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Saturday, June 01, 2024

News Weakly - 6/1/24

Disturbing News
Pew Research last year reported that half of Americans assiduously get their news from the most reliable of all sources ... social media. A place without control or verification where any claim can be made without consequences. The joke was always, "I know it's true; I read it on the Internet." Apparently, to at least 50% of Americans, it's no joke. They really believe it. In a world where 50% get their news from a mainstream media that has decided their job is not to inform you, but to tell you what to think, and the other 50% get their "best information" from uncurbed drivel (from all sides), is it any wonder we're in this mess and getting worse every day?

The Story in the Details
The story from the Israeli/Hamas conflict was that Israel denied the Hamas claim that they captured some Israeli soldiers in northern Palestine. The thing that struck me was a statement in the story that "The Washington Post could not independently verify the IDF's reports." Oddly enough, the media appears to have no problem taking Hamas claims at face value without hedging with "couldn't independently verify" (like the claim that "35,984 people have been killed ... since the war began") but, apparently, they're definitely not going to trust Israel's claims.

Having A Voice Gives You A Voice?
Dua Lipa is a singer/songwriter. She has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. I suppose, if Dua Lipa says it, we must. You guys get right on that, okay?

We've Got To Suppress These Judges
In what appears to be a blatantly political attempt to eliminate a conservative voice in the Supreme Court, Democrats demanded Justice Alito recuse himself from cases involving the riot on January 6, 2021. Alito rejected their demands. It was stunning how biased the USA Today story was. The "offending" flags were "connected" with "false claims" that the 2020 election had been stolen, according to "experts." "Experts" determine the purposes of flying an historical flag? Senators Durin and Whitehouse tattled on Alito's refusal to Chief Justice Roberts, hoping to get Alito on an ethics violation. Clearly they want a Supreme Court Justice to not be allowed to serve if they think he holds views they don't approve. Sounds a lot like tampering with the Judicial Branch, if you ask me. (And, in a stunning discovery, it turns out that the city of San Francisco was part of the "Stop the Steal" movement since they've flown that same "Appeal to Heaven" flag for 60 years.)

Another "Not News"
I'm sure you've already heard, but the jury convicted Trump on all 34 counts of falsifying documents. (I'm pretty sure no one else currently in office -- including Biden -- has ever falsified documents. No, really!) He is now officially a felon. Mind you, it doesn't disqualify him from running and it won't diminish him in the eyes of his avid fans. Nor does it exonerate those who brought the charges of any political malice. He was tried in a state that hates him and it was never a question of whether he'd be convicted. Those who care will continue to care, and those of us who don't won't. (I still can't figure out why some hateful commenters think I'm a Trump fan. Haven't I made it quite clear that I'm not? Is it just that I don't hate him like they want me to?)

Another Genuis Move in California
In 2014, California became the first state to ban those single-use plastic bags for groceries. Californians were required to get reusable bags and bring them to the story or pay a fee. Now they're planning to ban any plastic bags, including reuseable or even recyclable ones. Apparently their plastic ban only resulted in more plastic waste. Now you'll need to pay for paper bags with at least 50% recycled content ... or maybe juggle your groceries getting out to the car?

Here's Your Bill, Big Oil
Vermont passed a law that will require fossil fuel companies to pay for their share of the damage caused by flooding last summer "caused by climate change." Proving how much flooding climate change caused or obtaining a reasonable amount fossil fuel companies should pay seems really elusive to me. And, of course, I'd be tempted, if I was some "Big Oil" company in Vermont, to pull out. "See how you like 'no gas or oil' where you are." But, I suppose, that's why I'm not "Big Oil." If "justice" is a thing in America anymore, I'm not hopeful that this will succeed at obtaining it.

Bee Reasonable
The Bee had a lot to say on the Trump trial and outcome. A recent story out of the Bee tells us that the judge in the Trump case has instructed jurors that they need not believe Trump is guilty to convict him. I think it's kind of sad that it sounds almost possible. From Australia, kangaroos are protesting the comparison of the current American justice to them. After the conviction, one story talks about Donald Trump being convicted for being Donald Trump, and another warns that 12 jurors voted unanimously to ensure his reelection. I think that probably represents the sentiment of the pro-Trump crowd.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


Marshal Art said...

Disturbing News

Both the sources you cite and those devoted to them must always be challenged, as they have a history of less than reliable reportage. I would say every source must be vetted, but some have proven themselves far less likely to report what isn't least not without owning up when inaccurate info has been presented...or to omit that which should be. Such who are devoted to these sources...and I'm related to a few...don't actually have any way to defend what they're told, and storm off in a huff without ever seeking proof from me. I spend most of my time questioning their positions and beliefs in a manner not unlike the Socratic method, and it eventually results in no small measure of animus on their part toward me. Happens on the blogs, too. The phrase "itching ears" continually comes to mind. I worry about my own ears from time to time.

The Story in the Details

Goodness knows, Stan...Jews can't be trusted, right?

Having A Voice Gives You A Voice?

How 'bout a ceasefire fromM Gaza?! Shut up and sing!

We've Got To Suppress These Judges

I have recently heard, but never confirmed, that the upside-down American flag was something which was done quite a few years ago. Dick Durbin never fails to disgust me, particularly when he seeks to posture as holding the high moral ground on anything. Glad I left Illinois. Now I have to deal with Lindsey Graham.

Another "Not News"

How do you rationalize not caring about this situation? Have you no kids? No grandkids? No people you love? Is this another "pleasing God" thing when leaving our nation to those who bring about the most harm and disorder could ever please Him in any way? I can think of no verse or passage which suggests such is possible or likely. You think it's about voting for an immoral man, when it's about voting for a man who will push policies which benefit the nation, keep us safer and more prosperous, versus an opponent who will do the opposite given only one of the two can possibly win the election. Now you don't care that this man has been railroaded like in Soviet Russia as if it's about the man? This event is more than merely "news".

As to this "commenter"...gosh, who could that be?....I can't imagine anyone believing you're a Trump supporter. That's just absurd. But you're right. It's not enough to dislike the man. One must hate him with every fiber of one's being in order to avoid being called a supporter by certain haters.

Another Genuis Move in California

Now this sounds like "Not News". Nonetheless, California? New York? Two states which are like America's bookends but made of poop.

Here's Your Bill, Big Oil

Hey, Vermont! When you can prove climate change, and then prove that it's caused by oil companies, then you can talk.

Bee Reasonable

"The Bee had a lot to say on the Trump trial and outcome."

Can't imagine why, given banana-republic-Soviet-style-show-trials being legitimized in this country is "Not News"!

Stan said...

I looked up more on the history of the upside down flag. Interesting article on it and its history. As I mentioned, the Flag Code (1942) specifies that the upside-down flag signifies "distress" or "danger." It was flown that way during the Civil War. Protesters in the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's and '70's flew it. Protesters of the Vietnam War flew it that way. More recently, BLM advocates did it. The outcry is misguided.

I'm not pleased about the "kangaroo court" justice system we've been developing in recent years. I'm not sure of the impact you are expecting. The day after the conviction, Trump's website for gathering funds shut down because too many were trying to donate. And while I don't doubt there was likely some "funny business" in his documentation, converting it to a felony for crimes he's not convicted of or even being charged with seems like gross injustice. No, I'm not defending Trump, and I think there is a serious breakdown in the judicial system, but I don't see the need for revolution over this single incident. "Not care" is not accurate.

David said...

As you point out though, either mainstream media or social media, you're getting the same level of trustworthiness in the reporting. What are our options at this point, really?

Details shmetails, the only news that matters is the news that enflames the most passions.

I'm curious, why are we not hearing from people that aren't involved in any way about a ceasefire in Ukraine? They're all fired up over the "36,000" civilians killed in Gaza, but how many hundreds of thousands have been killed or displaced in Ukraine? Is skin color the only deciding factor over outrage?

The fact that people don't know what an upsidedown flag means is a sad reflection on civil and historical education. Or maybe watch a movie. The upsidedown flag has been a signal of distress for centuries. Want to know what the rioters on January 6th did it? They felt the country was in distress. But now, someone uses a universal symbol for something someone doesn't like or understand and it is now a hateful symbol.

Marshal, it was "Not News" because nobody in the planet was surprised that it happened. The real news would have been if he hadn't been convicted. Nobody in the country believes Trump got a fair trail. It's also not news because it's doesn't effect anything. Those on the Left don't care because they are sure he's guilty of something and don't care what he gets convicted for, even though they can't articulate what he's guilty of. Those on the Right don't care because they're going to vote for him regardless. This verdict changes nothing about who is going to vote for who. And nobody believes he will get a fair shake at an appeal either. Sadly, I think Stan and I are 2 of the few that could truly have been unbiased if we'd been in the jury.

I wonder who is getting the sweet deal in the paper bag industry that paid enough money to get California to force people to give them money.

Like reparations, this makes no sense on a simply practical level. How do you determine the percentage of fault for a natural disaster?

The Bee was actually reporting fact in that the judge did tell them they didn't need to actually identify what he was guilty of, only that they needed to think him guilty of something.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

My flag is on a 20' pole and flies 24/7 lit--except when winds are forecast to be 35+ and then it comes in; I've had three poles snapped with the flag on it.

Anyway, I flew my flag upside down when Carter was elected, when Obamanation was elected, and when Obama-Biden was elected. Each time I left it that way for a month.

Vermont demoncrats have found a way to stop oil, as foolish as it is. Demokrats need to get rid of oil (it's not a "fossil fuel" by the way, any more than gold is from fossils--just naturally occurring) so they can control more people. Everything with Demokrats is about control.

Marshal Art said...


You provided some clarity about the "Not News" piece, so I thank you for that. But all it does is suggest bad word choice. Was it "news" he got the wrong verdict? Not at all if by that you (or Stan) means "surprised", which would have been a better word choice. "Not Surprised".

"It's also not news because it's doesn't effect anything."

This isn't true at all, though of course like most things, it remains to be seen. But it does set a precedent which bodes ill for the future. This was Stalinist as the show trials of Russia. Political persecution which interferes with the electoral process. If Trump was guilty of anything (apart from his adultery, which is never brought forth in courts anymore as the breech of contract it is), it is a misdemeanor which should have been brought forth long ago instead of now, which it never would have if he wasn't running for president. Clarice Feldman has a great piece in AmericanThinker today, which speaks of the effect it will surely have:

Of course this has been going on since Trump first won in 2016 and hasn't stopped. Indeed, it's escalated and at some point, it will be next to impossible for the GOP not to return fire. It was a bad day for the nation that this pathetic, irrational hatred for Donald Trump has reached this level of unAmerican behavior toward him. Indeed, as has been said, if it can happen to him, it can happen to any of us, and those still in jail since Jan 6 '21 are further examples. My hope and prayer is that the GOP does return fire, but do it because they are dealing with actual crimes and misbehavior, and not making them up to keep someone off a ballot.

By the way...I supported Trump because the nation needed him to win over Hillary in 2016, in 2020 because he had proven himself as more worthy of a second term than any president since Reagan and I support him now because we're enduring the severely negative consequences of his having been moronically rejected by enough people in 2020 that cheating succeeded. We can't have another Dem administration and this verdict is just more proof more blatantly demonstrated (as in "demon"-strated).

Marshal Art said...


Your list of examples of flying Old Glory upside-down compels one to wonder if this was known to those who feigned outrage at Alito and thought the better half of the nation didn't or wouldn't think to do this research, or if they're simply that stupid. I think the best answer is that they indeed sought to tie him to what they intentionally but falsely regard as a "Day of Infamy" in the mold of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

"I don't see the need for revolution over this single incident."

It's hard for me to believe you're not downplaying the serious significance of this situation...regardless of whether or not you mean to do so. This isn't a one-off. This is yet another of many examples of corruption of the legal system to persecute political opponents. What's next, do you imagine? That they'll stop here and go no further? By what measure could that be the most likely possibility? How bad would YOU allow it to get before you believe revolution is appropriate? I don't want to see "our" side go all leftist on this administration, but it's hard to dismiss that we're not far from things getting that bad, whether either of us throw in or not. When a good portion of the Dem voting population is falling away over this stuff, the question becomes what they'll do to regain the support they're losing. It's clear they regard attacking Trump as that which will gain them support and the opposite is happening. They step up their efforts, and more fall away. When even CNN's legal analyst, Elie Honig poops all over this trial, you know times for the Dems are tough. Like with the economy, they no doubt believe too many just don't get it. But more and more do get it and they ain't happy about it. Nor should they be. To say that Trump's donation website crashed because "too many" were trying to donate is poorly said. More need to pitch in because a ton of bucks will compel the Supremes to take up the case, where I believe Trump has the best chance to have it thrown out lock, stock and barrel.

Stan said...

Just a question, Art. Are you of the opinion that we are nearing the threshold of a necessary revolution? Do you believe that a revolution will fix our problems?

You asked if I had no kids or grandkids. You know I do. But I don't put my confidence in good government (because "good government" has been so very elusive for decades) to keep my family (or country) safe. I personally have a hard time with "overthrow the government" laid alongside Romans 13:1-2 or 1 Peter 2:17, but that's just me. Others will do what others will do ... on both sides.

Lorna said...

To date, I have not commented about politics or politicians here (for many good reasons, I believe). With all the political talk in the News Weakly features mostly going over my head, I thought I might make one very general remark.

A long time ago, I formed a general assessment of the public servants Americans have seen come and go; this summary helps me to keep the proper perspective about them all: “Some of them are bad; many of them are good; most of them are adequate; all of them are flawed; none of them are indispensable; any of them are useable by God.” I am mindful that all the politicians out there--past, present, or future--fall into a mix of these categories in equal measure; this fact keeps me from holding any of them in more and less esteem than they warrant.

David said...

I guess you've never heard the expression that something was "not news" when it was something everything expected. It derives from the fact that modern News is meant to be surprising or sensational. Many times, Stan has remarked in his disdain for media that the fact that millions of people went to work and came home today without incident is not news. And calling it "Not News" is keeping it in line with the subject of the blog post.

And no, revolution is not the Christian answer to failed government. There is a growing amount of Christians that believe that the American Revolution was against Scripture. Nowhere in the Bible are we given allowance to take up arms against corrupt government. Remember, when Paul gave his admonission to obey the government, he was talking to Christians being persecuted by Caeser. Yes, we should be politically and socially engaged. And we should be upset when the government fails to do it's duty. But revolution is not in the cards for Christians. The unbelieving Conservatives may choose that route, but Christians should not take up arms against the government that God has put in place, no matter how corrupt that government becomes.