Monday, December 12, 2022

Moment by Moment

I've always been fascinated by a particular aspect of some of the Old Testament stories. Take, for instance, the Exodus. Israel, as slaves in Egypt, weren't interested in Moses's help. "Go away. You're only going to make it worse." But they sat through ten plagues, untouched; clearly from God. At the tenth, they went through elaborate preparations including smearing blood on the doorway and intricate food preparations. When the angel of death passed through, he skipped them and killed every firstborn in the nation. No mistaking it. This was God's work. So the Egyptians gave them riches and Pharaoh kicked them out and they headed for freedom. Then Pharaoh changed his mind and Israel found herself between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's pursuing army, blocked visibly by God. And the wind blew all night and dry land opened up and they walked across in safety and, when they were done, they stood and watched as the sea collapsed back on Pharaoh's army and drowned them all. Hooray!! So how is it that a mere few days later they were bemoaning Moses bringing them into the desert? "Sure, God is pretty impressive," they seemed to be saying, "but what has He done for us lately?"

We do the same. We forget quickly what He does for us. So, let me help you out. What has He done for you lately? Remember that breath you just took? That came from Him. Have you noticed how your atoms don't just fly apart, your molecules don't just scatter? That's His work. Did you eat today? He did that. Well ... you get the idea.

We, like the Israelites of old, tend to be a forgetful and ungrateful lot. Scripture says that all things belong to Him and that all things are "from Him and through Him and to Him." Something to keep in mind ... moment by moment.


  1. I wish thankfulness was my default position, not pride.

  2. I need to figure out how to make that more so for me.

  3. I agree. I've been trying to be more mindful of thanking Him for everything, yet it's all too easy to ignore Him.


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