Sunday, September 03, 2023

Sunday Morning Faith

It has been said (although more recently denied) that America is a Christian nation. CNN reported in April that 64% of Americans call themselves Christians. Of course, there is a growing number of school girls that are calling themselves boys, so what are we to conclude? It depends on what you deem "Christian." If, as is the current trend, "I identify" is classified as true, then Christians are still a majority in America. But, let's be honest. "I identify" is no way to actually determine truth ... for Christians or people with gender issues. Or anything else, for that matter. So, what is a "Christian." It isn't someone who calls themselves one or someone who grew up that way or someone who lives in America because "We're all Christians, aren't we?" (I actually had someone tell me that.) No, "Christian" specifically refers to a believer in Christianity. More specifically, "Christian" refers to a follower of Christ. So when I hear people tell me "I'm a Christian" in the midst of stories of a lifestyle that is a direct denial of Christ, I'm pretty sure someone is mistaken. Jesus mentioned these types. "On that day many will say to Me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and do many mighty works in Your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.'" (Mat 7:22-23). Apparently knowing Christ, or, rather, being known by Christ, is what is required.

I don't doubt the sincerity of many who claim Christ but don't demonstrate a relationship with Him. I don't think they're being devious or trying to mislead. I think they're confused. James wrote about "dead faith" -- a faith that is real but nonfunctional. "Faith without works," he wrote, "is dead" (James 2:17). That faith is the same kind the demons have (James 2:19). It is what one songwriter calls "Sunday morning faith." And, as Jesus pointed out, it only results in separation, not union, with God. Dead faith. I believe those people believe sincerely that they're Christians; I simply believe they're deceived. And why not? This kind of deception is going on all around us, isn't it? You can be sure.

Jesus said, "The hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matt 10:30). That means that He knows everything about you, and that the details matter. So when we are commanded to "Do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31), that would include "all." Our everyday experience should be continual prayer and thanksgiving (1 Thess 5:17-18). We should be nurturing an attitude of obedience (John 14:15). Everything we do He sees and He cares. Not just Sunday mornings. Claude missed it. You don't have to. But a Sunday morning faith is not going to make it.


  1. Our Christianity needs to expand beyond an hour a week. Going in once a week for a spiritual "pick-me-up" isn't sufficient help us make it through the week. I've seen those 64% statistics for a long time and always just assumed that 90% of those don't actually know what they believe. It's why now one of the arguments against the truth of Christianity is because of that very statistic. Christianity is true to you because that's how you were raised to believe. And I think for the vast majority of people in all religions, that's true. They don't actually believe the teachings of their faith, but they claim them because they grew up with them, without giving them any critical thought. So that generationally long enough and people won't be capable of defending any faith and religious practicianers will disappear. Thankfully, we have a God in control that will always have a remnant.

  2. The Matt7:22-23 passage is very compelling, and as I look at it now, it more strongly suggests to me than it did before that it bodes ill even for those who are "sincerely mistaken" about behaviors in which they might indulge or even enable.

    But it also stands as a reminder of how focused we must be in our desire to please Him and fulfill our end of the bargain.

  3. David, I'm (unfortunately) confident that a good number of those 64% fall in the "dead faith" category (at best), but I don't plan to make up statistics like "90%". (:

    I, for one, am delighted that Jesus and not we build His church.

  4. Maybe 90% is excessive, but aren't we told by the prophet that God had a remnant of 7000? Of the couple million Jews at the time, not a high percentage.

  5. Thus the smiley face. Jesus said, "The gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few" (Matt 7:14).

  6. the term Christian, has been jaded to the point of obscurity. it now means anything and everything. I even considered our original identity, as children of the promise. but that too. is just another name, that can be used and abused. truth be told; the crucible of sanctification, purges us of many assumptions about our identity. the older I get, the more I am led to see my abject fallenness. the pathway is fraught with peril. the abundant life promise, has very little to do with comfort and joy, just yet, in this world.
    only a merciful God, could save wretches like us, then give us a new name.

  7. “Claude” missed it, alright. Tragically, he was trusting that Christ wouldn’t see through a thin, religious veneer all the way to his heart of stone. How foolish of us to think our eternal spiritual status could be based on a shallow “I identify” mentality! Conversely, how glorious to be alive in Christ from the inside out!


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