Monday, April 17, 2023

Crazy Times

We are quite familiar with two Greek words simply because we've borrowed them for English today. One is "hetero." If you look in the dictionary, the word means "heterosexual." In fact, the Greek word means "the other (of two), different, second." You can guess the other Greek word you know but didn't know -- "homo." In Latin, the word refers to "man," as in "Homo Sapiens," but in Greek it means "same." Thus, "homosexual" means "sexually attracted to the same sex" while "heterosexual" means "sexually attracted to the opposite sex." These two terms -- "same" and "opposite" -- comprise the basis for the L, G, and B of LGBT. "L's" are females who are attracted to females, "G's" are males who are attracted to males, and "B's" are "Bisexual" -- attracted to both sexes.

There is, of course, a problem. We have determined in our infinite cultural wisdom that "T" is a thing. We have decided that gender is a social construct and people live on a spectrum rather than a binary gender. For reasons that elude me, this new "fact" should be the end of LGB, but no one seems to notice. I mean, obviously, if there is no "binary gender" there can be no bisexual. If gender is on a spectrum, what is the opposite? I mean, think of "black" what is the opposite of black? Well, "white," of course. But that's because they are two ends of a spectrum. What, then, is the opposite of, say, "red"? No such thing since there is no opposite within the spectrum. And the whole "homo" and "hetero" and "bi" thing goes away. Here, think this through. Robert is attracted to the female gender. We would classify Robert as "heterosexual." But what if Robert now identifies as Roberta? Still attracted to females. Is Roberta heterosexual or homosexual? Both or neither? What if Roberta is "genderfluid"? How could you possibly classify this person? All the lines are not merely blurred; they're banned.

Imagine that there was a spike in Napoleon sightings in a region. Bobby comes home and says, "Mom, my teacher tells me I can identify as Napoleon, so I will. You need to treat me as Napoleon." And Suzy comes home and says, "Mom, my girlfriends are all identifying as Napoleon, so I will, too." So the parents arise and go to their kids' schools and say, "My child now identifies as Napoleon. Their pronouns will be 'your highness' or 'emperor' and you will accord them all the rights due their standing." They will post on Facebook how proud they are that their little Bobby or Suzy has come out as Napoleon and will support them in all their imperialistic endeavors. And we would all label as "Napoleon-phobic" anyone who disagreed. Will that happen? No, of course not. Those parents will run for help. "There's something wrong with my child. Clearly Napoleon is dead, so it is scientifically impossible for them to be Napoleon. What can you do for them to set them straight?" Isn't it ironic that "straight" is the word they would use? And isn't it odd that we can so clearly see both the nonsense of "I am Napoleon" and how a loving parent would be wrong to encourage it, but we can't seem to grasp the same of "I am some other sex than science says I am"? It is equally odd that the LGB crowd sees no threat to their existence by embracing the end of "homo" and "hetero." It's a strange world we're living in.


  1. Once again you have assessed an issue--one so plain to us but apparently not to the world--and have described its absurdity so clearly! That's why I read this blog every day!


  2. Amazingly, I've heard of a small group that actually wants to limit it to LGB. The T has never made sense. L, G, and B are all sexual desires. They are what they want from other people. T is the reverse. Of course, several on the rationally thinking side have argued that this whole transgenderism stuff both simply narcissism and the working out of sexual perversions. Particularly when they added drag queens into the transgender umbrella. Never before did drag queens identify as female, they were men that liked to put on a show as a "woman". Of course, all public transgenderism is putting on a show as the opposite sex. You'll notice that they are all hyper-stereotypes. If they weren't so celebrated, they'd be mocked for their portrayal. It's amazing because if someone white wanted to start wearing "Mexican" clothes and live a "Mexican" lifestyle, they'd be called racist and offensive, but do the same thing for sex (because they've now redefined gender as somehow different than sex and yet the same) and you're celebrated.


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