Sunday, July 16, 2023


Many of us feel like we're living in unprecedented times. Never has there been such immorality, such depravity, such evil. We in our times have developed more and more means of sin and more and more embracing of sin and, as a natural consequence, less and less awareness of it all. Like frogs in a pot, we've become used to it and barely recognize the sinful conditions or the downward spiral we're in.

I would argue that it's just not true. This sin problem has been around since the beginning. Starting with Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the garden, we've always been on this cycle of decay and destruction. God had to wipe it out in Noah's time and start over -- a "great reset" as it were. He doesn't do that anymore, but He has required "resets" throughout history to counter the constant slide. There was Abraham and Moses, a constant cycle of sin and judgment in early Israel, a Messiah -- God Incarnate -- and so on. From what I've read, Roman society achieved far worse sin than we've yet attained. But we won't be second place and we're working hard to exceed their depravity. I think we're on the path to do it, too.

Sin in our world is not unprecedented. What is unprecedented is God. Never before has there been a God like ours. There is none like Him (2 Sam 7:22; 1 Chron 17:20; Jer 10:6-7). This world and its depravity -- former, present, or future -- is not a surprise to Him. It is not out of His control. It is not beyond His power. So while most people have only their world to go with the flow or stem the tide of sin, we have a God above and beyond the whole conflagration. When you look around and find yourself worrying about tomorrow because today it looks like unprecedented evil, remember: we have an unprecedented God and He always wins.


  1. Yes, and since God apparently sees fit to allow our culture to continue to exist and hasn't stepped in yet to bring it all to an end, we can know for sure it will get worse. I just hope to have moved on to heaven before that happens!


  2. Always good to have a reminder that He wins in the end, and that even the unpleasant things are for our good.


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