you tell yourself, the actual product of physical forces through time. And that whole "God" thing is in the same category. "Evolutionary Psychology", the analysis of human psychology through the Evolutionary lens, tells us that it is our genes that make us
selfish. What makes a young mother kill her baby? It's in
our DNA.
Rape is simply based in biology which is based in Evolution. In short, Evolution explains ... and excuses ... all human behavior. We do what we do because we're programmed to do it. There is no "right or wrong", no morality. Truth is simply what works for you. All well and good, and it
should give you the shivers to even think about, but in this is another reason to question Evolution. It's not actually simply because the conclusions are terrifying. It's that
they don't work in every day life. You see, if what you hold as true doesn't actually work, you have to question if it's true -- or, like so many devout Evolutionists, settle for a contradictory perception. "Sure, it's a lie, but it's a
good lie. No, there are no real values, dreams, hopes, virtue, no real purpose for humans, but we must live as if there are."
Science likes to tell us it's right and we who have "faith" are dreamers not dealing with reality. There are, however, reasons to question the prevailing worldview of Evolution (I've only listed two -- there are more) and, frankly, Christianity is not without reason or evidence. So, is it really true that we are the ones who are not dealing with reality? When "Science" refuses to admit to the evidence or live by its own standards, is it really wise to hang onto it as today's "god"?