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Friday, July 19, 2024

Things I Can't Afford

There are lots of things in life I can't afford. I can't afford a boat or RV. Too much money for mere entertainment and amusement. Do you know the origin of the word, "amuse"? It is from Latin muser -- to think -- with an "a" at the front for "not." To amuse in its original form meant to divert attention, to delude, to entrap, to stop from thinking. I don't think I can afford much amusement of that type.

I can't afford to ignore my wife, to be a bad husband, to fail to love her. I certainly don't succeed all the time at avoiding those pitfalls, but when I fail, it costs me ... more than I can afford. In a similar vein, I can't afford to ignore my Lord, be a bad Christian, or fail to love Jesus. To fail in any of these is even more expensive. I don't have the resources for those expenses.

What really brought this line of thinking up was current events. We're all wondering about the political scene and where that's going to go. Will it be Biden or Trump ... or ...? Who will our representatives be in the House and Senate? What can we expect in the months and years to come? Or, consider the shooting of Trump. Where will the violence come next? What direction is this country heading politically, morally, socially, economically ... all of it? The one thing that I really cannot afford is to trust my world -- politicians, business people, law enforcement, voters, planners, movers, and shakers. No stability. No confidence. I cannot afford to be double-minded like that, claiming to count on my God to see me through all while worrying about everything in this crazy, mixed-up world (James 1:7-8). I cannot afford to trust anyone more than Christ. That would certainly cost me more than I have.


David said...

I have found myself in a place where I don't believe we will see a reforming of American values, but I'm also not distressed by it. I often fail in all those areas you listed, but I can rest assured that God is at work, even through my failure, to do what is good for my life.

Lorna said...

After thinking about this a bit, I can see that I am on a tight “spiritual budget” myself.

I cannot afford to be unforgiving or to hold grudges against others.
I cannot afford to worry about the future or to be anxious for anything.
I cannot afford to neglect to assemble with the saints or to take all things to God in prayer.
I cannot afford to fail to make my election sure or to work out my salvation.
I cannot afford to trust in “princes” rather than the Lord or to serve two “masters.”
I cannot afford to love this world or the things in it.
I cannot afford to lay up treasures for myself on earth or to build my house upon the sand.
I cannot afford to lose my life in a misguided desire to save it or to lose my soul in a desire to gain the whole world.
I cannot afford to walk in the flesh or to fail to flee temptation.
I cannot afford to forgot to put on the “Full Armor of God.”
I cannot afford to count on getting to heaven through my own righteousness or good works.
I cannot afford to spurn God’s grace or to pass on the free gift of salvation.
I cannot afford to quench the Holy Spirit or to commit the unpardonable sin.
I cannot afford to indulge in too many earthly amusements--those distractions that keep me from thinking about the important things.

This list could be much, much longer, given more time to consider the issue! Thank you for this good reminder today to live in view of eternity.

Lorna said...

I must add that although I am convinced about each of these points, I certainly cannot say that I pursue or complete each one I listed as well as I should or would like. With the exception of not committing the “unpardonable sin,” I can say that I fail on each and every one to some degree. May God complete His good work in me through the Holy Spirit with full cooperation from me!

Marshal Art said...

" I cannot afford to trust anyone more than Christ."

Who has asked you to trust them more than Christ? We place trust in people all the time. Do you trust your any way? Of course you do. More than Christ? I'm guessing no. But are you wrong to trust your wife? As such, how can it be a bad idea to trust those you support for public office? I don't trust Trump to save my soul and to wash away my sins. That's not why I vote for him like a good Christian should. I trust, based now on his fine track record as president, to do more things I believe a good president should be doing and most particularly, to be a far better president that our 44th and 46th presidents were or are. I can't afford another four years of Democrats in power. I trust that my life will be improved when they no longer are.

Stan said...

Marshal, I think you heard something I never intended. I wasn't aiming anything at you. I know that a lot of people, Christians included, are deeply concerned about the nation and its direction and "What will become of us if 'our guy' doesn't take office?" ... in both directions. I'm simply asking Christians to trust their Sovereign Lord, and I trust that, even with 4 more years of Democrats or a full takeover of Communists who ban all freedom (going to an extreme to make a point), my God will still be in charge. You can't afford 4 more years of Democrats in power. What do you suppose Christians survived under Nero or Mao? I'm not counting on politicians or economists or the like. I would hope you wouldn't either.

David said...

I'm the last 40 years, has any Republican President actually made things better, or simply slowed the rot? We currently have a system of government that no one man can fix because of all the men that came before him. Even after the attempted assassination, we are more divided than ever. In any other like instance, there has been a unifying effect for the country, but not this one. Even if Trump wins, we have two divergent views of the history and future of this nation that is impossible for him to overcome. Am I on the Trump train now? Sure. But I don't for a second believe that he is going to be able to right this ship in any meaningful way that doesn't eventually lead to the dissolving of this country as the beacon of freedom and hope it has been. The only thing that will turn this country around is a Christian revival of the Church followed by a third great awakening. Without these, instituted by God, I fear this nation is lost.