Sunday, April 16, 2023

Today's the Day

This is the day that YHWH has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psa 118:24)
Scripture refers to the first day of the week -- Sunday -- as "the Lord's day." Good name. Beyond that, this is the day that God has made, and we are urged to "rejoice and be glad in it." Last Sunday was the annual remembrance of His resurrection, but every Sunday we celebrate, again, that event. It's a good practice. It's also a good practice to remember all His goodness, to "taste and see that YHWH is good" (Psa 34:8). So good.

We are rightly amazed at God's grace, that undeserved, unearned favor He shows us for reasons we can't quite comprehend, He has opted to be kind to us when we were His enemies and good to us when we were sinners. Truly amazing. We are also aware of, and should be equally stunned by, His mercy. We, who have made it our lifelong project to merit His wrath, have, instead, had that righteous anger laid on His perfect Son. We will not be getting our just desserts. Jesus took that. At the cross. Instead, we will be getting new life, just like Christ demonstrated at His resurrection.

There are, in fact, countless blessings. His constant providence, giving us just what we need. His gifts of family and friends and the fellowship found in them. Even carefully prepared trials to hone us and prove us and purify us. Today, we should be exulting in the glories of His grace and marvelling at His wondrous mercy. We should be thanking Him ... well ... in everything (1 Thess 5:18). Today's the day for that. So is tomorrow. The next day would be good, too ...

1 comment:

  1. It is a shame we are so forgetful, but it also is good because it makes us remember anew how good God is.


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