Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Grace In Which I Stand

In Romans 8 Paul tells us that wonderful thing he believes we already know.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. (Rom 8:28)
It is a mistake to read that verse in a vacuum because the very next verse explains what that good is toward which He is working all things.
For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. (Rom 8:29)
The good for which He is working all things is that the elect might be conformed to the image of His Son.

"Now, hang on, Stan," someone might object, "he didn't say anything about 'the elect'." No. He talked about the "predestined." Most people connect "elect" with "predestined" (along with "chosen"). That would be a mistake, not because they aren't connected, but because "predestined" is so much more than who will be saved. For instance, God's predestination inluded Christ's death at the hands of Pilate and the Jews (Acts 4:27). What I think is more interesting is the preceding notion -- "foreknew." We think of that as having information in advance, but that's not the biblical sense. Remember when Jesus spoke of those who would come to Him telling Him of all they had done for Him and He would tell them, "I never knew you" (Matt 7:23)? That wasn't a data point. It wasn't information. Of course the Omniscient Son of God knew them. So what was He talking about? He was talking about intimacy. He was talking about knowing them in a biblical way. No, not sexually, but intimately. Jesus said that eternal life was in knowing God. Now, didn't Paul say that we all know God (Rom 1:19-21)? So this isn't knowing about someone; it is knowing them. Intimate, loving, connected. So that's when this "foreknew" gets interesting. Those whom He foreknew -- was intimate with in advance, loved before they were born (2 Tim 1:9) -- He predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son. Our names were written in the book of life before anything existed (Rev 17:8).

I've heard people complain about election, being chosen. "You think you're superior somehow?" Not in the least. God chooses for God's purposes those on whom He sets a special love in advance. If we were to grasp that, we'd find no room for boasting and nothing left but a complete awe of the sovereign grace of God that saves sinners while we're still His enemies (Rom 5:6-10). Amazing!


  1. I've never understood the accusation of superiority of the elect. How is being chosen by God for nothing I've done or who I am in any way elitist? It seems to me that the person that is able to make God choose them by their wise choice of choosing Him has the superiority issue.

  2. David,

    It seems like that's the point. If YHWH chose someone without regard to what they do, then there's nothing to feel superior about.

  3. The (false) assumption is that He chose me because I was special somehow. This kind of election without any reason in myself is foreign to most.

  4. Stan, right on the money as usual.

  5. The easy trap for me is not one but both:
    1. I am chosen because I am special (works),
    2. I am special because I’m chosen.
    Followed by forgetting the main thing and/or taking God’s amazing constant goodness towards me for granted.
    If you are blessed to never fall to either of these, I deeply envy you.

  6. As Christian, if at any point you feel special for being saved, you don't understand grace.

  7. Oh to understand His amazing grace and the fullness of his love for me.
    Sadly it is mostly obscured daily from me due to incomplete death to self (my will), deception and pride.


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