Sunday, July 30, 2023

All We Need is Love

In the '60's they told us, "All you need is love." There was a lot of that in the '60's. "Come on, people now. Smile on your brother. Everybody get together, Try to love one another right now." How hard can it be? In the now famous words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

You'd think it would be easy. The '60's hippies urged us to "Make love, not war." There was a surprising (given today's cultural outlook) number of songs from black groups urging blacks and whites to all get along. If we just ask nicely, wouldn't it be a simple thing? Today, of course, the gaps are greater. "Polarized" they call it. Politically, socially, religiously, morally, in just about every way, we are so very far from "love one another" in everyday life that it can't even be imagined. During the Enlightenment, they thought, "If we could just apply scientific principles, we could solve all the world's problems ... without God." They called it "modernism." That one died after two rapid-fire world wars. One estsimate I read said that in 3400 years of recorded history we've had only 268 years without war. That is a pitiful record. And we don't appear to be making any headway toward ... love.

According to Paul, "It was for freedom that Christ set us free" (Gal 5:1). Free for what? "You were called to freedom, brethren," he told the Galatians so they could "through love serve one another" (Gal 5:13). "All we need is love"? Jesus thought so (Matt 22:37-40). But, as it turns out, love begins with an outward view, an inner selflessness, setting aside my concerns and desires for the sake of others. And, frankly, goes against human nature. It isn't natural. We might feel warmly toward others and we might even sacrifice some of ourselves for them, but, on the whole, that's a small number. We are not likely to "smile on your brother" and "get together" because we are primarily concerned about self. Which is why we need a Savior, a new birth, a new character. That's freedom -- freedom we don't really understand. Freedom to love. Something we desperatly need.


  1. Beatles said All you need is love, and then they broke up. (Larry Norman, Only visiting this planet) Immediately thought of that line. lol

    Good post

  2. Too bad we no longer know what love means. When we've arrived at the point that we think it impossible for something like an arranged marriage could ever have love involved shows we don't understand love and commitment.

  3. And who is our brother. By some commentators, "Brother" refers to those of the faith...those who follow Christ. I do not deny my inability to "smile on" those who would regard themselves as my brother but oppose everything I believe to be true. Many will say, "Lord, Lord". Many such aren't truly brothers. There are far more obvious examples of those who don't even want to be brotherly.

    I seek to be Christian toward everyone. I won't suffer fools. I won't regard as brothers those who oppose my Father in such blatant and obvious ways. I will not smile upon them.

    Good's hard enough with some who DON'T oppose our Father!!


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