Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Where Do You Stand?

Scripture says of the natural human being that he is not merely unwilling, but is actually incapable of understanding the things of God (1 Cor 2:14). We know that "the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth" (Gen 8:21), that the wicked "go astray from birth, speaking lies" (Psa 58:3). Natural humans are blinded by the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4), hostile to God (Rom 8:7), with deceitful and sick hearts (Jer 17:9). "There is no one who does good, not even one" (Psa 14:3; Rom 3:13). "No one understands; no one seeks for God" (Rom 3:11). This is the bottom line of our society, our culture.

Why is it, then, that we believers are so willing to draw our beliefs and our values from that culture? Why is it that we can be more skeptical of Scripture than societal perceptions? Think, for instance, of the concept of patriarchy. Everyone today knows that patriarchy is evil. I mean, that was (they tell me) a key message from the latest "Barbie" movie. It's that clear. Oddly enough, patriarchy is the principle that God instituted (1 Cor 11:3). Yes, yes, sinful men abuse God's principles, but that doesn't mean that the principle is wrong. In fact, if the principle is wrong, it is God who is wrong. And God furthers the principle by identifying as "Our Father" (Matt 6:9), as if that confers any status or standing. Yes, sinful humans have twisted the concept, so we've allowed it and gone along with it and arrived at the obvious conclusion that the claim that "the head of a wife is her husband" (1 Cor 11:3) is sexist and evil. So twisted is society's view on patriarchy that Christians who actually believe in a biblical version of it will not use the term because it cannot be addressed apart from the twisted views of society.

Consider some contrasts. Our modern world tells us that women must not submit to their husbands (Eph 5:22-24). "Studies have shown" that corporal punishment is harmful, not helpful (Heb 12:5-8). Today's position is that marriage is whatever you make it and only as long as you want (Matt 19:4-6). (On that last, it's very hard to define "marriage" in today's terms because it means so little anymore.) The loudest voices hold that homosexuality is normal (Rom 1:26-27). And on and on. When we subscribe to society, society's values, even society's science as our own -- our guide for life -- we do so against God's Word. When we reinterpret God's Word so that it aligns with society's views rather than vice versa, we make God a liar. And we do so with a smile and the confidence that we are followers of Christ. Don't be deceived; that's not following Christ.


  1. What's interesting about the marriage discussion is that data is strongly supportive of marriage.

  2. I'd imagine it is because our parents are not teaching our children rules of logic and reason, and allowing the secular world teach them that two opposing things can be equally valid. And then wonder why their kids aren't following Christ, when they've been taught that all truth is valid as long as you believe it.

  3. David,

    I agree that parents failures are definitely part of the problem.

    I saw something this morning that I thought was interesting that's kind of related to this. The premise was that before the internet, we selected our spouse from the pool of people we knew. School, church, friends etc. We'd find someone that we had some sort of relationship with and then decide that they were someone that dating/marriage would be possible. Now we see people choosing from a much larger pool, with no prior relationship, and that are setting incredibly high bars for consideration.

    I just finished Nancy Pearcey's book on masculinity and she digs into the data and history that seems to explain a lot of this.

  4. Ever since I was born again 47 years ago, it has become more and more clear that I would need to change my worldviews, ways of thinking, and points of reference. My ignorance of God’s Word would need correction, and my mind would need renewal. My standards would need to change from those of the world to align with the Lord’s. My judgment of right and wrong would need adjustment, and my priorities would need revamping. Becoming a new creation in Christ has been a lifelong venture, and I am grateful that the Lord has given me all the decades that He has so far to work on this monumental task. (And I appreciate the regular guidance towards this transformation that I receive by reading at this blog.)


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