Thursday, February 22, 2024

Aliens Among Us

If we were to examine, carefully, what a "Christian" is supposed to look like, I think we'd be a bit ... startled. Genuine followers of Christ are not supposed to be "normal." Following Christ is not a casual thing. It is, in fact, radical.

Consider. Jesus said, "If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me" (Matt 16:24). Now, I know you've heard that before, but has it ever struck you as so ... out there? Deny self? That's not even reasonable in today's world. And yet, Jesus considers it a minimum. We are to forgive, without which we cannot be forgiven (Matt 6:14-15). We are actually commanded to be heavenly-minded (Php 4:8). We are expected to rejoice in trials (Rom 5:3-5; James 1:2-4). We are not supposed to be anxious (Php 4:6). Seriously, do you even watch the news? We aren't merely supposed to love God with all we are and love our neighbors as ourselves -- purely bizarre in itself -- but we're supposed to love the way Jesus did (to death), and that love shouldn't be an occasional sight among Christians; it should be the mark of every Christian (John 13:35). We're supposed to be husbands who love our wives by giving up self and wives who submit to their husbands as to the Lord. We're supposed to flee sexual immorality rather than indulge every opportunity. We're supposed to love sacrificially, live sacrificially, and count on God for everything. We are supposed to be counter-cultural. Being a genuine Christian is anything but normal.

The sad thing, of course, is that I would have to write this. The unfortunate fact is that we are way too normal. We don't stand out in our rejoicing in every situation. We aren't bizarre in our love for each other. We don't do our good works so that the Father will be glorified. We're just like everyone else. Well, maybe not fully, but, considering all that Jesus asks of us, certainly too much. You know ... the old line. "If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" I'm not sure how many of us could honestly answer "Yes."


  1. This is certainly fodder for conviction and personal reflection today. (Another blog where I read every day had the exact same theme today--just an uncomfortable coincidence, I am sure. :) As I remarked yesterday, so much of my natural inclinations need major adjustments in order to follow Christ; I am assuming that the Holy Spirit is making some progress in me based on the increasing discomfort I feel every passing year living in this world and my growing eagerness for the next one.

  2. We live in a society where conformity is valued, even when it's branded as nonconformity. Christians should be known for not conforming to society, instead of blending in. It's something I'm guilty of as much or more than anyone. It's especially disappointing to see christian leaders discouraging being different, and encouraging conformity.

    When did it become breaking a rule
    To say your name out loud in school
    When your names the only one that sets us free
    When did it become incorrect
    To speak the truth about life and death
    When your life gave us all eternity
    Even if it gets me convicted
    I'll be on my knees with my hands lifted
    If serving you's against the law of man
    If living out my faith in you is banned
    Then I'll stand right before the jury
    If saying I believe is out of line
    If I'm judged cause I'm gonna give my life
    To show the world the love that fills me
    Then I want to be Guilty
    I'll rise up and honor you
    I'll testify to all the good you do
    'Cause your Grace and your Mercy have overtaken me
    So even if it gets me convicted
    I'll be on my knees with my hands lifted
    If serving you's against the law of man
    If living out my faith in you is banned
    Then I'll stand right before the jury
    If saying I believe is out of line
    If I'm judged cause I'm gonna give my life
    To show the world the love that fills me
    Then I want to be Guilty by association
    Guilty of being a voice proclaiming Your ways
    Your truth
    Your life
    I'll pay the price to be your light
    If serving you's against the law of man
    If living out my faith in you is banned
    Then I'll stand right before the jury
    If saying I believe is out of line
    If I'm judged cause I'm gonna give my life
    To show the world the love that fills me
    Then I want to be Guilty by association
    Guilty of being a voice proclaiming Your ways
    Your truth
    Your life
    I'll pay the price to be your light
    Oh I want to be Guilty


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?