Saturday, March 04, 2023

News Weakly - 3/24/23

And ... There It Is
You may have heard of the "Asbury revival," an impromptu, unplanned, and originally quite private moment when people repented and prayed. Well, word got out and people started coming from almost literally everywhere to experience it, so the university had to throttle it back simply because of the crowds. Now, something like this can't be good in a world that hates God, so Insider is reporting that the event probably spread measles. Mind you, it is one case, but the anti-Christian LGBT folks labeled it a "superspreader." If they can cast some aspersions on something like this, they will.

The Trick of Pointing Fingers
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lost her bid for reelection in the latest election. She blames it on racist and sexist voters ... the only possible explanation. Or ... perhaps Chicago voters just don't like rising crime and ineffective mayors? Maybe?

Make Up Your Mind
Greta Thunberg can't seem to make up her mind. She is strongly, decisively, derisively against fossil fuels and for renewable energy, but she was detained by police in Norwary protesting ... wind turbines. So which is it, Greta?

Frozen Sunshine
Flagstaff, AZ has experienced the 2nd snowiest winter on record (11.6'). I'm telling you, if this global warming keeps up, we will all freeze to death. (Side note: These "News Weakly" entries are intended to be taken lightly. If you take offense at that, stop reading it.)

My Will Be Done
An Arizona school board member wearing green hair and cat ears at the meeting urged the school board not to allow hiring of teachers from the local Christian university. Her primary concern was that the university advertised that they are "committed to Jesus Christ, accomplishing his will and advancements on earth as in Heaven." As everyone knows, only "bilingual, disabled, neurodivergent Queer Black Latina" folk are allowed to accomplish their will on earth. She said, "I full-heartedly believe in the religious freedom and people being able to practice whatever faith that they have" unless, of course, its in opposition to her will.

Exclusive Inclusivity
Raquel Saraswati was the chief equity, inclusion, and culture officer of social justice organization American Friends Service Committee. She left her post when it turned out that, although she identified as a woman of color, she was not (a la Rachel Dolezal). I will seriously never understand how someone can identify as the opposite sex and we defend and embrace it but they cannot identify as a different race and this is "reasonable" and "fair" and "inclusive." Why the media and the rest refer to one as "transgender" and the other as "lying" completely baffles me.

What Has BEEn Going On?
According to the Bee, Lori Lightfoot blamed her loss on rampant murderphobia. (I guess you'd have to know about murder statistics in Chicago to get that joke.) Then there was the story about Southern California being covered in 6 feet of global warming after that massive snow storm. And an honorable mention for Genesius Times for their story on scientists warning that Earth could run out of conspiracy theories by 2025 if they keep coming true at the current rate.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. And…There it is
    Evidence shows the “revival” was planned.

  2. I suppose we can debate whether those that took part in the event were bold-faced liars (for reasons I don't quite comprehend -- what would it benefit them to lie about "spontaneous" and "unplanned"?), but I don't care. I'm naturally suspicious, but I'm generous enough that if God actually intended to touch hearts there -- planned or unplanned -- I'm in favor. And, of course, if it was a hoax, no hearts were touched, and it's all a lie, I just chalk it up to Satan's normal practices. But, like Paul, I say, "What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and in this I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice" (Php 1:18)

  3. I never actually expect Environmentalists to be consistent. I imagine the boat she famously sailed across the Atlantic was made of fiberglass, the same thing those wind turbines are made from. I imagine most of those people decry the destruction of the planet yet still use the same resources we normies do. It was once said by a liberal theologian (I forget who) that in order to use all the modern conveniences offered by science, we must no longer believe in the supernatural events described in Scripture. Well, let's turn that around and say that if you think using modern technology will kill the planet, maybe it's time you started living in a branch lean-to in the forest.

  4. But ... then you'd be breaking branches off trees ... killer.

  5. Hadn't thought of that. And if you use the detritus on the floor you're stealing future nutrients from the forest. The only true way to have no negative impact on the environment would be to kill oneself.

  6. And sadly the school board agreed with the obviously deeply confused LGBQ-XYZ board member and broke relationship with the Christian college that had been supplying interns and aides in a time of Massive teacher shortage. Self-destructive and trying to take everybody else down with them.

  7. Stan,

    As your post from a few days after this pointed out, YHWH can use all sorts of flawed and imperfect people and events in order to move His plans and purposes forward. As was said in regards to the early church, "If this movement is from YHWH then nothing we can do is going to be able to stop it. If this movement is not from YHWH then it'll die out like these things tend to do." (or words to that effect)

    Hypocrisy among those who advocate for environmentalism is literally part and parcel of the movement. From Gore's mega mansion, Kerry's yachts and private planes, P-Bo's beachfront homes, and Leo's yacht, they're all a bunch of folks who live "Do as I say, not as I do." out regularly.

    Lightfoot, got beaten by a black guy in a city that is close to majority black, yet she thinks racism was what did her in. Insane. I wonder how many dead folks voted against her.

  8. Lightfoot's claim is simply ridiculous since she was the incumbent. If people weren't voting for her because of her race, why did that change between elections.

  9. David,

    I think you meant to say that Lightfoot and virtually everything she says is simply ridiculous.


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