Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sanctity of Life Sunday

Democrats are kicking off an abortion rights campaign on the anniversary of 1973's Roe v. Wade decision. If there is anything this country needs it is a return to the freedom of killing the most vulnerable humans ... preferably on the taxpayers' dime. No woman should have to choose between responsible sexual behavior or losing their comfort zone. It's just ... well ... misogynistic. What they try to tell you is it's just "reproductive freedom." What they try to tell you is that Republicans want to control women. And the whole thing has been so obscured by emotional diatribes and, frankly, lies that it's hard to see the forest for the trees.

Let's be clear. The question of whether or not that unborn child is a human being is a settled scientific question. It is a human being. It is so settled that when we're talking in unguarded moments we routinely refer to that baby as an "unborn child." I recently saw an ad for a medication they were pushing with, among the many, a disclaimer that "This medication might harm an unborn child." "Wait a minute!" I ask the screen, "Haven't we said there's no such thing?" Of course there is, and we all know it. Federal law calls killing a child in the womb murder ... and then turns schizophrenic by saying, "Except in the case of abortion." There is no doubt that abortion for contraception kills human beings. Over 63 million in the 51 years of Roe v. Wade. That's an average of more than 1.2 million a year. On average, a baby died every 26 seconds for 51 years as a means of contraception. Why? The top three reasons are "It's not a good time" (36%), "The baby's father isn't on board with it" (26%), and "I've just got too much going on right now" (18%). After that, there are about 9% who claim "health concerns." They don't feel like they can handle the pregnancy physically or emotionally (which doesn't sound like "health concerns" to me). According to statistics, actual physical risk would constitute something less than 3% of pregnancies.

It's not women we're interested in dominating. (That should be patently obvious when a major portion of those in favor of life are women.) We believe that we are made in God's image. We believe that it is wrong to intentionally terminate the life of humans made in the image of God (Gen 9:6). That the loudest voices would be calling for the free and easy killing of babies as a good and honorable thing is disturbing. If we must not protect the most vulnerable, who then? If babies in the womb are worth nothing, who is? If we, as a society, have determined that the freedom to engage in any sort of sexual activity they please whenever they please is a higher good than the value of human life, I think we've found a reason that gun deaths are so high. And I think we've found a reason for Christians to obey Scripture when it says, "I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior" (1 Tim 2:1-3). It's an election year. I think we should get on that in earnest.


  1. We have to pray, because only an act of God will change the hearts of this wicked nation.

  2. Yeah. It's an election year. I think we need to do all we can to prevent Democrats from holding any elective office where we have the ability to vote. Thus, on the upcoming ballot, I will vote for anyone running against a Democrat, particularly for president given the president nominates so many federal judges. Sadly, for the sanctimonious types, Donald Trump is looking more and more like the GOP nominee, barring assassination, natural death or any of the many political charges against him resulting in his incarceration. The sanctimonious types refuse to vote for him, and thus, they welcome the success of whomever the Democrats nominate for president. It's a conundrum for the sanctimonious types who have a desire to see the unborn protected from murder.

    OF course, abortion is just one way Democrats in power leads to unnatural deaths. With Biden, crime is up, illegal immigrant invasion is up, fentanyl deaths are up, and on and on and on.

    How earnest one is will be shown by how one votes.

  3. To my mind, Stan, an adherence to what you termed “responsible sexual behavior”--if truly taken to heart--would virtually eradicate abortion-on-demand. If people took proper responsibility for their choices--both before and after their actions--then this horrific situation would not exist so prevalently and so casually in our culture today. How sad that our nation’s leaders didn’t have the courage 50 years ago to stand strong against the tide and continue to defend the innocent. And it's even more distressing that they still don’t recognize--even after all these years!--the bloody aftermath and the terrible toll of that unfortunate legislation. Yes, we must pray in earnest this election year, as always--for innocent lives are at stake.

  4. While David waits for hearts to change by whatever means they may, it's incumbent upon us to do all we can to prevent the worst hearts from attaining any seat of power and influence. That begins with voting Republican wherever Republicans vie for office against Democrats. Success there means the worst hearts are denied, and those Republicans whose hearts are also in question, while not as bad as Dems, we can then stay on them to do what must be done.

    It's the way the system works and there's no honoring God in letting the worst of us rule without taking whatever means we have at our disposal to prevent it.

  5. Did you know that your vaunted pro-life Republicans have been active in fighting against state bills that protect the unborn, Marshal? So no, I will not be depending on the government to change the laws because they believe it to be a politically losing battle.

  6. I read here because Stan’s posts direct me to think biblically--rather than, say, politically. For example, Stan reminds us here that the apostle Paul urges us to pray earnestly for our nation’s leaders--I don’t see that as being dependent on “how one votes.” Marshal Art sees Democrats as having “the worst hearts” while Republican hearts are “not as bad as Dems.”--while Jer. 17:9 tells me all hearts are evil. We can know from generations of American history that men and women of all partisan labels (including many “sanctimonious types”) can and will lead our country astray in equal measure, as it suits their political and personal aspirations. As Stan reminded us on Sep. 13, God is Sovereign above all of it, and we can rest in that truth this entire election year and beyond.


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