Friday, March 03, 2023


It is not uncommon in this blog or in my life for people to try to set me straight. Sometimes it's in details and sometimes it's as big as worldviews. In theory that's all well and good. We are human, aren't we? To err is human, isn't it? None of us are infallible. I get it. In fact, I am aware that I am often wrong and need and find correction. So I get it. But here's the thing. My worldview -- the big picture -- is predicated on lots of data, information, facts, reasons, logic, and even history. So when you decide I need to change my worldview, you should consider what you're demanding of me.

I have not always been a Christian. I have not always believed what I believe now. I have not always been sure about the reliability or authority of Scripture, the truthfulness of genuine Christianity, or the whole "saved by grace apart from works" thing (and all that goes with it). I have become convinced of it over time. And, over time, it has become more and more certain ... not less. It fits. It is coherent. It makes sense. Unlike so many other views that sound reasonable for a moment ... until you put them alongside other components of the same views. Until you look at the bigger picture and just say, "Wait, that just doesn't hold up." So when you tell me, for instance, "You can't rely on the Bible as a source of inerrant and infallible information or authority in matters of faith and practice," you might as well tell me, "You can't really know anything in this existence because all that makes perfect sense to you is wrong and all that makes perfect sense to me is right and you need to change ... essentially everything you believe." The offer, then, is to eliminate any foundation, any footing, any reasoning, anything that I can know at all and to do so without substitute. No other worldview suffices based on all the information I have, and urging me to eliminate the only one that makes sense is not a minor issue.

I am, as Luther expressed it, "captive to the Word of God." Unless convinced by Scripture and evident reason, I can do no other. So, while I can certainly do with correction in a lot of areas and, in fact, can even appreciate it, I cannot see my way through to undercutting my entire worldview to satisfy those of you who say otherwise. For you, then, I have one simple request. Tolerance is defined as the willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. Tolerance is not agreeing to those things, but allowing them to go on. My request is that you would show me some of that simple tolerance you tout but don't seem to want to practice. Thanks.


  1. I've recently come to the conclusion that orthodox Christianity is the only internally and externally consistent worldview. I've often said that if Christianity were to be proven to be false to me, no other religion or world view could be correct instead.

  2. Amen. Too bad your request is unlikely to be granted by those who insist you're mistaken. Some will even regard your position as bigotry, intolerance and oppression and they'll deny you your position on that assertion alone, with not a shred of evidence of their own to support their side. I continue to row against such a wave of hatred and moral corruption even now. They know what they know and feel no obligation to explain themselves beyond at best, some token effort which truly fails to satisfy any concerns, objections, criticisms or questions. Indeed, the mere "arrogance" of questioning is considered rude and disrespectful. Their aim is to stifle goodness and truth as we see and know it, to demean and demonize those who adhere to it and to promote their corruptions, perversions and hatred as some kind of "good".

    It's truly a losing battle which I fear may result in actual battle in the not-too-distant future. That could very well be His return.

  3. I, for one, appreciate and admire your strong convictions, which clearly underwrite all your postings. I know such persuasions are formed through sober thought and intelligent application, using the reasonable mind that God has blessed us with in just the way He intends. Reading your blog posts always strengthens my own convictions!


  4. David,

    I'm pretty sure Nancy Pearcy makes that point in one of her books. Not only is the the only one that is internally and externally consistent, but it also is the one that most logically explains what we see and experience coherently.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?