Saturday, January 20, 2024

News Weakly - 1/20/24

Note: I feel like some of these posts of late have been quite lengthy. I guess, to me, it was a slower news week, so I'll pass that break on to you and make this one shorter for your viewing pleasure.
Not Antisemitism?
"Thousands of people gathered in the nation's capital Saturday afternoon to call for a cease-fire in Gaza," the story says. It was a "sea of red and green Palestinian flags." I wonder why no one is calling for Hamas to cease fire, since they continue to launch rockets daily into Israel? "Israel needs to stop defending themselves and let Hamas continue their aggression!!!" Seems fair to ... someone?

Global Warming
The headlines were about how 150 million Americans were facing "dangerous cold" under winter weather warnings at the beginning of this last week. Nearly half the nation. Seriously ... snow in Texas? At the end of this week, another 100 million face more cold and people have died from it. I tell you, if this global warming keeps up, we're all going to freeze to death.

Justice Delayed
While Democrats are feverishly working to undermine democracy, Trump dominated the rest of the pack in Iowa. Now, if you want to eliminate Trump in November, you could simply put him on trial and find him guilty of insurrection. They're not. Why? Are they hoping the trial at the right time will shoot him down regardless of the verdict? Or are they simply afraid they can't convict him of something for which multiple agencies have exonerated him? Looks bad for Trump haters.

They're at it again
The Bee reported on a gender surgeon who gives appointment reminders in five years for reversal surgery. Ouch! In Texas, the story is that terrified Texans opened fire on strange white stuff falling from the sky. I mean, really ... snow in Texas? And, in the midst of the complaints about too many illegal immigrants getting shuffled to New York, at least one white liberal was seen removing his "All are welcome here" sign from the front lawn.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Don't you see, they're not antisemitic, they're pro-palestine, just like they're not pro-abortion but pro-choice. It's all in the branding.

    Maybe they just need to stop panicking about the climate since we are clearly too influential on it. In the 70s they were worried about a Great Freeze and how America was going to be buried in snow. Clearly their efforts worked so good that we were dangerously overheating the globe. It totally can't be that climate changes cyclically and we have no real idea how much since we simply don't have enough data to pull from.

    Don't try to confuse them with facts. They enjoy their hate so much.

    Or how about the one that Trump has offered Vivek a position in the White House 7-Eleven? That one gave me a chuckle, and apparently gave Vivek one too.

  2. Yes, the notion that Hamas has complete control of achieving a cease fire seems to have slipped the pro Hamas protesters minds.


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