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Monday, January 01, 2007

Way Too Easy

It doesn't take a whole lot of knowledge or experience to recognize that the world is in a constant state of degeneration. Now, I believe the degree of that corruption to be sloping at a much smoother angle than most people like to think, but the breakdown does remain quite tangible. Just looking at the pattern of everyday life is evidence enough of that. At my work, I am heralded as an exceptional employee beyond the scope of any of my peers. Yet, for all the credit I am given (and in some rights have earned), my value as an employee is not so much determined by what I accomplish as by what others do not. To be an above average worker these days requires simply that you show up on time on a semi-regular basis. The actual efficiency and intelligence lent to the job are merely peripheral to the fact that you are PHYSICALLY there. This watering down of the workplace I have learned to accept and plan to glean the benefits for as long as I may.

Now, the question is not whether the degeneration exists, but whether it is within the realm of possibility for humanity to alter its state. What makes me think of such a question is because of people that I have known over the years who must be much more intelligent than the appear, people that just could not possibly survive in life if they were as ignorant as they seem. I think we have all known a few like that. Usually it is a matter of self-fulfilling prophecy where either someone close to them or they themselves downplay their own potential for so long that the litany no longer becomes a joke, no longer becomes a chastisement, but a reality of their being. So can man derail from the ever-descending tracks laid out before him? Without Christ, I must say whole-heartedly, "No!", and I weep for those that try.

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