Saturday, July 29, 2023

News Weakly - 7/29/23

Fascism in "I Disagree"
Researchers at Oregon State University were upset when they tried to survey engineering and computer science undergrads about racial and transgender issues. They concluded "fascist ideologues" were living there because of "malicious" responses like "Come on man, these questions are stupid. Everyone is a grab bag of genetics from all over the world." The researchers reported having their moral and mental health profoundly impacted. I'll be interested in the study that examines why "I am profoundly harmed by people who disagree with my worldview" is so widespread.

Proving the Case
I recently read a story that claimed that a transgender proved that "anti-trans" people were wrong when they said that men can't give birth. How? Well, this biological female who identified as male -- thus, by today's standard, is a male even though it's begging the question -- went off her testosterone, had intrauterine insemination, and had a baby daughter. There ... see? Classic logical fallacy. Claim: "A biological male cannot give birth." Response: "A biological female who believes she's a male can." QED. Case proved. Or ... not. (FYI, a uterus is exclusive to females. Believe the science.) "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools ..." (Rom 1:22)

Stranger Danger
Some people warn that cell phones can be dangerous. Others liken such talk to QAnon conspiracy thinking. Well, here's proof. A man in Ohio received a concussion when someone lost their iPhone on a roller coaster. See? Dangerous. (I mean, have you ever heard of any stranger danger?)

Fake News You Can Trust
You heard that Hunter Biden's plea deal hit a problem. The Bee tells us it's because his bribery check bounced. In the realm of Christian living, we've had an update. Gluttony has been demoted to "only 'kind of a sin'." Good to know. And I couldn't get the link, but the Bee had a great headline about a Christian who switched his ringtone to "Amen! Hallelujah!" Genius! Finally, in the wake of the mayor of NYC claiming they can't take anymore immigrants, there is a story about a new sign on the Statue of Liberty reading, "New Jersey -- that way." You know, since they won't admit your poor, tired, huddled masses anymore.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. "Stranger Danger", I like what you did there.

  2. Regarding Proving the Case: I can never understand why a biological woman claims that she wants to be a man yet chooses to gestate and give birth, thus solidly refuting her own stated desire. What aspect of being a man was she seeking and what part of being a woman was she rejecting? It just makes no sense. That person is the most confused individual I can imagine. I pity the poor innocent baby.

    Regarding Stranger Danger: There was a TV program that aired 2008-2012 based on all sorts of even stranger and more deadly dangers than that bizarre cell phone injury. It was called “1,000 Ways to Die” and was actually quite horrible. I remember being aghast that the unfortunate demise of so many people was presented as entertainment.


  3. Lorna,

    Just a guess, but I think these demented people are simply trying to "prove a point". Those of the LGBTQSYZ+++$&@ regard children as props and accessories, like purses or bracelets. For a woman to pretend she's a man just to "prove" men can get pregnant is such a pathetically obvious angle to play. But they actually believe it profound. As Stan finished up that piece,

    ""Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools ..." (Rom 1:22)"

  4. Fascism in "I Disagree"

    Isn't this the case where respondents mockingly self-identified as "Apache Attack Helicopters"?

    When kids are mocking you, you're likely doing something wrong.

    Proving the Case

    All they prove is the reality of their mental disorder.

    Stranger Danger

    Cell phones is one of the most evil inventions ever, despite whatever good intention may have gone into creating them.

    Fake News You Can Trust

    Lot's of whining by those who scolded smarter people about those poor refugees and illegals. Makes me laugh.

  5. Marshal Art, I agree with you! But it seems to me that instead of proving that men can get pregnant, these women—in spite of themselves—are actually instead verifying the truth that women can’t become men. You would think they would eschew any such “womanly” behavior such as gestation, birth, breastfeeding, etc., if they want to “be a man,” since engaging in those activities completely refutes their claim to have transitioned from female to male! Their angle is pathetic, as you say, because it proves the very opposite—that they indeed did not cease being women for one little second (or nine months)! It seems so obvious to us, but they do not see that, as pointed out, due to foolish hearts and minds. They are a very sad bunch indeed.


  6. The worst part is the physical and emotional damage those parents are going to do to that child. The artificial chemicals she put in her body to try to assist masculine doubtfully fully left her system and then transferred some to her child, and the emotional damage of growing up with a father that accepts the insanity and a mentally deranged mother.

  7. Lorna,
    You statement is PRICELESS!


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