Saturday, July 15, 2023

News Weakly - 7/15/23

In her true "shake things up and change the world" style, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has endorsed the rich old white guy, Joe Biden, for president in 2024. Another good reason not to vote for Biden.

The CDC has issued guidelines in their "Health Equity Considerations" for biological males who wish to "breastfeed" their infants. Never mind the difficulty. Never mind the effects of the medication required on the infant (unknown at present). Never mind the concept of "unnatural." And they say we're "anti-science."

Losing His Religion
Jesus famously prayed, "Our Father in heaven ..." (Matt 6:9). Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell has decided that the phrase is "problematic." I find it problematic when someone calling themselves a "Christ follower" considers Christ's choice of words "problematic." If people have a problem with it, they need to be adjusted, not Jesus.

Finally! Some Good News
The Writers Guild has been on strike since June and now the SAG-AFTRA actors are striking as well. They need "higher compensation." To me this seems like good news. I mean, we can surely do without Hollywood for awhile, can't we? Or are we all addicts that need to quit cold turkey?

I'm Okay, You ... Not So Much
I have no reason to support a church that calls for capital punishment for gay people, but there is another problem here. LGBTQ+ forces are upset about not being accepted where they are, but they're protesting a church moving to Dallas County. "You're not welcome here!" Except ... wasn't that the message that the church is giving that they don't want to hear?

Hard to Beelieve
They finally released Sound of Freedom, a true movie about an agent that went rogue to free kids from sex trafficking. The Bee jokes about how Hollywood is baffled that they would portray child sex traffickers as bad guys. I'd laugh if I didn't feel like it might be too close to the truth. In California, they realized that Spanish only has two gender options for nouns, so they've banned Spanish. And now D.C. residents are voicing concerns about a crack house on Pennsylvania Ave that could drag down housing prices.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. The Left definitely doesn't like the Sound of Freedom movie. They're calling it connecting propaganda. Apparently, opposing anything produced by Christians is more important that opposing sex trafficking.

  2. I guess when Ashton Kutcher testifies in front of congress about his work to stop trafficking, that's lauded by the left, but when a movie gets made, based on a true story, they'll go into attack mode. Rumors abound of theaters conveniently not having AC where this is being shown. Looking forward to seeing it.

    The very notion that any writers or actors are "underpaid" by any standard is simply absurd on it's face. Apparently the mean pay for writers is $140,000/year, and it looks like a "background actor" starts around $46,000/year. I assume that wouldn't limit a "background actor" from acting in multiple shows.

    The obvious solution would be for the stars to take less money from the limited pot available and allow others to earn more.

  3. Craig, Craig, you're not thinking. They're looking for a "living wage" and no one can survive in California on $46,000/year. That's just mean.

    David, I don't know if it's "Christian" (the studio is actually Mormon) or the suggestion that there is a connection between Hollywood, media, Disney in particular (they shelved the project before it could launch), and other Left-leaners. Given the whole Jeffrey Epstein sex ring (with child trafficking figuring large) that was connected to big money and big names, I'm not so sure they're not trying to protect themselves more than assault Christians.

  4. The media is claiming that child sex trafficking isn't as big a business as the movie makes it seem to be and is just a conspiracy.

  5. Yes. Minimize the problem. "Pay no attention to that little impropriety over there. It's these lousy QAnon people you need to worry about."

  6. Stan,

    I'm just being pro (their) choice to pursue that career.

    What's interesting is the folx bleating about how this could be the end of Hollywood, and how the whole system is going to come apart. I guess I don't see why a re boot of how our entertainment is provided is a bad thing. Why not blow it all up and start over? Obviously there will always be a desire for entertainment, and maybe getting rid of the entrenched system would be better of everyone.

  7. Consistent

    As if we needed another reason!

    There are so many Dem politicians who richly deserve public mockery. AOC is but one of them. Imagine the effect if they were constantly ridiculed. Biden is senile and was always stupid. His own now reject him...covertly at least. But almost all the rest (I'm being gracious here) aren't bright bulbs, either, so...


    More candidates for open mockery and ridicule. I believe a wise man once said: "Stupidity flourishes where good men don't point at it and laugh wildly and derisively." Indeed, I'm considering allowing feo's comments on my blog for that very purpose! "Stan bin laden"!!! HA!!

    Losing His Religion

    He'd be right at home at Jeff St.

    Finally! Some Good News

    Given the quality of most Hollywood movies these days, they all deserve massive pay cuts.

    I'm Okay, You ... Not So Much

    First, these people sound like the Westbury crowd! What a bunch of jokers! They're as unChristian as are "Christian" churches who enable homosexual people!

    "Anderson leads the network of churches that the Stedfast Baptist Church is a part of and founded the New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement."

    from WIKI:

    "The New IFB began with Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in response to perceived liberalism in other independent Baptist churches. The New IFB does not consider itself to be a denomination. As of 2019, the New IFB listed 32 affiliated congregations on its website, most in the U.S. with some in Australia, Canada, the Philippines and South Africa."

    It then says later they're down to 30 with 22 in the states. I was hoping to see something to determine how many total congregants there are for all of them. I recall Westbury being mostly members of the "pastor's" family. This is significant after Lynette Sharp worried about the danger because they're "a network of churches all over the country". Remember there aren't a great total of white racist memberships, either.

    "“I’ve always seen Cedar Hill as a super diverse area to live in,” Ramirez added."

    It certainly is now!

    “If we don’t protest it, it means we’re sort of accepting it."

    As Stan suggested, this is exactly how homosexuals got such clout in our culture today! I continue to protest their agenda, because I don't accept it. It's perverse and blatant rebellion against God who prohibits their behavior. And while God said they're deserving of death, the death for which they should have the greatest concern is spiritual. That means those of us who won't accept it don't need to call for their execution. I don't like either side of this debate and both sides need to check themselves.

    Hard to Beelieve

    "I'd laugh if I didn't feel like it might be too close to the truth."

    That's the genius of the Bee! They are close to the truth...all the time.

  8. Interestingly, Hollywood tends to lean far far left into the Socialism/communist realm. However, I don’t remember, hearing any outcry from within Hollywood about the high wage earners (or the extremely high, A-List actors) needing to make less and share with those less accomplished actors.
    Capitalism is such a dirty word, well except when it clearly benefits them

  9. The old "follow the money"?

  10. Doug,

    Great point. Presuming that each film/show has a budget for talent, if the top talent just took a little less (after all they'll be just fine with just a little less), then they'd be able to pay everyone else more. Problem solved.


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