Saturday, September 02, 2023

News Weakly - 9/2/23

"Inclusive. You keep Using That Word..."
A woman from Benicia, CA, spoke out at a school board meeting about the nonsense of requiring school children to choose pronouns, complaining, "Teaching kids that there isn't standard or truth and that you can believe anything that you want to believe is not correct." She claims it got her fired from her job. Because you can believe what you like as long as it is not in violation of what you are allowed to believe. Because businesses will employ you as long as you don't violate society's preferred beliefs. You have been warned.

Hands-Off Parenting Used to be a Crime
It is only to be expected that California's attorney general would sue a school district that requires teachers to notify parents if their children are transgender or nonbinary. Because, as we all know, parents are only responsible for their kids if they fail to prevent them from getting a gun in today's new system. Otherwise, parents, keep your hands off the children they are hoping to indoctrinate.

A Living Wage
The argument lofted at us for these massive raises in minimum wage that has been a major contributor to our skyrocketing cost of living has been "We need to pay them a living wage." Is anyone going to reconsider, then, when they read the study that determined that single people in Hawaii need to average $112,000 a year for a "living wage"? I doubt it. "Don't bother me with facts; I know I'm right."

The Wall Cracks
And ... there it is. In New Hampshire they are now suggesting that Trump should not be included on the 2024 primary ballot because of the 14th Amendment. "Justice!" his haters will cry. To me it looks a lot more like "Guilty until proven innocent." To me it looks a lot like throwing a lot of stuff against the wall to see what sticks ... or cracks the wall. I'm no Trump fan, but to me it looks a lot like ... election tampering. Kind of like the Bee put it on a similar story: "The federal judge presiding over former President Donald Trump's trial on charges of election interference has set a trial date that will line up perfectly to interfere with the 2024 presidential election."

Don't Ask
We're told to "trust the Science." But then they don't. Worse, now they are banning the questions. A study was done to examine if the current "gender fluidity" phase -- specifically this new Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria -- is actually a product of "social contagion." Are kids identifying as transgender as a result of social influences? The paper was forced to be retracted because of their methodology and because the American Psychological Association said it couldn't be. "You can't ask the question. You can't study it to see if it's true. We have determined that it is real, so calling on science to confirm or deny it is a violation of science ... which is whatever we say it is."

When the Fight for Freedom was Slavery
A school in Colorado Springs told a 12-year-old student to remove the Gadsden flag -- "Don't tread on me" -- from his backpack due to its "origins in slavery." That did not go well for them once it came out and they had to backtrack on it. But the Bee had a lot of fun with it. There was the pre-dawn raid by the FBI to seize the offending backpack and the 6th-grader who was suspended for having a U.S. History book with an American flag on it. My favorite was this one: "The Vanguard School in Colorado Springs has released a powerful commercial demonstrating why parents should homeschool their children."

P.S. As you may have noticed, this week I sprinkled my Babylon Bee inputs in among the stories. I hope you found them okay.


  1. We're not too far off, I think, with that last bit about the American flag. I heard someone say that if you see an American flag in someone's house, you know they're racist. I guarantee that if that boy had a pride flag, they'd have put him on a pedestal and showed it off.

  2. Your first paragraph title… Very funny. It truly is inconceivable!!! (The Princess Bride) but then again, we are talking California government

  3. David. I've seen an add for a T-shirt which has the American flag attached with the words. "This is my Pride Flag". I'll be getting one, and the modern progressive will be aghast. Good.

    Normally, I comment to each "News Weakly" post separately. But this Saturday so much is posted which arouse hatred in me, as if that's the intention. To make us hate. I hate that, but I can't say I'm not growing hateful, where for the most part I never was. Yet it seems it's evil manifested and I don't believe I'm wrong to hate evil.

    I continue to worry over the fate of my granddaughters after my passing (I'm not exactly a spring chicken at this point). What too many seek to enable is a clear and present danger to my girls. There's no means by which this threat can be eradicated which I oppose. Is that unChristian, or is it as Christian as I should be?

  4. Regarding “A Living Wage”: It seems to me that the phrase “a living wage” is subjective and relative. A “living wage” by whose standards? People can “live” in a very minimalistic or frugal manner; people can “live” in a very expensive and indulgent manner; people can “live” somewhere between the extremes. Who determines what is comfortable and what is excessive, especially since this depends on many factors, including location (as you pointed out)? People need to consider what their chosen “profession” typically and reasonably pays (with their level of education and experience factored in) and make adjustments if that doesn’t suit them, i.e. change their professions, their lifestyle, or their expectations. Or at least that was the line of thinking when I was growing up (when we didn’t receive bailouts for our misguided choices).

    Regarding “Don’t Ask”: It seems clear to me that this “trans” nonsense among teens lately is due in very large part to peer pressure (I have thought that from the start). It is generally recognized that a large segment of teens will do almost anything to fit in—even if it’s refusing to fit it! (Supposedly, even rebellion is a manifestation of conformity, if everyone else is doing it, too.)

    Just a point of humor: After reading all this “trans” news here, I go to submit my comment just now and I was instructed by the blog author to “Choose an identity.” Made me laugh!


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?