Tuesday, September 19, 2023

David's Little Prayer

The psalms have plenty of prayers and praises from King David. One is found in the 39th Psalm.
O YHWH, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am! Behold, You have made my days a few handbreadths, and my lifetime is as nothing before You. Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath! (Psa 39:4-5)
It's interesting to contrast that with, say, young people (not only of today, but all times). They feel like they're immortal, like they will never die. As a race, we prefer not to contemplate our demise or think about how soon it will come. Whether it's 100 years or 10 years on this earth, it is, in the scheme of things, a short time.

Thanks to the movie of the same name, a lot of people have this notion of a "bucket list" in their collective heads these days. You know, a list of things we want to do before we die. The point is to be sure you don't waste your days. The point is that life is short. And, yet, like fools, we live as if we're immortal, pursuing fleeting pleasures instead of eternal treasures. How crazy is that? Perhaps we need to pray David's little prayer, too. Father, make us aware of the shortness of our days so that we will make better, wiser, use of our brief time on this earth to Your greater glory.


  1. Many people do think and act like their time on earth will last “forever”--without considering that their souls are indeed immortal. I heard a phrase once that stuck with me: “Life is short. Eternity is not. Plan accordingly.” Therefore, the first thing on everyone’s “bucket list” should be this: “Place faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and live as His follower so as to spend all eternity with Him.” Check! :)

    P.S. I got a good laugh from your phrase "their collective heads"--quite the word picture!

  2. Like the pursuit of wealth, or really, as with any other ambition, one's bucket list can't be something which subordinates God's Will to second place. So long as that's not the case, all the things I'd love to experience before my time is up are not so important to me that I would forget Whom I serve...or strive to serve. I don't think we're to deny ourselves of any of the many gifts God has showered upon us. We simply must never forget what's most important in life, which is Him...and act accordingly to the best of our ability.


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