China released 3 Americans detained in China in a prisoner swap. Seems to me a "prisoner swap" is a fundamental injustice. Either justice demands imprisonment ... or it doesn't. "Well, if it serves another purpose, then it's okay" is not justice.
A Swift Kick
U.S. forces struck an Iranian-aligned militia group in Syria this week. Because shooting at militia groups is easy. And, after all, haven't we seen how effective it is to blow up radical groups ... who don't really care about losing their lives?
Not a Bad Transition
"Transition" used to refer to any change from one thing to another. Lately, it is mostly a reference to "transitioning" from one gender to another. Now even the White House is transitioning. Oh, wait! That's actually a real transition. Never mind.
Unrelated News
In an effort to win favor for their cause, pro-Palestinian protesters blocked the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. They were sure to urge the crowd, "Don't celebrate genocide!" which, as we all know, is the primary purpose of Thanksgiving. I mean ... what kind of stupid is that? To be fair, most protesters seem to think that angering people not involved in their cause is the best way to get them on board, but ...
California ... Need I Say More?
They're at it again. An owner of an oilfield in Los Angeles County is suing California because California, essentially, has opted to ban him from pumping oil out of his property. As we all know, the government always knows what's best for us, even if it puts people out of business, removes freedoms, locks them in their homes, and who knows what else? Whatever it takes, California aims for a better world ... under their one-world government.
Fake News You Can Trust
Why is there so much on the Bee about Kamala and drinking? Hmm. On the Middle East, they're reporting that Israel has asked Hezbollah to wait by their pagers for a message on the ceasefire. And, going along with the "California" item above, Trump is proposing a 25% tariff on goods imported from California.
Must be true; I read it on the Internet.
Well, at least this time two of the prisoners we got back weren't America hating idiots. If they were being wrongfully detained, what is your suggestion other than prisoner exchange?
A Swift Kick
What CENTCOM said in their post is a joke. If we were truly going to be siding our coalition forces in the area, shouldn't we have been siding Israel in Gaza or everyone around Yemen waterways? Or only when it's politically convenient will we help?
Not A Bad Transition
A lot of words have been utterly corrupted of late due to social activities. Transition and trump are 2 of many.
Unrelated News
Maybe this kind of stuff would stop happening if we actually punished these people for their crimes rather than merely either allowing it to continue or simply removing them for the time being. If you violate the law or put others in danger in order to protest something, you should receive the full punishment of the law.
California ... Need I Say More
I'm just surprised there were any private ones still working at all. I assumed any working were state-owned or major companies that could afford to throw their weight around.
And for my own News Weakly, a church in Switzerland is using an AI powered "Jesus" hologram in it's confessional. Well, at least one of our robot overlords will be benevolent.
David, on the prisoner exchange, if they were wrongfully detained, justice would demand release, not "exchange."
True, but can justice be expected from a place like China?
Such swaps are usually our have released those not justly imprisoned in the first place, by releasing those who have been in exchange. Not ideal, but better than having our own waste away unjustly.
The Brittney Griner exchange was not one of those, and worse, we sometimes release unequally, giving up more really bad people to get back to their jobs of terrorism and mayhem. The Griner exchange was one of the most heinous example, given the dude released was so notorious, a movie about him had been made (A decent Nick Cage flick).
A Swift Kick
Fewer enemies is always a good thing. One way to reduce their number is to kill them. In this case, doing so to pretend something significant is being done, while still reducing the number of enemies, is just posturing.
Not a Bad Transition
More like "de-transitioning" back to America.
Unrelated News
Not a good plan. The wife tells me cops involved were hacked and did not treat them gently, arresting them all.
California ... Need I Say More?
No. It's to be expected, as such is what comes from voting Democrat.
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