Saturday, October 14, 2023

News Weakly - 10/14/23

Shades of 1984
In the classic novel, 1984, Orwell envisioned a world (patterned after Stalin's Soviet Russia) where, among other things, mind control was of the essence. One method the government employed was eliminating words that they didn't want people to think about. Like the Danish government's campaign of replacing gendered language with gender-neutral language. If you don't have a word for it, you won't think it ... right? They think so. Coming soon to a country near you?

When Harvard Fails to Teach Thinking
Thirty-one Harvard student organizations have blamed Israel for the Hamas attack on Israel. Now, that makes sense, right? Oh, no, not one bit. When Israeli forces have unfortunately killed civilians in their attacks on Hamas strongholds (because terrorists like to hide among civilians), no one in Israel is proud to claim responsibility, but when Hamas invades Israel, killing hundreds and kidnapping more and threatens to kill hostages, you can be clear who the bad guys are in this scenario. It's not the ones saddened by the deaths of civilians; it's the ones proud of causing them. And how upside down is this world when people around the world threaten a "day of rage" in favor of terrorists? Terrorists who intentionally murdered and kidnapped innocent people, beheaded children, and gloated about it? I would think the rage would be against them.

Blame It On COVID
ACT test scores have dropped to their lowest in 30 years "in a pandemic slide," the news tells us. I'm not tracking. "Lowest in 30 years" and "pandemic", which was 3 years ago. I think if they tested for "gender studies" and "inclusivity" and "tolerance" and the like, you'd find much higher scores. Reading, writing, arithmetic, and such are not high priorities in so many schools these days. At least, that's what the testing is telling us.

From Satire to Bizarre in Seconds
Actually, this wasn't so funny. The Bee did a little joke about how grateful Laphonza Butler is for her new job as a California senator since it was a short commute to work from her home in Maryland. Ha, ha! Except the Internet says that Laphonza Butler resides in Maryland. What?? That went from humorous to bizarre. What's up with that, California?

A Living Wage
The winning ticket for a $1.76 billion Powerball jackpot was sold in California. Which only seems fair, since after taxes and all, it should amount to a living wage or so. Hey, maybe they can buy a house now? Or at least afford a down payment.

Let Humor Bee Heard
After losing 3 straight playoff games to the 2nd place Diamondbacks, the Bee is wondering if the Dodgers should have paid more attention to training than honoring drag nuns. Not from the Bee, a photo from 2009 has resurfaced showing an anti-Israel rally including "Queers for Palestine." Now, you'd think that supporting a group (Hamas's Palestine) that would imprison you for showing up wouldn't make sense ... oh, no, it doesn't. And that's one of those "satire or real" moments because it's stupid but actual. One last from the Bee, lest you think it's all bad news for Islam, this week the religion was downgraded to "mostly peaceful" despite all that beheading and mayhem and all.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. It is mostly true that if you eliminate the ability to say a thing, most of society will not think of it, but as even 1984 indicates, you can never truly eradicate an idea.

    It is so odd to me that liberals will lump us in with Nazis and the KKK, and yet turn around and completely agree with Nazis and the KKK when it comes to Jews. They're not just glad for Hamas to "overthrow their oppressors", but they cheer the murder and rape of all Israelis.

    I heard someone else also pointing out that American education has been on the decline for much longer than COVID, only that it exasperated the problem and in many ways has brought the problem to the forefront. I'm in my 40s, and I remember people complaining about the decline of education even 30 years ago. I saw a Cold War era video of high school athletism being pushed as important because being physically for was good for the individual and the nation. If they put as much effort into physical training then as mental education, no wonder we were a leading power in the world. Now, we couldn't care less about the physical and mental abilities of our youth.

    Did you also see the Bee article about the great plan to choose the best person for the job out of .001% of the population? I guess it just shows my ignorance about Congress, but I thought the state Representatives needed to be from that state and currently living in that state, not living in a different coast for the past several years. But, as we've seen lately, rules don't actually apply when the government elite doesn't want them to.

    Dunno, after all the taxes and fees in California, I'd imagine they'd only be able to afford a nice dinner.

  2. Actually, yes, David, I commented on that Bee story last week.

  3. That must be where I saw it then. My bad.

  4. Shades of 1984

    Well, we all know how willing the left is as regards perverting the language to their benefit. Eliminate a word, redefine a word, make up new words...all the same. All shamefully dishonest.

    When Harvard Fails to Teach Thinking

    This is as disturbing as can be. How so many within institutions created to promote true critical thinking skills can instead have so many who don't think at all is amazing to me in a very stomach turning way. For all those who are foreign exchange or on student visas and the like, Senator Marco Rubio is pushing for legislation which will send them all packing for daring to support terrorist organizations. It's one thing to debate which side is "oppressed" or which side has the more accurate telling of the history of the region. But for our universities allowing any pro-terrorist student groups or expressions is no different than promoting the murder, rape and destruction itself. In a sane world, that would be akin to actual incitement as it legitimizes the vermin and their actions. I like the idea. I also like withholding any federal or state funding of any such institution which itself fails to quash such asininity.

    Blame It On COVID

    Public schools are worthless.

    From Satire to Bizarre in Seconds

    Strange there wasn't even one black lesbian in California for Newsome to check off that box. I would have thought there were thousands. Clearly he wanted one so badly he embarked on a nation-wide search!

    A Living Wage

    Oh!...this lucky person absolutely has to move out of California now that he/she can afford to! That would be awesome for the state to take that money out, not spending any more of it in California not needed to split!

    Let Humor Bee Heard

    The "Queers for Palestine" bit was, as I'm sure you know, covered at Craig's blog. We were told that queers are such good people they are able to show solidarity to other "oppressed" people, even if those same people would treat them badly. Aside from the stupidity of the suggestion...which is abundantly clear...I explained the reality that to whatever extent either group has been "oppressed", it's been a direct response to their willful behavior which, if they choose to reject said behavior, they will not suffer "oppression".

  5. Art, on that "Queers for Palestine" thing, the link I gave was to an article about it in Advocate, a magazine for LGBT. They thought it was stupid. I thought that was funny.


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