Monday, September 04, 2023

What If?

What if you knew? Not thought. Not hoped. What if you knew? Would it make a difference?

What if you knew that you are loved? What if you knew that you are more deeply loved than you know? What if you knew that all the good things you enjoy are a gift? What if you knew that all the bad you've encountered are part of a plan, a bigger operation that, in the end, will be far better than if you hadn't encountered them? What if you knew every bad thing you've done is forgiven, that every good you've failed to do is accounted as completed? What if you knew that there was no reason for guilt or shame because there is no condemnation from the One who matters? What if you knew that you are watched and cared for and guarded and guided? Infallibly. What if you knew that the Master of the universe sought to adopt you as His very own child? And succeeded. What if you knew that you currently have an Omnipotent God at work in you to do that which you cannot even dream?

What if you knew? Not thought. Not even merely believed. What if you knew? Would it make a difference? Would it make a difference if you could be absolutely certain that all that and more is true ... of you?


  1. Powerful words! what an amazing Father we have!

  2. oh lord i beleive, help my unbelief.

  3. Those notions would make all the difference in the world to me, for every day of my life here on earth and for all eternity! And I praise God that all those “what ifs” are indeed true! Thanks for this reminder, Stan.


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