Monday, December 31, 2012

Best of 2012

I thought I'd take a review and see how the year went. You know ... on the last day of the year. First, I added Dan as an author this year. Dan added 11 entries to the blog out of a total of 377 entries. Thus, I hit my target of one per day and exceeded it. Now I need to make a target of one quality entry per day. Too high? Perhaps.

Note: I used the website's tools to compile some results. (That is, actual results may vary.)

In terms of people viewing the entries, the hands-down winner this year was my April 1st post on Amazing Grace. That garnered 524 views, 261 more than the number 2 on the list. Interestingly, it managed to pull not one single comment. So what does that tell me? Number 2 was titled The Upside of Porn (in which I explained "there is no upside of porn"). It got 263 views and 2 whole comments. Number 3 and Number 4 tied with 181 views each. The first was February 11th's The Bible on Sex III and the next was June 7th's Definition of Marriage. You can imagine why, eh? Indeed, while the former drew 8 comments, the latter drew 33. That's actually a pretty high comment count for my blog.

After those entries, Forgetful from March 16th got 169 views and A Short Post on May 31 actually garnered 163 views. Is that a cry for "Please, Stan, shorter posts!"? Forgetful addressed the subject of whether or not God actually forgets sins. No one commented, so it must have been indisputable, right? (Yeah, right.) A Short Post was on the difference between Satan's approach -- "Take it all and surrender nothing" -- and God's approach -- "Surrender all and receive the Me." In total there were around 18,000 views of the 377 posts. Understanding that some of them were my own, I think I'm still pleased with that.

In terms of comments, the post with the most comments was in November. Calling Out Christians (understandably) got the largest number of comments -- 88 in all. Interestingly, it had 110 views. It would appear that it was viewed only slightly more than it was commented on. That suggests that it was viewed as much as it was primarily because people would go back to comment. Number 2 on the comment hit parade was Defining Marriage on June 5th. As you can imagine, there were 52 comments there. And this may come as a shock to many of my regular readers (you two know who you are), but it was not primarily Dan Trabue in this conversation. Interesting, eh? Overall there were some 2100 comments in the last year. I don't think I'll be breaking any Internet records or anything, but I'm satisfied with the interaction.

So, as always, tops on both view and comment lists seemed to be posts on sex. Imagine that. The series on the Bible on Sex (there were three of those) got a lot of hits. The various entries against redefining marriage to something brand new got a lot of comments. Interestingly, the topic of the Sovereignty of God grabbed a lot of attention, too. I can't really say why. Don't have the tools here to determine why. And it would appear that Dan has a following because his posts rated pretty high in the view count listings even if there weren't a lot of comments on them. Thanks, Dan.

Thanks to all my readers. I joke about how few there are, but I'm sure there are more than I realize. Thanks to all of those who have commented. You've assisted in bringing out more in the topics than was originally there. I hope that you've been blessed by what I've written. Some may have been blessed by examining it and figuring out I was wrong, but that's okay, too. And I pray that you will be blessed in the coming year, with or without my work. But that's because you'll need it ... and we serve a good God.


  1. Your blog is a daily stop for me (assuming I have access to the internet) and am glad that brief concern about whether it was worth it for you to carry on is behind you (or is it?).

  2. I will always ask God if it's time to stop. Nothing I do lasts forever, does it? :)

  3. It will be a sad day indeed for me when you decide to stop. You've helped me put into words many of my thoughts. You're blog is such a big deal to me that I check back on it many times over tha course of a day. Too bad you can't see how many views your front page garnishes.

    Thank you and keep up His good work.

  4. Interesting data.

    I've been reading you for quite a long time now, Stan, but I don't comment often because I'm just not very comfortable talking to an unknown group of people, even though, generally, your readers seem to be a pretty friendly bunch. I always enjoy reading everyone's comments. (Where are your other female readers though? I sometimes wonder. Come out of the woodwork, Ladies! I think you're there!)

    I seldom comment, but there are a lot of your posts that get reactions out of me -usually very positive reactions- at home or wherever I read you. I bet that is the case with many of your readers who also don't comment for one reason or another. Most of us probably wouldn't keep coming back if we weren't getting something positive out of what you write.

    For example, I thought your Nov. 26th post "Hollow Man" was excellent and I imagine there were other readers (probably most of us!) who did too. Yet nobody commented. We probably just nodded our heads in agreement wherever we were. Unfortunately writers can't see that.

    I want to say thank you. Though I am not in complete agreement with all of your beliefs, your blog encourages us readers to draw close(r) to God, to contemplate many of the big issues of life, to praise and honor our Almighty God, and to always examine the scriptures and our motives. This is all good. Thank you, Stan!

    It's been a good year for Winging It, I think. You have blessed us and may God richly bless you.

  5. Thanks much to all you readers, even those who only nod in agreement (or just draw closer to God).

    (And in reply to a comment not posted, yes, even your comments assisted in bringing out more of the topic.)


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?