Friday, October 13, 2023

When Is It Okay to Divide?

Scripture repeatedly calls for unity among believers (e.g., John 17:20-21; 1 Cor 1:10; 1 Peter 3:8; Eph 4:3; Php 2:2). Now, mind you, this doesn't mean "uniformity" or a simple "everyone thinking alike," but unity is still the call. So when is "disunity," in some form or another, okay? Ever?

As it turns out, biblical unity demands disunity at times (e.g., 2 Cor 6:17). We are told to have nothing to do with believers who are in unrepentant sin (Matt 18:15-17; 1 Cor 5:11-13; 2 John 1:10-11). For the sake of unity we are to beware of false teachers (Matt 7:15) and have nothing to do with a person who stirs up division and won't stop when warned (Titus 3:10). To those who claimed a relationship with Christ that they didn't actually have, Jesus says, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness" (Matt 7:23).

Unity is a command. Sometimes unity requires a separation from those who will not be united or, worse, causes disunity. Not only is it wise to separate from those who refuse Christ's commands; it is commanded. That's when it's okay to divide.


  1. It's OK to divide when division moves you closer to YHWH, and further away from those who are placing other things ahead of seeking and glorifying Him.

  2. Paul says that divisions are necessary to show who is rightly offering the Word. If all we ever have is unity, we will inevitably fall into heresy.

  3. That's a good way to put it, Craig. And, yes, David, we will inevitably end up in heresy sense the tendency is to fall to the most common denominator.

  4. Craig, I would bet a huge percentage of both people church hopping as well as church splits that Holy Spirit was not behind, could claim this as their basis. Many well-meaning people do very bad things via deception. I am convinced that I can convince myself of anything. Something Jeremiah said about us having a deceitful and wicked heart.

  5. I absolutely concur with you, Stan. Many times the Bible describes separations in encouragement of a pure unity, from how the chosen people were instructed to live in contrast to the nations around them to where we read in Rev. 18:4, “come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins….” In the New Testament, I see division of sheep & goats, wheat & tares, and productive branches & fruitless branches on the True Vine. There are contrasts between the broad path & the narrow gate, false teachers & true followers, and the true Gospel & false ones. Since 1 John 4:1 tells us to test the spirits, there are clearly both good & bad spirits for us to differentiate. As you pointed out, there will be foundational unity among members of the Body of Christ as they hold shared truths about God, but it is clear that establishing and maintaining true unity requires much sorting, separating, and dividing. Church history certainly bears this out, as heresies and heretical leaders were rooted out from the start and biblical teaching was continually confirmed and reaffirmed over the following centuries (i.e. the Protestant Reformation and the development of the various denominations within Protestantism that followed). As we are all acutely aware, the exercise of discernment in pursuit of a biblical faith and holy living is ongoing and will be until Christ returns to rescue His bride from this world. Then will come true and pure unity at last!

  6. Doug,

    The fact that some people use this as an excuse to do their own thing, doesn't invalidate the reality that everything we do is supposed to glorify YHWH, and when we do things that don't we should change our behavior.


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