Apparently I've been tagged. Being fairly new to the blogosphere, I don't exactly know that that means. But it seems that Dana of Principled Discovery honored me with a Thinking Blogger Award. Now, I am just tickled to think that someone considers my blog a "thinking blog" worthy of mention.
According to the article, I'm now supposed to do the same now with 5 other blogs. What other blogs make me think? Here are five not in any particular order and not with a great deal of thought. (Is that right to not put a great deal of thought into 5 blogs that make me think?)
1. The guys over at Pyromaniacs are always digging about with good stuff to share. Maybe it's stuff from the Word. Maybe it's current events. Maybe it's just the latest "battles" with other ways to think about it. They make me think.
2. I read Jim Jordan's Moral Science Club every day. Okay, sometimes he doesn't update it every day, but that doesn't stop me from looking. He puts some effort into giving meaningful, intelligent comments on the things that concern him and, for the most part, ought to concern most of us.
3. Von over at, of all places, Vons Takes, may not always be right (just a dig there, Von), but he certainly makes me think. And that's what a "Thinking Blogger Award" is supposed to recognize, right?
4. He is hit or miss at times in his posting. Sometimes it's really something, and sometimes it's just mildly interesting, but I have to say that FzxGkJssFrk's Physics Geek Jesus Freak qualifies for me as a regular read and a thinking blog.
5. Whatever we do, we mustn't forget Pastor Jon. Sprinkled there amidst a constant barrage of Bible study (something that definitely requires thought) are tidbits of humor and insight that just make it a good place to visit.
There are more, but I was asked for five and there they are. I've left off ones like Carry Your Candle and Refreshment in Refuge not because they are inferior, but because I ran out of my list of five. There are many more I could mention, most of which are too "thinking" to bother responding to anything like this, so they're not on the list either. (Who knows? It may be entirely possible that some of those I did list won't bother with the duties of being "tagged".) But I wanted to fulfill my obligation of "being tagged," so there's my list.
Oh, and here are the rules:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the "Thinking Blogger Award" with a link to the post that you wrote (There is a gold version and a silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog).
No, you're safe.
Gracias, amigo, and in the same breath as Pyromaniacs. You are a gentleman and a (Bible) scholar.
Oh, so the others are always right eh? And now I have to find other people to accuse of thinking?? In todays world?
Sounds like a blogger chain letter. What happens if we break the chain :)
"Oh, so the others are always right eh?"
No, no, Von. You're just wrong at the moment. =)
And fortunately there are no consequences if you break the chain. I almost did myself. I only did it out of a sense of courtesy ... you know, hoping to encourage others to be thinking bloggers as well. You're right, it's not easy to find them these days. ;)
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