Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Hearts and Minds

I saw a sign on our local Papa John's Pizza. They are hiring drivers. So far, so good. Below, it says on one side that it is a "Fully Phoenix-owned business." Then it says, "Earn up to $17-$25 per hour." And I am totally baffled.

First, the store is a "fully Phoenix-owned business" ... in Peoria, not Phoenix, let alone the strange suggestion that Phoenix owns this business. Odd. Second, this sign has been up for months. Really? Are there too few people who can drive that might consider "$17-$25 per hour" too little? And how expensive must these pizzas be if we're expected to pay these drivers that much money? But the real confusion in my mind is that phrase, "Earn up to $17-$25 per hour." First, "up to" is a limit. It is saying, in essence, "You can't earn more than this." If you went to work there and earned $10/hr, you'd have no room to complain because that meets the claim -- no more than. On the other hand, it might be conceivable that one could sue them for false advertising if they earned $27/hr because that is higher than the upper limit. But the real confusing part is this range thing. How can there be a range in "up to"? "Up to" is an upper limit and, apparently, it's a sliding limit. They didn't say, "You can earn $17-$25/hr." That would be understandable. It's a range. No, they put a range on a limit. How does that even make sense?

I know, I know, who cares? I don't. Not really. To me it's just another example of people not thinking. I suspect the sign was written "from the heart" with a complete removal of the mind. And that is a problem.


  1. One of the disadvantages of being well read is seeing all the grammatical and logical errors in print. I saw a deodorant that is "Vegan and cruelty free". Oh good, this deodorant doesn't have any vegans in it.

  2. David, are you suggesting that, in truth, there were vegans in that deodorant? :)

  3. Wouldn't vegans in deodorant make things smell worse?

  4. Your observations were accurate and humorous, as usual! I too have noticed the misuse of the word "range." I sometimes catch the TV show Antiques Roadshow, and the appraiser will invariably pronounce that an object is valued "in the range of $10,000" or some such figure. I always say to myself, "that isn't a range." They should say "in the area" or "around" or something similar.


  5. Well, based on the warning, I'd imagine other deodorants do have vegans in them, otherwise why advertise that your product is vegan free?


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