Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Battle for the Mind

In Colossians Paul told the Christians, "As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him" (Col 2:6). He explains some of what that means, including "abounding in thanksgiving" (Col 2:7). Then he says,
See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. (Col 2:8)
We have the basic notion here. Be taken captive, as it were, by the things that are according to Christ and not by that which is not. What, specifically, are we to not be captivated by? Philosophy and empty deceit. Human tradition. "Elemental spirits of the world."

I think the argument can be made that Christians these days operate largely under those things. We redefine Scripture by modern philosophies such as "gender fluidity" and "homosexual theory" and even "feminism." That was just a short list. We have a lot. We are told that Genesis 1 and 2 are wrong -- "myth" -- not because there is anything in them to suggest it, but because Darwin offered an alternative for our human tradition. The media, science, government, education, generally all standard edifices these days are built in opposition to biblical truth and Christians feel the need to reread Scripture in light of the world's perceptions rather than vice versa.

The phrasing there is interesting. We are not to be "taken captive." These things tie us up and drag us away. We are no longer free to start with God's Word. We will need to "get permission," as it were, from human philosophy, deception, and tradition. Oh, and not necessarily longstanding tradition. We're always adopting new ones, aren't we? Paul calls it captivity, and it is. Instead, we are to "destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). Oh, they are lofty, indeed, but they are opposed to God's own revelation of Himself and our primary concern must be to obey Christ.


  1. I suspect that if you were to survey those who do as you suggest, that they would virtually all deny that they are held captive, by anything other than their intellect, reason, and mind.

  2. It seems then, with the warning to not be taken captive, that we aren't to ignore and not understand the philosophies and views of this world, but to acknowledge them and correct them based on God's Word.

  3. Yes, Craig, but certainly NOT God's Word.

    Yes, David, it doesn't seem reasonable to "not be taken captive" by putting on a blindfold.

  4. Stan,

    Because placing one's own mind, reason, rationality, or ability as the final arbiter makes us feel in control and like we have some power.


    Excellent point.

  5. I concur with all of the above. Ironically, one who wallows in human tradition accuses my positions totally aligned with the clear revelation of Scripture as pushing a human tradition. There's no argument against my understanding, except that it is wrong and merely "human tradition". Now, with your post in mind, it seems he corrupts even that term and as is true of his kind, abuses the language for his own ends.

    If abiding the clear teaching of Scripture is a human tradition, it is only true insofar as anything can be, yet in this case having its source the Word of God.


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