Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year's Day, 2013

Today is the 20th anniversary of the day that my lovely bride vowed to spend the rest of her life with me and I her. Since her parents were married "'til death do us part" for well over 50 years and since my parents are celebrating their 60th anniversary this year, it would seem as if 20 years was a drop in the bucket. But in today's world where divorce rates are through the roof and the average length of a marriage is 8 years, it turns out it's quite an accomplishment.

Now, to be completely honest, it's not really a big accomplishment, at least not for me. I mean, I would be a complete fool to give up the woman I married. She is indeed that excellent. She is my complement, my helpmeet, my better half. She civilizes me. She respects me. She encourages me. I don't have the superlatives to describe how perfectly designed she is for me. Let's put it this way. I'm pretty sure that eHarmony would be quite at a loss to find a "compatible match" for me. And yet, I'm married to just that woman.

An excellent wife, who can find? Her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts her. She does him good and not evil. She works with her hands in delight. She brings good food from afar ...

If you aren't paying attention, I just started listing the Proverbs 31 "Excellent wife" categories. She's got a lot of those. More than her share. Certainly more than I merit. So, today, on our 20th anniversary, "Her husband [rises up] and he praises her, saying: 'Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all.'" (Prov 31:28-29).

Happy 20th Anniversary to my wife, my bride, my beloved.


  1. Happy Anniversary, ya newlyweds!

    20 years is a real accomplishment in this day and age. May you be blessed with many, many more years together.

  2. Congrats to you and the missus!

  3. Congratulations to you you both Stan. So... what's your secret for remembering your anniversary?

  4. Ahhhh! Sweet. Sounds like you've got a great girl there, Stan.

    Twenty years! That's wonderful. Happy Anniversary, you two!


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